Sunday, April 18, 2010

My cRaZy weekend :D

I'm not going to bore you with everything I've been doing the last month or so, and I'm trying to get my posts down to a smaller side. My busy weekend really did start with Friday, but since that was mostly school and 'normal' stuff I'll skip to Saturday.

Bright and early Saturday morning ( I woke up at 6, though it felt earlier) so I could get ready to go to Dog Agility Stewarding with Mom and Kiera. It was about an hour away and we had to get there at 7:30. So we got up, got out and went for coffee...and I got a blueberry muffin- you know the ones with the crystalized sugar on the top? AH! They are soooo good. :D :D :D
* cough * anyway....We got breakfast and stuff for the day and headed up, err down? I'm not sure, we headed in a direction away from our house :P haha. We got there, and it was still pretty dark out, because it was cloudy. And it was windy and coldd...brrr was it cold. Haha, this is kind of funny it's April- and I was wearing two shirts, two sweatshirts and a jacket. And my fleece hat and scarf. But I slowly got rid of layers, because I was on leashes. That means that when the trainer drops the leash, and the dog runs- I waited a couple of obstacles, grabbed the leash and jogged it over to the other side. This kept me relatively warm. I really did have a lot of fun, and I"m really enjoying 4H activities. It was also cool to hang out with Jenn and Meghan in between sessions and stuff :D

Then I had a fun car ride home with the Perdues and Fairchilds (thank you Mrs. Perdue for taking me home!) As soon as I got home I had about forty minutes to get everything ready for soccer and for the banquet.

Then our soccer game (soccer game #2) Only seven of our players were there, including me. We play seven on seven games, but I had to leave at halftime and so did another girl. So we only played a forty minute game. I felt bad, cause some of my teammates kind of gave up seeing as the other team had twice as many players as us, so they could easily switch people in and out when we couldn't and we had to play the whole game. So Dad challenged me a lot, normally I play defense- which I did. I played right defense, and it seemed like I was getting all of the action and it was so tough. The girl who was playing center(which in this game was like, center defense and center swing almost) wasn't giving it her all ( note: I'm not trying to talk bad about this person, she is an excellent soccer player but this wasn't her best game) so Dad moved me to center. Ow. That was really hard for me- and I was very frustrated. When I started to slow down, my dad would yell "KYLIE! THEY NEED YOU UP THERE! HUSSLE YOU CAN DO IT!" and I would respond, "I CAN'T BREATHE!!!" :P We lost 3:2 which isn't terrible. Dad told me later that I played really well, which was really encouraging. I told Dad that the reason I played well was because I was mad and I wanted the other team to play well, but lose. He said that's called 'competition' and it's common when you play sports. ;) hahahaha, I love my Dad.

As soon as I finished playing, I got my stuff and went to the PRIUS. Jayme and Kirstin picked me up from soccer. I almost died in their car. I was so tired and sore, and loopy. Jayme and Kirstin kept laughing at me, cause apparently I was acting very strange from my exhaustion. Oops. Haha.

Then I got to help serve at the Jr/Sr ban quet :D The sophmores get the opportunity to help before we go to the banquet as juniors. It was SO fun helping! I got to be a greeter at first and I loved being able to see everyone come in, all the girls in their gorgeous dresses and the guys in their very classy suits! :D Then I got to help around the kitchen and cleanup of course. Plus we got to watch the honors that they give out to some seniors, and specifically the 10:31 award winners. :D Each year, the 10:31 award is given to one girl and one guy who display godly character. There are always so many people in each class who could win the award, and this year it was given to Joanna Linn for the girls, and Chris Perdue for the guys. They are both amazing, godly people who I respect so much. It's so incredible to see God's work in you guys, and you inspire me to be more like him!

Then I got home around 11:30 and got to bed I think a little after 12. Then I woke up at 6:30 to get ready to go to church for THG. Once I got downstairs, I found that Dylan had crashed on the couch after coming home late. My Dad was watching the news and had brewed coffee. :) He looked scared half to death when I came downstairs. "How are you getting to church?" "Um last night you said Dylan would take me. He has to play piano." and then Dylan instantly woke up and said "RIGHT!" and got ready to go.

Once I got my coffee I was pretty full of energy and really happy. YAY! :D And I had a lot of fun doing worship, plus I got to see several of my friends sing in Select Choir for the kids. :)

It's been a great weekend, I've been so blessed. :D :D :D And it's not even done yet! I've still got my co-ops history feast tonight! Speaking of which, I should probably get into my costume.

:D God Bless!



  1. It's a good thing you posted...I was almost ready to take your blog off my bookmarks list! (Meaning I'd never read it again!) Sounds like you had a tough time with the soccer game...hope it goes better next time. :)


  2. ha! was cold at the agility trial, but we were almost constantly moving, so it was good...annnd the gopher hole provided some amusement...annnd, thanks for serving at the banquet! :)


