Monday, December 27, 2010

2010: What a Year.

So much has happened in the last year. And once again I can't believe that the year has gone by so fast. I have been so incredibly blessed. So much has happened this year that Im grateful for. :)


-Geometry class. HA. I hated Geometry. But I had a blast goofing off with my classmates :P
-March for Life! That was so incredible.
-I started to understand football. And enjoyed it. And watched it with my Dad.
-Harry Potter Marathons!
-Zombieland. Dude. :D
- Those three snow blizzards that got us like a month off school (well...not quite...)
-Keith! Oh that was a great short film DP.
-That sledding party at the church
- Esther!
- Playing soccer for OBGC. And losing pretty much every game but it was still fun.
- Serving at the Banquet
-Doing 4H Kids n' Dogs.
- Going to NIH, often. The people at the gate recognize me now
-Women's Meeting at the Church with Elise Fitzpatrick.
- Iced Coffee and Muffin Mornings. :)
- Philly!!! :D That was so fun.
- Having my first Philly Cheese Steak, from Philly. And having a "Ladies Choice" from an old fashioned soda shop. It was brilliant.
- School ended.
- Graduation for Dylan and lots of my friends!
- I started Karate back up again. :)
- Summer Celebration. And raspberry iced tea.
- Gettysburg.
-Hershey park!
- Birthday week!
- Sweet Sixteen party with Dan!
- Youth Missions!
-Working at Butlers.
-Karate weekend. Testing day and competition.
- Pirate music camp. Ha.
- Drivers Ed. Highlight? Not sure... :P
-I got to know so many people and become good friends with them. Including Christian Zehr!
- The Youth Retreat
-The Beach! :D
-Sean and Steph's wedding.
-HEY JOEY! The Football game with Chris, Josh, and Arden. Arden is my long lost twin, just for the record ;) :D But yeah that was a blast.
- Martin and Janice's Wedding. :)
-Went to Chipotle for the first time. And two times after that. I love me some chipotle.
-Getting my wisdome teeth out. No, the pain was not fun. But, I did enjoy just staying home, relaxing, watching movies with friends and napping all the time.
- Pushing Daisies. Oh yes.
- Halloween, the harvest party dressing as cinderella, and having people over too.
- We be tubbin. DC with the Kelleys and the Allens was SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun.
- Midnight Premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
-Thanksgiving at my house.
- Esther came out on Dvd. Been working on Godspell.
-Christmas. :)

Monumental moments
-I got my learner's permit
-Sweet Sixteen
-Christian Zehr moved to Turkey and Caleb Hill moved to wales
-I joined the Glass Class. :P WW2
-My phone finally broke.

Amy Calderone was hospitalized and still struggling for life and consciousness.

Regrets? Plenty. More than I would like to have. I complained too much. I cried. I was lazy. I said things I didnt mean, and I often got carried away. I hurt SO many people emotionally. I treated stuff like a game, and caused myself to suffer. I didnt give as much as I should. I didnt spend as much time with the Lord that I would have liked.

Resolutions for 2011?

Strengthen my relationship with the Lord, and follow him wholeheartedly.
Be a better daughter, sister, and friend.
Not to be so stressed.
Not eat junk all the time.
Work hard so I can play hard.
To see that others are happy, and to care for them.

and I dont want to make any totally ridiculous ones right now.

I hope you all had a good 2010. And I hope you look forward to what this New Year brings. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas, let us start with Christmas Eve shall we? I went to the Christmas Eve service at church with my family, where I heard the gospel preached once again, gave and received gifts and hugged many people. :) I love Christmas. So much love all around. Then I went to my Aunt Mo's house, and we stayed there until like 11 because we were watching "Its a wonderful life". So I chilled with my family and my Aunts, and cousins, ate food and laughed a lot. Then completely crashed in bed.

Then who wakes us up at 7:30 to open stockings? Oh that would be my father. :P Yup so we got up, opened the little things in our stockings. We each got sleds and little things...kiera and I got these little things called "singamagigs" that open their mouths and sing in harmony. heehee. Then mom started to get breakfast together and we waited like an hour for my grandparents showed up. Then we opened presents, and it was great. I was totally surprised by stuff that I got. And I'm really happy with it. Its funny how well my parents know me. One of my presents was a Cinderella doll. I was so excited. Plus Mom and Dad loved the present I got them so YAY! :D

Then some of my extended family came over for brunch, and hung out until like one. Then we chilled, I started watching A Christmas Story then about fifteen minutes later I left with my family to go to my grandparents. We had Christmas dinner around 3:30, with my grandparents, and my Aunt Lois and Uncle Mikey. It was delicious and so stuffing, after a like twenty minute nap we opened a few gifts from Mimi and Popop and our Aunt and Uncle. Then dessert. We had a busy crazy fun blessed day. It was wonderful.

I hope your Christmas was full of fun and good memories. :)

Stay tuned for my post on highlights of 2010. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve.

Today is Christmas Eve. How did this happen? It doesnt matter now, I am just so excited. I'm so happy for pretty much no apparent reason. But I'm still struggling to think of what to do with Mom and Dads present cause the more I wonder about it, the more I think they won't like it....

but so much is going to happen! Christmas Eve service, then going to Aunt Moe's house to hang out with my cousins. Then tomorrow morning, opening presents with the family, then brunch with all the relatives and then going to Mimi and Popops for Christmas dinner. :) It will be brilliant. :)

Merry Christmas Eve.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Immmm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exciteedddddddd

SOOO lots of things are happening that Im excited about
First off Christmas is coming!!!! like seriously....five days...WHAT??? IM SO FREAKING EXCITED
oh and I just saw ESTHER ON DVD TODAY! SO EXCITED! :D :D :D its amazing, and Im not just saying that cause I was in it...seriously. its amazing. buy it. watch it. love it.
and I just finished a practically two hour chat with one of my best buds who lives in Turkey (and now has purple hair)

yes. happiness abounds.

(ps still be praying for amy!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


if you haven't heard, Amy Calderone, a dear friend of mine, had a brain hemorage and had to have emergency surgery today. the part of the brain that was hemmoraged was the part that controls involuntary processes such as breathing- which is vital to survival. PLEASE pray that God would work a Miracle, and if this be his will, to SAVE AMY'S LIFE!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas time is here...happiness and cheer...

I'm not even going to bother going through all the crazy stuff that's been going on lately.

Why don't we start with CHRISTMAS IS COMING! We are less than TWO WEEKS AWAY. And I, am soooo excited. But I still have so much to get!

Do you know that feeling when you're getting someone something and you know they're going to love it? You just have to wait to see the look on their face? Oh yes. I love being in cahoots. It's my favorite place to be. heeheeheehee.

And let us not forget the reason for the season. Jesus, who came to earth as a baby.

"The first time that you opened your eyes did you realize that you would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left your lips did you that it would change this world forever?
And I. I celebrate the day that you were born to die,
So I might one day pray for you to save my life."
(I celebrate the day- relient k)

I'm so excited for things that I'm going to be doing these next couple of weeks. :) I just hope I get my homework done. :P

13 days. :D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

You ever feel surrounded by so many people yet so alone?
Yeah. Thats how I feel.
I don't even want to explain why, but since the beginning of the school year I've been going through some significant trial. And even though I've been putting on a happy face, and I have been happy at points- generally I've been really discouraged. Upset with myself, others, and generally feeling alone and lost in the world.
And I want to be desperate for God. And Im trying, but the devil has a hold on me in this sadness that I can't explain. And I can't fight it by myself, I realize that. I need God. And I need my family. and my friends. and the church.
I'm just struggling.

