Monday, February 8, 2010

A wop ba ma loo bop A wop bam boom!

So we've been snowed in. Since Friday. So what have I done?

Friday- Co-op was canceled before it even started snowing. So we decided to have a Harry Potter Marathon. So we went to the Germantown library and got all of the Harry Potter movies we didn't own. My mother was determined. "Elbow and push anyone who tries to take those movies from you."

haha, I love my mom.

The Porters came over part way through the first one. David, Katie and Chris. It was David's 16th Birthday! :D David (as said in previous posts) is a very good friend of mine. He is such an amazing friend, he's an amazing godly example and so fun to be around. Happy Birthday Dave! :) So anyway, they came over and even though it was just for a little bit it was a lot of fun. We were watching Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. :D Thank you guys for coming over, I hope you enjoyed it!

We finished the Harry Potter marathon, we were up until about midnight finishing it... :P

Saturday- Everything was officially canceled. So I decided to make a documentary of the day's snowed in events. This included our Cinderella movie marathon. This also included a montage of my mom, kiera and I singing to every song in Rodgers and Hammersteins cinderella. Doing nails ( and such. Also me falling in the snow TWICE.... :P Haha...yeah...

Sunday- Stuff was canceled. My siblings went sledding at a friends house, and I decided not to go cause I wasn't feeling so great and didnt really feel like hiking up a tall sledding hill. And I DO NOT APPRECIATE ANGRY TEXTS FROM FRIENDS! I got three angry texts from different people for not going that day...You know who you are....

So I stayed home and helped mom clean up the house. And then we had the Kelleys over for the SUPERBOWL!!! My new found football loving self was very excited about yelling at the TV and eating junk food. :D It was a good game. Not to mention AMAZING commercials! It was a lot of fun having the Kelleys over, especially since I hadn't seen them for a week almost. and I got to yell at the TV a lot and eat a lot of Junk food. It was a good night. :D

yeah well...anyway superbowl was good. Then I proceeded to tell Elizabeth how I had been thinking a lot about college in the snow and how I wanted to go to Baltimore. She then said "Do you know what UMBC stands for?" I replied "University of Maryland Baltimore Campus." Elizabeth said..."No. U Made a Bad Choice." :-| humph.

It's not written in stone yet. So don't get all like "ahhhhchtsdphhfffttachaaa!!!" that was a Kylie sound effect. heehee. Point is...don't get all worked up like "oh no Kylie's leaving and she's gonna get murdered in baltimore yadda yadda yadda" like some of my friends did... *cough* you know who you are....

And then I went to sleep. And then woke up this morning, to pretty much all classes canceled this week but still homework to do. (but not as much because of snow days) I was going to go sledding today at a friends house too, but I woke up with a ridiculously stuffy nose and head clog. I have to blow my nose every couple of minutes...rather annoying. So I decided that it'd probably be best if I stayed home. Yuck. And I planned my birthday party! :D birthday is in July, don't judge was fun. :D heehee.

and...that's all thats really up right now. Expecting ten to twenty more inches of snow. AHHHH!!!!!

Dear Snow,
I hate you. Nobody wants you here. Why don't you just go away? I'm sure Florida and Texas would be overjoyed to have you. Go bother them.

yeahh...snow stinks.....I'm ready for spring...

and Kirstin...if you're reading this....I miss you. :( I was trying to sing a harmony earlier today and I was like...."I NEED KIRSTIN!!!"


Comments please!!!


  1. I like snow.

    Harry potter marathon? those are awesome! I have this neighbor who looks EXACTLY like ron, so much so that its scary....

    And dont go to baltimore. You might...Disappear. Go to St. Andrews! Best school ever (Scotland)

  2. Snow don't go! We all love you!

    Anyway, HP marathon... till midnight?? You guys are insane :P But yes, watching the first movie was fun... they're so adorable :)

  3. Snow is terrible Robert. When it entails making school go into the summer, it's bad. But then there's shoveling the driveway and the flippin' roof of the house, and the fact that you can literally do nothing but sled and have snowball fights, if you can make it to your friends house.
    Superbowl was an injustice... Not a good game.

  4. seriously, snow is aweful!!! especially when you don't live near any of your friends and you are stuck in the house for almost a week! anyway, fter skiing for a few years, sledding isn't all that appealing. i've been watching worthy 09 videos and pilgrim and missing everyone so much!!! it's terrible!!!

  5. hey will i be invited to this party? seeing as i'm 2 hours OLDER than you!!!! hahaha :)

  6. We couldn't watch the Superbowl because our converter box didn't pick it up. I actually don't care about the Superbowl, because it's a waste of time, but it is mildly entertaining. The operative word being mildly. Hope you feel better!



