Sunday, October 24, 2010

Can I just say how much I loved this week?

Of course I can. It's my blog. HA.

So Yes I got my wisdom teeth out. And yes the pain was quite obnoxious. But, I had a good week none the less. I relaxed pretty much all week. I camped out on my couch, took naps, watched movies, lived off of mushy food...and my friends came to visit me. :) Oh yeah and did I mention NO working or hw? I gotta stress...its a good feeling.

So first, on Wednesday, I woke up and was left home alone pretty much ALL day. I took my medicine, ate my applesauce, and basically chatted with people the majority of the morning. Watched "Dear John" which...sucked. That book was the one that tore my heart out (though it was a really well written book, it was just sad) and they did not capture that at all. Anyway after that I took a nap. (YAY NAP! I should nap more often, it's great...) and I just watched movies by myself for the majority of the day, till everyone came home around 6. Then at 8 Chris and Meghan came over to watch "How To Train Your Dragon" with me { which I had never seen } and it was AWESOME :D Great movie. Plus, they brought me a chocolate frosty, a tea and this genius slushie mug. :) So it all pieced together to be a lot of fun. Thanks for coming to see me Chris and Meghan. :D It means a lot.

Then thursday, I woke up...took my medicine and fell back asleep. Ha. But then I woke up cause Jayme and Kirstin came to see me :D It was awesome. They spent all day with me. First they made pancakes, and we watched Mulan, Robin Hood, and A Walk to Remember (they hadnt seen it.) They brought me lots of surprises. Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes :) duct tape flowers :) Well it was just a great day. It was awesome just having them chill with me. ALL day. I loved it. Oh yeah and Allie showed up at like seven and was there till ten too. :) Thank you for coming to be with me Jayme, Kirstin and Allie :D

Friday I had to get semi back to normal but spent most of the day napping and talking to my friends. Then went to the connect meeting. Then saturday I worked at the Karate studio, had rehearsal, and went to a birthday party.

This was the best week I've had in a long time. No stress, just relaxing and friends. I loved it. Thank you to everyone who made this week so awesome, even when I was a nasty sick person :P


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That week was awesome!:D I'm glad you werent stressed. :)

  3. And the cast list came out!! You left that out!

  4. yeah...but that wasnt extremely exciting for left it out. :P hahaha

  5. aaaaaah, we love you Kylie!! Thanks for letting us spend the day with you, and for watching those lovely movies. =D <3!!! I am praying that your mouth heals quickly!