Just...please pray. Don't ask for the specifics, but please please pray.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving at the Smith House :)

So my Dads side of the family is large. Every year we try to get together as many people as we can to celebrate Thanksgiving. And we host it at my house. This year there were 20 of us eating (plus baby Eleanor. :D ) It was a big meal.
Oh yeah the table was set all through the middle of our house. It was a blast. I mean, does that not look like a party right there? :P
Not to mention the house smelled AMAZING....we had so much SEVEN PIES...its the day after and we still have half of a pecan pie, half of an apple pie, one piece of toll house and a full pumpkin pie. Oh yeah. It was crazy...Not to mention Popop's coconut cake...YUMMMM.... Yes the feast with all my relatives was incredible. Just eating and talking and laughing and being a family. :)
The table was beautiful thanks to Kiera...She decorated with this cool pumpkins and gourds Mimi gave her. And she made an amazing runner down the middle of the table with her mad art skillz. But you know what thanksgiving is really all about? We've been given so much. Life, love, happiness, a free country, a savior. God continues to show his love for us in miracles all the time.
Like this little one.
Baby Eleanor... my cousin Danny's daughter. He and his wife's first child. She's not even two months old yet...and let me tell you she is precious. You know when you see a child so beautiful you just want to have one and hold it forever? Yeah. I totally had that moment, when I saw Baby E for the first time. :)
Look at the daddy with his daughter. AHHHH I just love it so much. I love life. I love friends. I love love. And I love my family. My parents. My God. Being able to communicate with people across the world. I love babies and shopping and christmas and gifts and presents and bows and misletoe (whoa...maybe not...) and movies with friends and laughing til I cry and big bear hugs and pajamas and a warm home and a free country.

Lots of Love. :D hahaha I hope you all had as brilliant of a Thanksgiving as I did.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Harry Potter 7

So. Last thursday night I went to the Midnight Premiere of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows.

It was awesome. Beyond awesome. Hung out with nerds and some of my best friends, hyped up on sugar, dressed up at characters. Isn't it crazy how much I look like Ginny? Oh yes it was fun.

This is just a short post cause I'm going to do a big one on thanksgiving.

Have a Great Thanksgiving you all. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We be tubbin.

So last weekend I got to go to DC with some of my best friends. Elizabeth Kelley and her family brought me and Andrew and Liam Allen with them to DC for a few days! It was amazing. (Please Read and Comment :D)

First on Friday, I got picked up by the Kelleys. We picked up Elizabeth at college and drove to DC. We met up with Mr Kelley and the allens and David at the hotel. The Hotel was amazing. it was totally above our style- way cool :D

We spent all the rest of the evening chilling in our suite. :D The boys had a room with two beds (and the other two slept on the floor) Mr and Mrs Kelley had the masterbedroom, and Elizabeth and I stayed on the couch bed. We chilled in the guys room and watched movies, had dinner with the fam...then we went to the hot tub. :) After watching the first X men and talking and laughing til 1 am, we finally decided to go to bed.

across the street from our hotel was the Gaylord National...and there was this RED WINDOW that was flashing the whole night. It'd go yellow and orange, then solid red. Strangest thing ever!

"Why hello ladies..."

deep voice woke us up in the morning...Kevin of course. it was almost ten and the boys were already having breakfast and elizabeth and I were still sleeping. :P Hahaha, well, we had breakfast and decided to head out into DC.
We went to Art Museum and Musuem of Natural History. :) Me, Elizabeth, Liam and David. Andrew and Kevin went somewhere else. :P I loved those museums...and their overpriced chicken tenders....
We spent our afternoon enjoying every bit of DC that we could...catching moments. Little things and details you can catch if you just look hard enough. We'd elbow eachother and go "Moment!" and then point it out. It was so cute the moments we caught. :)
Then we went to the Kennedy Center to catch a jazz show. :) The singer was brilliant, her voice was so smooth. I just loved the sound.

Oh and the roof of the Kennedy Center? Thats pretty awesome too. I had never been up there. It was soooo cool. And cold. Quite cold. But the view was amazing.

Then on the way back to the hotel. We got very lost. Went the opposite direction of the hotel. The drivers were stressed out. In the back seat we decided to be quiet cause it was late and we didnt want to get them upset. Liam was my carbuddy. I leaned on his shoulder in the car :P hahaha we were all sooooo tired....
so we went tubbin.
hot tub.
"We be tubbin." "tubbbiinnnn" "it sounds so white when you say it Kylie..." "I am white! I can't help it...We be tubbin."
hahahahha ahhh it was so awesome.

stayed up til 1 again. the red window was still there. (creepy) next morning got up earlier, cause we needed to get tickets so we could get up the washington monument. :D Then we went to the American History museum- which is now my favorite musuem. It was so cool! There was so much culture stuff there, C3PO, the ruby slippers, lion king costumes, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, the eggs from jurassic park...TONS of way cool stuff. Plus the history exhibits which were cool too. :) Especially the WW2 one...
and get this. I went to Julia Child's kitchen. :D
oh yes.

Then we went to McDonalds for lunch, then to the Washington Monument. I had never been up there before. It is SO cool. If you havent done it, do it. The view is way beyond anything I could describe. :)

Then we went home and had dinner. Chilled in the hotel as long as we could just laughing over's the highlights
"Tubbin!" Car buddy... "Why does it smell like smoke in here?" "Cause I'm so hot..." Kylie Hair, sweater hugs, MOMENT!, LEK, KEL, ELK, OX, Red window, Andrew is so lame :P, classy hotel...
Oh yes. It was fun.
thanks for taking me along guys. :D I had SOOOO much fun.
new post coming soon on Harry Potter!



Sunday, November 7, 2010

"The facts were these..."

I love the piemaker. Ned+Charlotte (chuck) Charles forever. :) ^ They are the sweetest couple.

anyway...the facts were these.

Kylie Smith thought it necessary to post on her blog as it had been 9 days and 11 hours since she had posted last. So now she seeks to tell how her life has turned out in 9 days and 11 hours.

The Harvest Party was amazing. I went as Cinderella, and I'm sure I'll post some of those pictures in later posts. I had a ton of fun serving with my friends. Then on Halloween, I actually had some of my friends over- Allie, Jenna, Kirstin, Jayme, Erik, David and Drew. :) We watched 'The Nightmare Before Christmas" then went trick or treating in my old neighborhood (yes...we teenagers went trick or treating. and it was AWESOME. So don't you judge us.) then we came back home and watched Wallace and Gromit and the Curse of the Were Rabbit. Heehehee. Yes.

Then the next day, Monday, I had lots of school to do. And it was the first day of November?? What? Where has my life gone? Well anyway, Monday evening I got off of work so I could go see Chris' Orchestra concert. It was brilliant. I loved it (though there was one piece that wasn't that spectacular :P haha and they know exactly what I mean by that.) But he played beautifully, and I felt like I was swept into a whole new musical world. Amazing. Well done Chris! :)

Of course...then I got home after curfew and um...Dad wasn't all that happy with me... :P So therefore, I am grounded from seeing friends until I'm caught up with school. Which I'm actually up doing still, Im taking a break cause my wrist hurts so bad from writing in my Literature journal. :P So yup. Catching up on school is pretty miserable. It kept me from going to the square dance and a movie night and West Side Story.

And oh yeah, the Perdues got in a car accident! But they're okay now, Praise the Lord. I was so scared for a while. Just continuing to pray for healing that they wouldn't be sore. :)

Oh and I had incars this week. Done a lot of driving, which is awesome. :) And normal work at the karate studio. Man I love those kids. :D And I learned we're getting a Chipotle in Mt. Airy! :D YES!

And had rehearsal this weekend, I can't wait for you all to see the show. It's going to be great, I can tell already. Pray for everyone involved to be mature and self controlled.

and then...more homework. And Kung Fu Panda! "Noodles...don't noodles...Kung Fu...Don't Kung Fu..." good stuff. :)

and I'm still doing homework. :P so please be praying that I would be diligent with school, wise in my decisions, and be constantly praying wholeheartedly.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Once again. Too busy.

Short Post.
I'm way behind in school.
My time management sucks (why else would I be blogging?)
Always tired.


...and Chocolate.........

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can I just say how much I loved this week?

Of course I can. It's my blog. HA.

So Yes I got my wisdom teeth out. And yes the pain was quite obnoxious. But, I had a good week none the less. I relaxed pretty much all week. I camped out on my couch, took naps, watched movies, lived off of mushy food...and my friends came to visit me. :) Oh yeah and did I mention NO working or hw? I gotta stress...its a good feeling.

So first, on Wednesday, I woke up and was left home alone pretty much ALL day. I took my medicine, ate my applesauce, and basically chatted with people the majority of the morning. Watched "Dear John" which...sucked. That book was the one that tore my heart out (though it was a really well written book, it was just sad) and they did not capture that at all. Anyway after that I took a nap. (YAY NAP! I should nap more often, it's great...) and I just watched movies by myself for the majority of the day, till everyone came home around 6. Then at 8 Chris and Meghan came over to watch "How To Train Your Dragon" with me { which I had never seen } and it was AWESOME :D Great movie. Plus, they brought me a chocolate frosty, a tea and this genius slushie mug. :) So it all pieced together to be a lot of fun. Thanks for coming to see me Chris and Meghan. :D It means a lot.

