Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'll always be a part of you, trust your soul always know it's true. If I could talk I'd say to you, "Can I live? Can I live?"

March For Life 2010! Please read and comment!

So a lot has been going on this week, but I'm going to start with Friday- March for Life!!!

On January 22 1973, Abortion was legalized in the USA. Ever since then, on January 22 there is a march against Abortion- The March for Life. This year I got to go with a group of friends and schoolmates and stand up for what I believe in- life. :)

So Friday I woke up and went to History for a couple of hours and then went to the church to meet up with a group to head down to the metro. My mom drove me, Elizabeth, Kevin, Sarah, Sam, Elizabeth C, and Jayme. So we went to the metro and rode it down to DC. Metro rides with friends are ALWAYS a ton of fun :D :D :D Especially when trying to fight against gravity standing up in the metro making a train...and playing the nose game :D

Then we got off the metro at the Smithsonian. Thats not even where the march starts and it was PACKED!!! Thousands of people everywhere. I was getting so paranoid trying to stay with people in my group. There were people handing out signs to carry in the march and stickers and buttons, youth groups and churches all over the place. It was so cool, but really crazy too just because of the TONS of people. Oh and it was cold- but not freezing and not raining praise God. So our group managed to get separated several times, and weave through the crowd until we kind of broke into like three different groups. lol.. Jayme was talking in a Scottish ( I think it was Scottish) accent pretty much the whole time. It was really funny.

So the March was AmAzInG! It was so cool to see SO many people come together to March against Abortion. :) It was also really cool to see all the different signs, and the display of what abortion really is- abortion is so sickening and wrong. I thought it was so sweet when the march started- it's led by women who have had an abortion but have repented and become Christians after it. Its amazing to see how God works like that! It was a really cool experience- if you haven't gone before I totally encourage you to plan to go next year. You can learn more about abortion and what exactly it is at

There are pictures of the march up on peoples blogs, flickr and facebook. I know Allie got some great pics so you can check up with her if you want to see some of our group :D

So anyway, after the March we got back on the metro and headed home. I was really tired and hungry, as were pretty much everyone else. I freaked out halfway through the ride cause I thought we had left David in DC :P that would have been bad. But we didnt, no worries.

While we were coming out of the Metro station, we heard someone singing and playing guitar. And he was good! Then I realized what he was singing, Time of Your Life by Greenday. I love that song. I started singing with him at " Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial, for what it's worth it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable but in the end is right- I hope you had the time of your life." :D It was great. I had to tip the guy.

Then we were picked up. My dad picked up me and Jayme (he was coming over to our house) in the new car! :D :D :D heehee...I love our new car. We went home and I had to make dinner (I was so hungry...) White chicken chilli...yum. :D My little siblings werent home, and dylan was being mysteriously quiet playing video games downstairs. Cassie (my fluffy dog who absolutely adores Jayme) was very excited about Jayme's company. haha. So anyway, I was making dinner and turned to drain the fatty water off of the meat- I didnt realize I had left a couple of paper towels on the burner. I turned when I heard Jayme yell "Whoa!" and saw him putting out the paper towels that were on fire. I felt pretty stupid, lol. Just the same, Thank you Jayme for not letting my house burn down. :)

Then we had dinner. Several funny moments, as my family dinners always are. But I was laughing SO hard when Mom told Dad that they (they being celebrities) are remaking the song "We are the World" to raise money to Haiti. She then proceeded to sing part of this song in her best Bruce Springsteen impression. She really surprised Jayme- you should have seen his face. :D It was SO funny....haha, I laughing writing this. too funny...

Then we drove up to the Connect meeting, Jayme picked up his accent on the way back to the church. It was great when his brother called and he answered speaking all scottish and whatnot. The connect meeting was great- afterwords a group of us played duck duck goose in the lobby. Yes, a whole bunch of highschoolers played duck duck goose. We're just awesome like that. Though we were getting some pretty strange looks from Brett, at one point I turned around and said "Yes, Brett. We are playing duck duck goose!" He just nodded all cool, and decided not to join us. Whatever, his loss. :P lol.

So then Saturday, nothing really exciting happened. Oh I take that back. I had rehearsal and then our Coop feast and performance of Much Ado about Nothing. It went well. A couple of the guys (cough cough DAVID) threw in improv lines- which were actually really funny. "I will now skip the rather crass remark made by shakespeare and love your cousin." hahaha, not to mention David and Drew's strange dance at the end. :P

Then Sunday we went to early service...haha my poor father- I was not happy when he came to wake me up in the morning. I was still cuddling in my warm blanket and he took it off, so I sleepily flailed my arms and grumbled back in bed. He did the whole kootchie kootchie coo thing and pinched my cheeks, which of course doesn't exactly make me want to get out of bed :P lol. Then we went to church (amazing!) and then talked with friends. At one point, Erik walked up to our group to talk to Jayme, and he had Zoey! I was so super excited and distracted by Zoey I forgot to say hi to :P Then I left, went home and pretty much watched tv all day. Another fail. I'm a bad daughter, and sister. :P Then I didnt really start studying until like six. :P

And yeah that's pretty much what goes on! Comments PLEASSSEEE!!!! :D


  1. Oh! That's right, I was going to comment, but then I got distracted talking to you about which celebrities would play us in a movie about your life... :)

    Aaaaanyway, if anyone wants to see the pictures from the March to Life, here's a link to mine on facebook (you don't have to have a facebook to see them though):

    Okay, now my comment....
    Yes, the March for Life was amazing, I looved seeing Soooo many people there, AMAZING!
    haha, yeahh that was fun when we kept losing each other, haha Amy was supposed to be my "buddy" but I lost her... I'm a bad buddy....

    And duck-duck-goose was pretty much awesome :D haha, don't really remember why we stopped playing that game after we turned 8, pshhh... we must have thought we were to cool, but we know better now :D

    Well... that was a long comment... YAY :D love you <3

  2. "That's more of a Welsh accent than anything else." Haha Garrett.
    Duck-duck-goose was pretty awesome, and Brett is a loser who thinks he too mature. ;)
    And church was a BEAST! I was so happy when they FINALLY did Revelation Song, especially with that amazing soloist who I hope to get an autograph from (jk). And then the message was even better. Being a guest that week must have been really moving, really freaky, or really awesome.

  3. Kevin. the nose game DOES give you zits. it does.

  4. March for Life was amazing, even if I was falling behind half of the time :P
    Oh I think I had to leave before the Duck-duck-goose game; loved that game as a child!
    Erin (the soloist from Sunday) has the most amazing voice I have ever heard! Seriously, her voice makes me want to cry! I love how she is using her talent completely for God's glory. I want to have a voice like hers when I grow up...

  5. I believe He was attempting to impersonate an irish accent, or at least thats what he told me.

    Wish I could have seen your guy's performance. When we did ours, it was hilarious.


