Friday, September 17, 2010


Um so. Life is crazy. And strange and complicated.
School is hard.
My moms a tough Chem teacher.
SAT vocab takes forever.
Karate hurts.
I hate not getting enough sleep.
Little kid crushes are the funniest things ever.
Mitchell and Mark make me laugh.
I miss my best bud in Turkey.
I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday (excluding the hohos I had last night). But I'm not really hungry.
I had a ton of fun at our rain photoshoot yesterday. :) Then Music cafe and watching pushing daisies. :D
I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me right now. and I don't like it.
I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
I'm singing at a wedding tonight. and I'm not ready. :-/
I could not sleep last night. Seriously. I fell asleep for the first time at 3:30 am. It was awful. My eyes hurt I'm so tired.
I really should be doing TOG right now...but Kiera has it and I'm chatting Christian...
I still feel like I'm having an adrenaline rush. which is weird cuz I havent eaten or drank (drank?drunk?druken?) anything today yet.
and I should really go.


  1. Have not drunk.
    Jealous of the fact that your gmail chat works with the yesil sac bebek. Doesn't seem to over here, or else we both have bad timing.
    And the shoot was fun.
    And I want to see that whole movie some time.
    And you were AMAZING at that song last night. I know you're sort of not home right now, so this is sort of a pointless comment, but you'll be awesome. Don't sweat it.

  2. Most of it makes sense.
    Except...why haven't you eaten since yesterday morning?

    And...just like on the sidebar of your blog, for everything there is a season, right? So perhaps now's the season for nervous breakdowns, insomnia, disappearing appetites, stress, and singing at weddings. Since God never gives us more than we can handle, can you imagine how amazing the next season might be?

  3. Kylie, I love you and you need to eat something. Seriously. I love you too much to let you get away without doing so.
    Had fun with you yesterday. =D And I know you did an AMAZING job at the wedding because you are amazing. =D <3!!!!!