Then thursday, I woke up...took my medicine and fell back asleep. Ha. But then I woke up cause Jayme and Kirstin came to see me :D It was awesome. They spent all day with me. First they made pancakes, and we watched Mulan, Robin Hood, and A Walk to Remember (they hadnt seen it.) They brought me lots of surprises. Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes :) duct tape flowers :) Well it was just a great day. It was awesome just having them chill with me. ALL day. I loved it. Oh yeah and Allie showed up at like seven and was there till ten too. :) Thank you for coming to be with me Jayme, Kirstin and Allie :D

Friday I had to get semi back to normal but spent most of the day napping and talking to my friends. Then went to the connect meeting. Then saturday I worked at the Karate studio, had rehearsal, and went to a birthday party.

This was the best week I've had in a long time. No stress, just relaxing and friends. I loved it. Thank you to everyone who made this week so awesome, even when I was a nasty sick person :P

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

diary of a chipmunk

Hello. My name is Kylie. This is my second day of being a chipmunk. Yesterday I got my wisdom teeth taken out. I was numb and napped for the majority of the day. I could hardly speak or eat, because my chin and lip were numb all day. I wasn't loopy really, I just couldnt remember half of the words I knew and I kept calling Ramil "Sammill" :P Hahaha. Then Jayme and Kirstin came to see me. :) This made me quite happy. I love seeing them so much. Even though I couldnt speak well and was a mess and stuff, and I felt pretty miserable...I loved seeing them. And then I napped some more...and blogged. Napped a little bit more. Then Elizabeth came to see me and brought me a tea. We watched an episode of pushing daisies, then I watched Biggest Loser and went to bed on the couch. :)

I woke up this morning. Very swollen. And sore. and flushed. I could feel my lip and chin when i woke up. And twice as much pain. Bleh. And I've been home alone talking to friends and and answering questions on formspring all day. Watching TV, havent taken my nap yet. I've had some medicine....and applesauce...and the potatoes are in the oven. So I'll have some of that later. Still watching Tv and talking to friends. Chris and Meghan are coming over tonight to watch How to Train Your Dragon with me tonight, and then tomorrow I'm have many more people come over at different times during the day. So I'm really looking forward to that :)

and thats what goes on in my chipmunk life. toodleloo.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

hello there lil brudda

um yes. Ramil and Me=ninja siblings. Who fight but laugh at stupid things and enjoy pulling pranks. Indeed.

Um I was going to blog but I really dont have much to say. October might kill me. Thats pretty much it.
two jobs= two much
wait..too much...
I never want to see another stinkbug again.
I want ribs. and chipotle. so bad.
Im going to learn Nianchi soon. i'm so excited.
the play starts soon.
Im getting my wisdom teeth out tuesday
I must go

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

chilly days, great friends, birthday parties and fall fests :D

So you know how when it gets really hot in the summer and all you want is it to be cooler? Then when it gets cooler all you want is for it to be warmer? Yeah. That's what's happening. I'm currently missing the beach, wrapped up in blankets, two shirts, a sweater, fleece pants, socks and slippers. And Im still cold. But at the same time, I kind of like it. :)

Well this past weekend was awesome. Crazy busy. The Mt Airy fall fest was so much fun. :D I had a great time with all my HiYa! Buddies and on top of that Jayme, Elizabeth and Bekah came to see me. It was so sweet. :) I loved hanging out with them. Then after I got home, I checked my email and realized I only had like ten minutes before I was getting picked up to go to a birthday party. I had a sweater dilemma and a goofy argument with my mom about which color worked better etc. Which caused us to be late picking up Drew, but we still had a grand old time at the party. :D :D :D :D :D

I got home just before midnight and went to bed. The next morning, first service, taco bell, fall fest, rain and Daraja! Daraja is this amazing children's choir from Kenya! They were incredible, I loved it. One of the girls gave me a big hug and it made my day. :)

And then I went home quite tired. Relaxed then had a tough start to a cold and rainy week.

I'm ready for Christmas.
Like, now. :D


comments pleasee :D

Friday, October 1, 2010

Because You Live

Because you live and breathe, because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help. Because you live in my world, there's as twice as many stars in the sky. Because you live, there's a reason why I carry on when I lose the fight. I want to give what you've given me, always.

I don't think I could survive without my friends. So many of them have been praying for me and checking up on me and encouraging me, and it has been SO helpful lately with all this stress. And they've been behind me every step of the way. I love my friends. :D You all are awesome :D :D :D

You know whats great? I was stressing out about working both jobs this weekend, and figures I'm working at Butlers NEXT week...not this week. Sheesh. :P Haha, that's actually really good.

I get to help HiYa! Karate at the Mt. Airy fall fest this weekend. :D Im not actually performing, but I'm going to be helping at the booth and doing other fun stuff. :D Its lots of fun! Stop by if you can!

and Im doing a classical song for voice lessons now. I'm kind of super excited. :D

hasta lasagna.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010 where it gets crazy.

Well Hello. I don't why I'm blogging ( I really should be studying for my Algebra 2 test that's due tomorrow.) I needed a break from the freakishly busy schedule and stress. School and work are pushing on me all the time. And then I dont even want to concentrate on studying HARDER for school so I can do better, which I really should do. But if I'm lost in the crazyness all the time...i might die.
School is hard. There's a lot expected of me. So far, Junior Year is being pretty tough. The subjects are hard, and it's a lot harder for me to concentrate and do well. Its all HARD.
And the play stuff is complicated. Like the rest of my life.
And Karate is physically exhausting. :P I love it, but man. I have to start eating better or I won't have any energy. At all. I'm currently living off of: cereal for breakfast (with the exception of days I get coffee and a bagel) then a late lunch, normally soup or ramen noodles- and pretty much a snack for dinner (excepting days I go to California tortilla after work). Yeah. I've been eating junk. When I actually eat. No wonder I'm hardly alive.
Oh yeah. And pumpkin season starts this week. Which means: I'm also working at Butlers! So that's going to be crazy too. (and I cant find my sweatshirt...which worries me...)

I love both my jobs. But I'm kind of like....freaking out as it is. :P So I'm gonna be super busy, and I'm hardly going to see anyone. I feel like I'm neglecting people... :(

PLEASE pray for me. I'm so stressed. :P


ps. this photo is from vaca, courtesy of Allie. I miss the fun days relaxing at the beach...........

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Megan and Kris's Wedding :)

So there is this girl named Megan who is my cousin. We lived next door to eachother until I was five, when we moved to another house still close by. Growing up Megan was always a very close cousin. Now...she is married to brilliant man named Kris. :)
Look at her... she's beaming. :) The ceremony was beautiful. It was in the Governor Calvert House in Annapolis, which is this beautiful historical building. And one of the coolest parts of the wedding was as a surprise: I got to sing to them. :)
I sang "At Last" which is a classic love song, it's super cute. It was so fun, because they didn't know I could really sing. Everyone was cheering and people were was one of the most adorable things I've ever been a part of. :)
And they loved it. :D

My soul face. ;) "A thrill that I had never known OOOOOOOOOHHHHH yeah you smiled oh and then the spell was cast...and here we heaven..." ♪♫
"For you are last." AH I'm still so excited just writing about it. Megan was so impressed, and said it was the sweetest thing ever. Kris said it was so special to them. :)

Aww. :) I love her. After dinner, and lots of fun dancing and partying. A Smith Tradition took place, the singing of Al Jolson's "You made me love you" by all the men of the family, and the groomsmen and of course the groom Kris (who did not know the words..hahaha)
Dylan, Ramil, Robert (cousin), Uncle Bob, Danny (cousin), Uncle Sandy, Dad, Matt (cousin) Kris and the groomsmen were to the side. It was great. Especially since Megan was singing along. This has generally got to be one of my favorite parts of Smith weddings. So fun. At one point, Dylan was holding Megan's champagne was hysterical.
Look at them. After seven years together, they are married "At Last". :) They what a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple. I love weddings, and seeing how happy couples are together. It's just so amazing. :) Congratulations Megan and Kris. You are incredible and I love you both very much. :)

~Kylie Clare~

ps. the picture below is my cousin Oliver :D :D :D He has mad dance skills. The women were swooning over him.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Um so. Life is crazy. And strange and complicated.
School is hard.
My moms a tough Chem teacher.
SAT vocab takes forever.
Karate hurts.
I hate not getting enough sleep.
Little kid crushes are the funniest things ever.
Mitchell and Mark make me laugh.
I miss my best bud in Turkey.
I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday (excluding the hohos I had last night). But I'm not really hungry.
I had a ton of fun at our rain photoshoot yesterday. :) Then Music cafe and watching pushing daisies. :D
I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me right now. and I don't like it.
I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
I'm singing at a wedding tonight. and I'm not ready. :-/
I could not sleep last night. Seriously. I fell asleep for the first time at 3:30 am. It was awful. My eyes hurt I'm so tired.
I really should be doing TOG right now...but Kiera has it and I'm chatting Christian...
I still feel like I'm having an adrenaline rush. which is weird cuz I havent eaten or drank (drank?drunk?druken?) anything today yet.
and I should really go.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Heeeyyyyy Jooooeeey!!!!!

So on Saturday, I got to go see the Terps play football against Morgan State. This was because I just so happen to know incredibly amazing people, in this case Chris Perdue. :D I went with him, Josh Hill, and Arden Anderson. And it was SOOOO much fun! Just hanging out with them all was fun (Arden was awesome, I had just met her but she is so fun and I must admit we are quite similar from what I could gather ;D ) and Chris took Josh and I on a tour of the Clarice Smith's Performing Arts building before the game...which was sooo cool (if I go there and do vocal performance, that's where I'd be like all the time :P )

oh yeah.. football. yeah so we sat in the student section, we were in section 13 right behind the end zone and right next to the band. It was pretty awesome :D Seriously, it was a blast! So much fun cheering and yelling, and many inside jokes were created ;) ;) ;)

and oh yeah, thanks to arden's awesomeness, we got food for free except for tips ( even though...I only had I kind of relied on others tips. I fail. :P ) but just the same that was great. :) and like I said, sweet seats, my friends, and a good game the terps creamed 62-3

after the game ended, we headed out, ...walking to the car was kind of terrifying. right on the highway, wedged next to cars parked on the shoulder for the game and passing cars. but I was in between josh and chris so that made me feel a little better. we went and got ice cream at cold stone :D then Chris took Josh and I home.

That was just a brief overview of all the little fun things that happened that added up to an incredible time! I had so much fun. :D Thanks Chris!

comments please! many more posts to come...if I get time...


Thursday, September 9, 2010

It has begun.

School is here. But we all know that now and there's no need to go on in boring detail about how my first week of school has gone so far :P MCI yesterday was great. I had two fun classes, dance and acting. :D and of course Chem with Mom in the morning.

But what was really exciting is what happened last night... :)
It was Wednesday, another day at the studio. But I knew that I was going to be testing for my brown with a stripe, the next belt.
It was a normal class. I got beat up a whole lot, and my legs were stretched beyond what I thought I could do. But at the end I was tested.

I had been practicing the whole hour before, all my combinations, one steps, and forms up to seven, which is what I needed. I knew them all, but when she asked for them out of order, I really had to concentrate. Then she asked me to do Pinan 5, which I know, but I didn't need for my test. I did it, trying to concentrate. I didn't do it as perfectly as I would have liked but it was good. Then after doing my combinations, she had me do 8+9, then sparring 8+9. By the time I had done everything she asked me, I was completely exhausted. I broke my board (horsekick...really fun :D ) and lined up with the rest of the class.

Then Susie announced, that instead of going from brown to brown with a stripe, they were moving me straight up to RED.

WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I was so surprised! I skipped a whole belt? I mean, what? :D :D :D I'm still super excited about it.

Well yes, that is the exciting news. And yes I must get back to school. So toodleloo. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The last week, the wedding, and today

So this past week was my last week of summer. And sad to say I did nothing extremely worthwhile. :P I cleaned, got ready for school, went to work, watched TV with my family, wrote some songs and sang...a lot. But that was pretty much it. And I watched Camp Rock 2 :P hahaha...

Then yesterday I got to help at and attend Martin and Janice's wedding. For those of you who don't know this couple, they are some of the coolest people I know and I adore them. Janice is Mrs. Mays daughter, and she's helped to direct Pilgrim and Esther and has done so much for us in the Acting ministry. I've done workshops and camps with Janice and I always learn so much, and she is so fun to be around. Then Martin Landry, who I first knew as Janice's boyfriend, then fiancee and NOW..her husband. :D Martin is a comedy genius. He's SO funny. And he's also extremely musically gifted. He and Janice did pretty much ALL the music for Esther. And they love each other so much. :) Now, they are married. Helping at their wedding was such a joy and attending the ceremony was beautiful. So congrats to Martin and Janice Landry!!! :D

And today...I went on a walk with Mom to Starbucks (her back's been hurting so she wanted to stretch it out a bit, please pray for her!) and I like starbucks. :) and this WEATHER...ahhh it's sooo pretty and it's cooling down. I love fall. It's my favorite season. :)

And I'll be going to our church service for the first time in two weeks :P First the youth retreat than vacation. Then I'm going to my cousin's baby shower!!! :D

then. a single day of summer left.

Monday, August 30, 2010

There's 104 days of Summer vacation and school comes along just to end it...

So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it..
Yesterday was the 104 day of summer vacation. Where has it gone? But I've done A LOT of stuff this summer. Here's 50 of my favorite things from this summer:

1. Went to Philly! :D Whooooo!
2. Shopped with Kirstin before she left for England
3. FSP graduation was amazing.
4. Dylan's grad party. And grad party hopping.
5. That blog post I did about my senior friends was one of my favorite blog posts.
6. Starting Karate Back up again! :D
7. Summer Celebration. So much fun.
8. Raspberry Iced Tea
9. Going to Gettysburg for a weekend with my grandparents. :)
10. Hershey Park :D whoooooo
11. Meeting the Hershey's Symphony Bar
12. Birthday week. :)
14. Getting to know Meghan and Chris better :)
15. Getting to know Christian Zehr!
16. Acting workshop with Janice. That was SO fun.
17. Hanging out with Katie and Alexis, watching Kung Fu Panda
18. YOUTH MISSIONS!!! :D AHHH That was incredible.
19. Auditioning for Godspell. That in and of itself was fun. :D
20. Callbacks.
21. Going shopping with my birthday money
22. Going to Toys r Us and Taco Bell with Dylan, Andrew and Jayme
23. Seeing Macbeth. WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :D
22. That funny time backstage with Allie and Kevin at THG when we nearly died laughing.
23. Planning Christian's going away party based on Alice in Wonderland...though we never actually had it.
24. Watching Into the Woods with Christian and Kimberly.
25. Christmas in July party. :D
26. Harry Potter Marathons with Allie and Jayme
27. Meeting people at Jimmie Cone :)
28. I made a clubhouse.
29. HiYa Karate weekend. :D
30. Getting third place during forms in the HiYa Classics competition
31. hahahah that 'musical theater camp' that I did about Pirates...hahaha...ohhhh that was funnyyyy....
32. Getting a postcard from Scotland!
33. Getting a belated birthday card from Uncle Kevin in Texas (random yes. but pretty awesome)
35. Having that sleepover and eating pizza the night Kirstin came home.
36. Drivers Ed. I can't nessacarily say this was 'fun' but with Kevin, Drew, Daniel, and David it did get pretty funny. :D
37. The Last couple of days with Christian before he went to Turkey
38. Sean and Steph's wedding. Oh my goodness it was so cute. I had so much fun helping at it!
39. Phineas and Ferb's "SUMMER BELONGS TO YOU"
40. The FAIR! :D
41. Church Picnics :)
42. That crazy hard storm and tornado warnings.
43. We're getting a bunny. :D
44. The fair parade ( I think this counts as a different number)
45. Getting to make new friends over the summer, especially with some of the sophmores and freshmen.
46. One of my friend's sweet sixteen. :) The dancing was amazing.
48. That amazing storm at the Youth retreat when it was POURING rain. that was so cool.
50. Relaxing... (sometimes anyway. )

yes. tell me what you think. :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't know much about History....

Don't know much Biology
Don't know much about a Science book
Don't know much about the French I took
But I do know that I love you
And I think that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be...
{Sam Cooke wonderful world}

So that totally doesnt relate to the post (does the title ever?) But life has been good here pretty much.

Here we go.

Friday. CoOp as always. Which was good. Iced Coffee and Muffin morning, good class. Then I had a meeting at Butlers Orchard. :D have I ever said I love my job? I do. It's hard (one of the hardest things I've ever done!) but I love it. I finally got to go on a tour of the whole farm, which was awesome. So many new things, and it's so pretty!

After the meeting, I went to an open house for Jayme and Kirstin's Dad. He became a Colonel! That's a really big deal. :) So I went to congratulate him and talk to their family. It was fun. :D Congrats Colonel Deweber! :D

Then I went to the Women's meeting at church. AH I wish I could right a post for every hour I was there. It was SO incredible! I learned so much and enjoyed fellowship with my sisters in Christ SO much!

Then the next day, another Iced Coffee and Muffing morning. Lots of sugar in the coffee. When we went to the women's meeting that morning, one of the games was asking who had the most sugar in their coffee. Instantly my mom starting laughing and I lowered my head! I put eight sugars in my coffee! but I lost, to a girl who put 20! thats just...gross...

The messages were incredible. Again! I cannot begin to express or explain how much I learned! Then after the conference, I went out to Lunch with my mom, Kiera, Jenn, Mrs Fairchild and Elizabeth and Mrs Kelley. :D YAY! And I totally failed doing what we just learned about. Kiera was irritating me, and instead of thinking "what did Jesus do? How can I do what he did?" I yelled at her. As soon as I did I realized what an idiot I am. This of course, spurred on a wonderful conversation. :D

Then I went to my soccer game. Played hard, regretted eating so close to a game. :P Man it was hot out! Someone's mom brought towels in ice water for us to wrap around our necks when we were on the bench. Which was SO amazing. Then we went home. You know that feeling (most people call it sunburn) when your skin is like on fire and you retain heat? Yeah I had that. Showered. Got ready to go, then got picked up by the Fairchilds to see Chris and Meghan play in their Orchestra. :D

Their Orchestra was incredible, everything was so beautifully played. Chris had a cello solo that blew me away! Well done, Chris and Meghan! You played spectacularly. :)

Then I got to go to Ihop (got lost on the way with Mrs Fairchild in a parking lot! :D ) and have some pancakes and Chocolate Milk with friends, and some members of the Perdue's orchestra too. It was tons of fun! :D

Then I got home. Couldn't sleep. I think it was the worst night of insomnia I have had. I ended up going down to my parents room, waking Mom up (through tears. I was very frustrated.) and she gave me medicine to make me go to sleep. So that was frustrating. But of course after that I slept well. Dad had mercy on me the next day, we were going to go to first service. He let me sleep in and go to second service. Thank you daddy.

At Church I got ALEX AND BRETT HARRIS' NEW BOOK: START HERE! :D :D :D As well as Elisabeth Elliot's book THROUGH GATES OF SPLENDOR! :D :D :D Yes...I'm extremely excited. I already finished Start Here. :D Incredible book. I highly recommend it.

Working on renovations of my Summer Blog. :D Starting back up soon!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ramil would make a terrible ninja.

Just saying.

Well hello! I actually have a space of time to blog! How amazing is that?? :D

So what's been going on? Lots! Severe senioritis, wanting to be done with school. Soccer, and learning how to run again. Haha! :D Seriously lots has been going on, and I will attempt to make this relatively short.

Starting with Kiera and I rearranged our room, and I really like it the new way. We have a room separator now (though it doesn't really separate well, haha. It's like a giant shutter...sorta) so I have more privacy and the light won't bother kiera on nights I'm up later. Plus, my side makes me feel like I'm in a treehouse. :D For those of you who don't know, having a treehouse has always been a dream of mine.

Well this week, I guess we'll start with Sunday. Church was good as always, I got to go to Kiera's volleyball game and dinner at BahaFresh with Mom and Dad. Then I spent some time at my friends the Perdues' house making cards and watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. :D Which pretty much equals an amazing time. "And the big brown bear came lo lopping over the mountain..." Thanks for having me, I had a great time!

Then a scary ride home in a storm. Not like Dylan was driving unsafe, Dylan's a good driver. It was just scary with the rain pouring and those HUGE lightning flashes. :-o

Then sleep...sort of. My sleep is still kind of failing. The next morning I woke up much earlier than I would have liked to, but took advantage of that time to have an extended quiet time. Monday is not my favorite all. Cause its the start of the school week and its hard. Which equals Geometry and Biology HW. But I surprisingly got my homework done earlier than usual, and got to relax the rest of the day.

Tuesday. Biology didn't go as well as I'd like, but it wasn't terrible. and I did three loads of laundry...know why? I made this deal with Dad that I can get my permit if I help with the laundry. I also discovered this is a wonderful way of talking mom out of Geometry help sessions. :) So lots of laundry, then I got to support my friends on the Varsity Baseball Team and my brother on the middle school team. Which, of course I really enjoyed (despite me freezing the second game ;P). :D Especially considering they both won. Yay! Then I got to watch the Biggest Loser. Yes. Good Day. :D

Wednesday. Today. I keep thinking it's Thursday. :P Haha. I woke up to this...
Of...course. This has to be the day I actually sleep well. "Dad, we don't have to be up for another forty five minutes Dad."
"You're going to NIH!"
"I don't even have to go. It's wednesday!"
"Well...You have to get up anyway!"
Classic Dad.
Then of course I had to get up and get going. But wednesday means starbucks. So I got my coffee (yes, I have officially switched to coffee. It's better for you, and it's cheaper. Win Win.) and my Blueberry muffin. Art was awesome, Composition was good. I recieved three texts while in class. I shall spare their names so they will not be forever shunned... ;)

Then Lunch. and I actually remembered it today! I mean...WOW. haha. I had a little hug! Like those drinks that are in bottles that look like barrels and are like bright green. My childhood in a bottle. Heehee. And of course Geometry was...geometry. Nothing exciting there. Then I came home and now I'm relaxing for a bit. :)

Comment, PLEASE! :D

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My cRaZy weekend :D

I'm not going to bore you with everything I've been doing the last month or so, and I'm trying to get my posts down to a smaller side. My busy weekend really did start with Friday, but since that was mostly school and 'normal' stuff I'll skip to Saturday.

Bright and early Saturday morning ( I woke up at 6, though it felt earlier) so I could get ready to go to Dog Agility Stewarding with Mom and Kiera. It was about an hour away and we had to get there at 7:30. So we got up, got out and went for coffee...and I got a blueberry muffin- you know the ones with the crystalized sugar on the top? AH! They are soooo good. :D :D :D
* cough * anyway....We got breakfast and stuff for the day and headed up, err down? I'm not sure, we headed in a direction away from our house :P haha. We got there, and it was still pretty dark out, because it was cloudy. And it was windy and coldd...brrr was it cold. Haha, this is kind of funny it's April- and I was wearing two shirts, two sweatshirts and a jacket. And my fleece hat and scarf. But I slowly got rid of layers, because I was on leashes. That means that when the trainer drops the leash, and the dog runs- I waited a couple of obstacles, grabbed the leash and jogged it over to the other side. This kept me relatively warm. I really did have a lot of fun, and I"m really enjoying 4H activities. It was also cool to hang out with Jenn and Meghan in between sessions and stuff :D

Then I had a fun car ride home with the Perdues and Fairchilds (thank you Mrs. Perdue for taking me home!) As soon as I got home I had about forty minutes to get everything ready for soccer and for the banquet.

Then our soccer game (soccer game #2) Only seven of our players were there, including me. We play seven on seven games, but I had to leave at halftime and so did another girl. So we only played a forty minute game. I felt bad, cause some of my teammates kind of gave up seeing as the other team had twice as many players as us, so they could easily switch people in and out when we couldn't and we had to play the whole game. So Dad challenged me a lot, normally I play defense- which I did. I played right defense, and it seemed like I was getting all of the action and it was so tough. The girl who was playing center(which in this game was like, center defense and center swing almost) wasn't giving it her all ( note: I'm not trying to talk bad about this person, she is an excellent soccer player but this wasn't her best game) so Dad moved me to center. Ow. That was really hard for me- and I was very frustrated. When I started to slow down, my dad would yell "KYLIE! THEY NEED YOU UP THERE! HUSSLE YOU CAN DO IT!" and I would respond, "I CAN'T BREATHE!!!" :P We lost 3:2 which isn't terrible. Dad told me later that I played really well, which was really encouraging. I told Dad that the reason I played well was because I was mad and I wanted the other team to play well, but lose. He said that's called 'competition' and it's common when you play sports. ;) hahahaha, I love my Dad.

As soon as I finished playing, I got my stuff and went to the PRIUS. Jayme and Kirstin picked me up from soccer. I almost died in their car. I was so tired and sore, and loopy. Jayme and Kirstin kept laughing at me, cause apparently I was acting very strange from my exhaustion. Oops. Haha.

Then I got to help serve at the Jr/Sr ban quet :D The sophmores get the opportunity to help before we go to the banquet as juniors. It was SO fun helping! I got to be a greeter at first and I loved being able to see everyone come in, all the girls in their gorgeous dresses and the guys in their very classy suits! :D Then I got to help around the kitchen and cleanup of course. Plus we got to watch the honors that they give out to some seniors, and specifically the 10:31 award winners. :D Each year, the 10:31 award is given to one girl and one guy who display godly character. There are always so many people in each class who could win the award, and this year it was given to Joanna Linn for the girls, and Chris Perdue for the guys. They are both amazing, godly people who I respect so much. It's so incredible to see God's work in you guys, and you inspire me to be more like him!

Then I got home around 11:30 and got to bed I think a little after 12. Then I woke up at 6:30 to get ready to go to church for THG. Once I got downstairs, I found that Dylan had crashed on the couch after coming home late. My Dad was watching the news and had brewed coffee. :) He looked scared half to death when I came downstairs. "How are you getting to church?" "Um last night you said Dylan would take me. He has to play piano." and then Dylan instantly woke up and said "RIGHT!" and got ready to go.

Once I got my coffee I was pretty full of energy and really happy. YAY! :D And I had a lot of fun doing worship, plus I got to see several of my friends sing in Select Choir for the kids. :)

It's been a great weekend, I've been so blessed. :D :D :D And it's not even done yet! I've still got my co-ops history feast tonight! Speaking of which, I should probably get into my costume.

:D God Bless!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Helllooooooo there!

Hi! I'm back...momentarily. So what's been going on? Too much! Esther! School! Birthdays! Tons of fun with friends! Just wanted to have a brief post saying...yes I am still alive (barely :P ) and I do remember that I have a blog. In just about a month, I'll be switching blogs back to Smiley Kylie Summer! :D :D :D


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Something fun. 50 things

I've been so busy lately! So I thought that I'd have some fun and post fifty things that you may or may not know about me. So here I go!

1. I was born the week that the 1994 World Cup was going on. When I was born all the doctors yelled "GOAL!!!"
2. When I was a baby, I didn't crawl for the longest time, I would roll over where I wanted to go. :P
3. My birthday is the day after my Moms. :)
4. I had the biggest dimples when I was little, and I still have them.
5. When I wanted my mom to hold me when I was little I would say "hold you" haha.
6. I lived next to my cousins for four years.
7. But I've lived in Damascus all my life and I love it here!
8. Jimmie Cone is walking distance from my house, as is Tom and Ray's the best diner EVER!
9. I fell right into a door once and I needed stiches on my forehead. I was two and I fell over, and the first thing Dylan said when mom walked in was "I DIDN'T DO IT!"
10. I broke my left arm (actually my elbow) when I fell off the couch when I was three.
11. I've grown up in a very musical family. We love to burst into song ( like you didn't already know that ;)
12. I love the Beatles, and the soundtrack to Across the Universe- I think the soundtrack to Across the Universe is better than some of the Beatles originals. I'm sorry. :P
13. The Beachboys are also amazing, especially their songs "Fun Fun Fun" "Surfin USA" and "Do you wanna dance?"
14. I LOVE CELTIC THUNDER! Keith Harkin especially (he also sang the beach boys songs above... :D double yay)
15. Okay, let's just face it I love all kinds of music pretty much. Except opera. I'm very diverse.
16. I love the TV show Phineas and Ferb. It's so fun, I love it.
17. I also love LOST. And my favorite character is Charlie.
18. And...The Biggest Loser. :D
19. I want to be a Nutritionist (thus why I find the Biggest Loser so interesting)
20. My favorite subjects are science and art.
21. Geometry hates me. And I hate it right back.
22. I'm a big fan of the old Disney movies. They were so good back in the day, what happened?
23. I love musicals, some of my favorites being Man of La Mancha and Little Shop of Horrors.
24. I hallucinate sometimes.
25. I make my own sound effects.
26. When I was in fifth grade, I wanted to be an astronaut more than anything- then I found out that they had to be really good at math. So much for that dream.
27. My Dad calls me Big K. lol.
28. When people stand behind me it freaks me out and I start getting claustrophobic. Especially when I'm on the computer.
29. I have really strange dreams often about people dying or getting married. The other times, all my dreams make absolutely no sense...or are very 'artsy' if you will. :P lol
30. I love food. I'm not one of those girls who's like "oh Im gonna only have a rice cracker and that'll hold me over until I'm anorexic-thin " I'm more like "Big Mac? Bring it oOon!!!!!!" (This also has caused a couple of fat comments from friends *cough* Kevin)
31. I love to read, especially books that make me laugh or cry.
32. The first thing I notice about a person is their eyes.
33. I have a lot of blonde moments.
34. Inside jokes are amazing, as long as I'm in on them ;)
35. I love art, especially painting.
36. I feel guilty really easily.
37. I've been known to sing incredibly loudly in the shower.
38. I love Bath and Body Works :D
39. Jeans are the best.
40. I love shoes, of all kinds. I like wearing heels sometimes, depending on how bad they hurt my feet. I love chucks. I want to paint on them.
41. My favorite color is green, like grassy green. Even though it doesn't look very good on me.
42. I wear blue a lot.
43. I own 32 sweaters. Yeah...
44. My blue eyes are getting greener and my hair is getting redder.
45. I have an amazing dog named Cassie.
46. I love Baltimore, and I think I might want to move there. Even though I'm more of a country type girl.
47. I love to dance :D
48. I'm pretty excited I'm almost done with this list.
49. I thought sleep was my friend, apparently not.
50. God's really good to me, though I fail to see it sometimes.


comments please.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I've been locked inside this house, all the while you hold the key

I've been dying to get out, it might be the death of me.
And even though there's no way of knowing where to go,
I promise I'm going because
I've got to get out of here.
I'm afraid that this complacency is something I can't shake
I've got to get out of here
and I'm begging you, I'm begging you, I'm begging you to be my escape.
(be my escape- relient k)

It's been a long time since I've blogged huh? Sorry it took so long- it's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog. (that was for you Elizabeth. :P )

So what's happened? Let's, more school and some more school. And rehearsal and rehearsal...

Monday after rehearsal, Kevin and David were over. :D Haha, it's always a fun time with these guys! "We should go to the thriftshop!" "The thriftshop closed at three." "Why?!" "Well...a whole bunch of old ladies work there...they need to get to bed!" :D hahahaha... We had several funny conversations while Dylan played video games :P

Then Tuesday, Biology was good. I was really sore from a dance move that a friend taught me that I tried to do without

Wednesday, good. Thursday good. Friday.

Friday is where it begins.

I'd been struggling from a lack of sleep for a long time (and still am) and Friday was the beginning...of the end. :P lol..not really but it was crazy. I had co-op right til rehearsal, and rehearsal went on until ten. Then after rehearsal, Elizabeth and Kevin and David came over because we needed to be up at the church again really early the next day. So the guys went to bed and me and Elizabeth went to my room and watched Hercules (:-D )...we then got into one of those "Im so extremely tired but I can't sleep so now I'm laughing over everything" phases. And guess what? Kiera slept through the whole thing. Win.

Then Saturday, we got up early and got ready to go- we had to be at the church at 8:30 . We got our breakfast and sang on the way to warm up our voices. After band we had rehearsal until four, then I had THG. Then near the end of THG Mrs Hoffman took a group of us (me and my friends lol) to American University where the Covenant Life girls and guy's Varsity were playing the championship game. :D Okay number 1) American University is amaazzzzinnnggg. number 2) the games were also quite amazing!!! I had so much fun cheering on my friends with other friends, and guess what? Both CovLife teams won! GO COUGARS! CHAMPIONS!

On the way home (I left after the first game, I was so tired) I fell asleep in the Hoffmans car. I woke up to the car shaking back and forth...thanks guys. :P

Then I went home, got ready for bed and fell asleep. I was awaken an hour later by a text. Merph.

Sunday I went to THG sooooo tired, but I still had a lot of fun. :) Tree House Gang is always fun, I love it a lot. After THG I went home, cleaned up and relaxed for the rest of the day...yes. :)

And so far this week has been pretty uneventful. Pretty depressing when it comes to school. :P I hate school and decisions...right now I just want to run away to Neverland for a while. sigh. It's one of those weeks this week... :( prayer and hugs are appreciated.

comments pleeaassseee! :D

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy days, sledding partys, sleepovers and Girl Appreciation Day


So where do we start? Friday. Friday I had rehearsal starting at two, and then went to a sledding party at the Church. On my way out of rehearsal, I went to catch up with Allie, and there was another girl standing with her- when she turned around, IT WAS KIRSTIN!!! I screamed and gave her a huge hug. :D Then there was an amazing sledding party at the church, the admin team had made so many cool runs for the sleds and they were so fast and fun to go down!

Then I went to Taco Bell with some friends, and was involved in a flash mob. :D Then Jayme drove us back to my house (Me and Kirstin were riding in the Prius, and Dylan drove his own car because he wanted to stay at the church longer instead of Taco Bell) We sang along to Skillet music in the car with harmonies :D Jayme figured out that's the best way to keep Kirstin and I from talking. :P haha. So when we got back to my house, I ate a sandwich, but you didn't need to know that ;) haha, and we talked around the table for a while, watched some Phineas and Ferb...but mainly, we played Beatles Rockband! :D It's always so fun when you have a whole band- the guitar, bass, drums, and three vocals. Very fun :D We were up until midnight playing rockband and then Kirstin and I stayed up late talking. The funny thing is that Kiera normally gets upset about this, but we turned on the light as soon as we got to my room and Kiera was fast asleep- but as soon as we turned off the light Kiera said half asleep " guys are so annoying..." :P

I woke up just before eight on Saturday morning, got ready and headed downstairs. We had breakfast and hung out for a little while before heading to the church for more rehearsal. Rehearsal was long...but at the end of the day, the sweetest thing happened. Some of the guys in the cast banded together to buy the girls in the cast and crew roses for Valentines Day-er- Girl Appreciation Day ;D David also wrote this amazing, hilarious poem for the girls. :D Thanks guys!

Then I got to help celebrate David's birthday with friends, which was a ton of fun! It was also fun to fellowship with friends, and get to know people I don't know as well like Jesse and Jonah. (Like, Jesse and David's woodland adventure? That Jesse. And Jonah is Keith in one of their newer videos :D They're both a ton of fun to be around.) I know I've said this before but I shall say it once again, Happy Birthday David- you rock!

I woke up this morning to find a card and chocolate from my Dad, as well as lots of sweets to celebrate Valentines day! Including strawberry shortcake and cherry pie. I love cherry pie! :D Love you Daddy!

I went to first service today, and there was an AMAZING message by CJ Mahaney about God's love and us being chosen. :) It really spoke to me, it was incredible.

Then I stuck around to talk to people, my family left and I stayed with Dylan cause he had starting point. So I talked with friends, and hung out for a little bit. Then I stayed until Dylan was done with Starting point, almost all the way through the second service.

And I know I've said this before too- but I have some of the best friends in the world! :D They are all so amazing, and through them all I've met so many awesome people! :D And on Valentines Day I'd just like to say to all of my friends that I love you so much! You all are incredible sisters and brothers in Christ, and I learn so much from you constantly. I am. I'm probably going to do some dancing, and a lot of singing to my self the rest of the day. And school starts back up tomorrow. Ugh.

If it snows...I'm going to die. Or maybe not die, just run away to Australia or the Philippines or somewhere WARM!

Comments Please! :D

Friday, February 12, 2010

I wish I had a soundtrack for Epic moments in my life.

I mean...don't we all? I just make my own soundtrack most of the time. :P

So I've been snowed in for about a week and I've been dying of being cooped up and not seeing anyone. But yesterday...all that changed!

Insert epic music here: Indiana Jones theme

So Dad decided that we should go bumper sliding yesterday. Bumper sliding is when someone (in this case, my dad) drives a 4wd vehicle (our suburban) and attaches a thick long rope to the back of the car, and the other end to the back of a sled. Then a person sits on the sled and is dragged along by the truck. :D

So we went around Damascus trying to find a neighborhood that wasn't plowed. Pretty much every street had been plowed! This destroys the point of bumper sliding!!! So...I knew the Porter's neighborhood hadn't been plowed yet so I called David and he said that they had about six inches of snow on the road. PERFECT! So I told him that we'd be coming through their neighborhood. So after a little bit, we showed up at the Porters, me being dragged along by the truck :D Amy and their cousin Jonah were in the front yard, and were pretty surprised to see me. So were the rest of the Porters when I walked in their house. :P haha. David and Jonah came bumper sliding with us :D It was SOOO fun! Plus it was such a relief to see and hang out with friends. Poor guys, I talked them to death- I was just so excited to see more familiar faces! Haha. Sorry!

But it was a lot of fun! When it wasn't our turn on the sleds we'd ride on the back of the track- which was really scary and dangerous at one point when four of us were riding the back of the truck. :P Then Dad made us stop and get in the car haha :D

Insert epic music: Final Countdown

After a while of bumper sliding, we went home. An hour or so after we got back, Jayme came over to watch Zombieland with us. :D Us being Dad, Dylan, Ramil and Me. I thought the movie was rated PG 13 at first, then they told me it was R. Oh. I figured if I freaked out I'd go and watch Harry Potter up in my room. But I really enjoyed it. :) Pretty freaky at points, but very funny and I liked it a lot! For the record: It is rated R for Violence, Gore and Language. If you do want to watch it, before watching you should probably go on IMDB to see what exactly is in the movie and ask your parents!!! I don't want you to watch it and be horrified or get in trouble and then blame me- "But Kylie recommended it!" No. I'm not necessarily recommending it- it's not a family movie and there is definitely some bad stuff in it. Okay? Okay. Moving on.

But anyway...yeah I really enjoyed the movie. I have never wanted to own a gun so much in my life. And...I think I need to stop teasing Dylan about his zombie plan. I need people I can trust in case of zombie apocalypse. ;)

Then Jayme hung around for a while. It was a lot of fun, a great day. :)

Comments please! :D

Monday, February 8, 2010

A wop ba ma loo bop A wop bam boom!

So we've been snowed in. Since Friday. So what have I done?

Friday- Co-op was canceled before it even started snowing. So we decided to have a Harry Potter Marathon. So we went to the Germantown library and got all of the Harry Potter movies we didn't own. My mother was determined. "Elbow and push anyone who tries to take those movies from you."

haha, I love my mom.

The Porters came over part way through the first one. David, Katie and Chris. It was David's 16th Birthday! :D David (as said in previous posts) is a very good friend of mine. He is such an amazing friend, he's an amazing godly example and so fun to be around. Happy Birthday Dave! :) So anyway, they came over and even though it was just for a little bit it was a lot of fun. We were watching Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. :D Thank you guys for coming over, I hope you enjoyed it!

We finished the Harry Potter marathon, we were up until about midnight finishing it... :P

Saturday- Everything was officially canceled. So I decided to make a documentary of the day's snowed in events. This included our Cinderella movie marathon. This also included a montage of my mom, kiera and I singing to every song in Rodgers and Hammersteins cinderella. Doing nails ( and such. Also me falling in the snow TWICE.... :P Haha...yeah...

Sunday- Stuff was canceled. My siblings went sledding at a friends house, and I decided not to go cause I wasn't feeling so great and didnt really feel like hiking up a tall sledding hill. And I DO NOT APPRECIATE ANGRY TEXTS FROM FRIENDS! I got three angry texts from different people for not going that day...You know who you are....

So I stayed home and helped mom clean up the house. And then we had the Kelleys over for the SUPERBOWL!!! My new found football loving self was very excited about yelling at the TV and eating junk food. :D It was a good game. Not to mention AMAZING commercials! It was a lot of fun having the Kelleys over, especially since I hadn't seen them for a week almost. and I got to yell at the TV a lot and eat a lot of Junk food. It was a good night. :D

yeah well...anyway superbowl was good. Then I proceeded to tell Elizabeth how I had been thinking a lot about college in the snow and how I wanted to go to Baltimore. She then said "Do you know what UMBC stands for?" I replied "University of Maryland Baltimore Campus." Elizabeth said..."No. U Made a Bad Choice." :-| humph.

It's not written in stone yet. So don't get all like "ahhhhchtsdphhfffttachaaa!!!" that was a Kylie sound effect. heehee. Point is...don't get all worked up like "oh no Kylie's leaving and she's gonna get murdered in baltimore yadda yadda yadda" like some of my friends did... *cough* you know who you are....

And then I went to sleep. And then woke up this morning, to pretty much all classes canceled this week but still homework to do. (but not as much because of snow days) I was going to go sledding today at a friends house too, but I woke up with a ridiculously stuffy nose and head clog. I have to blow my nose every couple of minutes...rather annoying. So I decided that it'd probably be best if I stayed home. Yuck. And I planned my birthday party! :D birthday is in July, don't judge was fun. :D heehee.

and...that's all thats really up right now. Expecting ten to twenty more inches of snow. AHHHH!!!!!

Dear Snow,
I hate you. Nobody wants you here. Why don't you just go away? I'm sure Florida and Texas would be overjoyed to have you. Go bother them.

yeahh...snow stinks.....I'm ready for spring...

and Kirstin...if you're reading this....I miss you. :( I was trying to sing a harmony earlier today and I was like...."I NEED KIRSTIN!!!"


Comments please!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

And I'll forget the world that I knew, but I swear I won't forget you.

Hm, lesee where do I start?

WELL, I am tired. And I've been tired for weeks now. Welcome to highschool. Welcome to my life.

So Monday, lots of studying for exams (plus Geometry, but we all know that's uneventful so whatever. :P ) So lots of studying for midterms, and I took my Literature Midterm. Then more studying for Biology midterm and then reading.

I finally finished reading The Blind Side!!! :D YAY. That only took...forever. :P Now I have moved on to the other Nicolas Sparks book I got for Christmas from my parents...I'm almost half done now. Whoo!

Okay so anyway, Tuesday- woke up late (cause I haven't been sleeping well, I've had a tendency to sleep in trying to catch up...which ultimately fails...sigh.) and then rushed to get to Biology. Got to Biology to take the scary midterm...Soooo GUESS WHAT? I got an A!!! :D WoOoOoOoOoOoOo! Praise the Lord! :D Im quite happy.

Then David and Kevin came over to help me with Geometry..which kind of failed without Elizabeth. :P I mean, we still got homework done and it was a lot of fun but when we didnt understand something we just kind of skipped over it. :P haha, but it was fun. :)

Then Wednesday, MCI and Elizabeth came over! :D We hung out and had a photoshoot which you can see on my flickr. :)

it was quite fun. Then...I folded socks and watched tv. :) Yup. Oh and I found out I got an A on my Literature midterm too! :D YAY!

And Thursday "You know what I think? I say that we skip school and homework today and clean the house!" I said that. And guess what? Mom agreed. :) Day well spent. haha.

Then I read. And went to sleep. And woke up. And went to sleep again. Then woke up. So continued my night...this made me wake up late (as in I woke up at 9 which is when we're supposed to be leaving to History class....FAIL) and which also caused me to be a complete grouch the rest of the day. Seriously not pleasant to be around. :P

But now, I'm right about to go out for a Daddy Kylie dinner. That hasn't happened in like years! :D And we're getting Chinese food! Woot! :D

Thats all for now. Comments pleassssssseeee!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'll always be a part of you, trust your soul always know it's true. If I could talk I'd say to you, "Can I live? Can I live?"

March For Life 2010! Please read and comment!

So a lot has been going on this week, but I'm going to start with Friday- March for Life!!!

On January 22 1973, Abortion was legalized in the USA. Ever since then, on January 22 there is a march against Abortion- The March for Life. This year I got to go with a group of friends and schoolmates and stand up for what I believe in- life. :)

So Friday I woke up and went to History for a couple of hours and then went to the church to meet up with a group to head down to the metro. My mom drove me, Elizabeth, Kevin, Sarah, Sam, Elizabeth C, and Jayme. So we went to the metro and rode it down to DC. Metro rides with friends are ALWAYS a ton of fun :D :D :D Especially when trying to fight against gravity standing up in the metro making a train...and playing the nose game :D

Then we got off the metro at the Smithsonian. Thats not even where the march starts and it was PACKED!!! Thousands of people everywhere. I was getting so paranoid trying to stay with people in my group. There were people handing out signs to carry in the march and stickers and buttons, youth groups and churches all over the place. It was so cool, but really crazy too just because of the TONS of people. Oh and it was cold- but not freezing and not raining praise God. So our group managed to get separated several times, and weave through the crowd until we kind of broke into like three different groups. lol.. Jayme was talking in a Scottish ( I think it was Scottish) accent pretty much the whole time. It was really funny.

So the March was AmAzInG! It was so cool to see SO many people come together to March against Abortion. :) It was also really cool to see all the different signs, and the display of what abortion really is- abortion is so sickening and wrong. I thought it was so sweet when the march started- it's led by women who have had an abortion but have repented and become Christians after it. Its amazing to see how God works like that! It was a really cool experience- if you haven't gone before I totally encourage you to plan to go next year. You can learn more about abortion and what exactly it is at

There are pictures of the march up on peoples blogs, flickr and facebook. I know Allie got some great pics so you can check up with her if you want to see some of our group :D

So anyway, after the March we got back on the metro and headed home. I was really tired and hungry, as were pretty much everyone else. I freaked out halfway through the ride cause I thought we had left David in DC :P that would have been bad. But we didnt, no worries.

While we were coming out of the Metro station, we heard someone singing and playing guitar. And he was good! Then I realized what he was singing, Time of Your Life by Greenday. I love that song. I started singing with him at " Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial, for what it's worth it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable but in the end is right- I hope you had the time of your life." :D It was great. I had to tip the guy.

Then we were picked up. My dad picked up me and Jayme (he was coming over to our house) in the new car! :D :D :D heehee...I love our new car. We went home and I had to make dinner (I was so hungry...) White chicken chilli...yum. :D My little siblings werent home, and dylan was being mysteriously quiet playing video games downstairs. Cassie (my fluffy dog who absolutely adores Jayme) was very excited about Jayme's company. haha. So anyway, I was making dinner and turned to drain the fatty water off of the meat- I didnt realize I had left a couple of paper towels on the burner. I turned when I heard Jayme yell "Whoa!" and saw him putting out the paper towels that were on fire. I felt pretty stupid, lol. Just the same, Thank you Jayme for not letting my house burn down. :)

Then we had dinner. Several funny moments, as my family dinners always are. But I was laughing SO hard when Mom told Dad that they (they being celebrities) are remaking the song "We are the World" to raise money to Haiti. She then proceeded to sing part of this song in her best Bruce Springsteen impression. She really surprised Jayme- you should have seen his face. :D It was SO funny....haha, I laughing writing this. too funny...

Then we drove up to the Connect meeting, Jayme picked up his accent on the way back to the church. It was great when his brother called and he answered speaking all scottish and whatnot. The connect meeting was great- afterwords a group of us played duck duck goose in the lobby. Yes, a whole bunch of highschoolers played duck duck goose. We're just awesome like that. Though we were getting some pretty strange looks from Brett, at one point I turned around and said "Yes, Brett. We are playing duck duck goose!" He just nodded all cool, and decided not to join us. Whatever, his loss. :P lol.

So then Saturday, nothing really exciting happened. Oh I take that back. I had rehearsal and then our Coop feast and performance of Much Ado about Nothing. It went well. A couple of the guys (cough cough DAVID) threw in improv lines- which were actually really funny. "I will now skip the rather crass remark made by shakespeare and love your cousin." hahaha, not to mention David and Drew's strange dance at the end. :P

Then Sunday we went to early service...haha my poor father- I was not happy when he came to wake me up in the morning. I was still cuddling in my warm blanket and he took it off, so I sleepily flailed my arms and grumbled back in bed. He did the whole kootchie kootchie coo thing and pinched my cheeks, which of course doesn't exactly make me want to get out of bed :P lol. Then we went to church (amazing!) and then talked with friends. At one point, Erik walked up to our group to talk to Jayme, and he had Zoey! I was so super excited and distracted by Zoey I forgot to say hi to :P Then I left, went home and pretty much watched tv all day. Another fail. I'm a bad daughter, and sister. :P Then I didnt really start studying until like six. :P

And yeah that's pretty much what goes on! Comments PLEASSSEEE!!!! :D


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