Sunday, November 28, 2010

You ever feel surrounded by so many people yet so alone?
Yeah. Thats how I feel.
I don't even want to explain why, but since the beginning of the school year I've been going through some significant trial. And even though I've been putting on a happy face, and I have been happy at points- generally I've been really discouraged. Upset with myself, others, and generally feeling alone and lost in the world.
And I want to be desperate for God. And Im trying, but the devil has a hold on me in this sadness that I can't explain. And I can't fight it by myself, I realize that. I need God. And I need my family. and my friends. and the church.
I'm just struggling.

Just...please pray. Don't ask for the specifics, but please please pray.


  1. Hey you. I've been praying for you almost every day when I remember to pray. Just know that this trial will test you a lot, yet in the end you will be much MUCH stronger in your faith. This is God's plan, this is His will. He meant it to be this way, even though it may be the hardest thing you've gone through so far. I know how you feel for the small part, but remember the verses in 1 Peter. "For a little while..."

    Remember you said, "I am trying" above? Well, you can't do it alone. Only God can help you. I know it may be difficult, but ask God. He will help. He'll give you peace and joy, He will take your burden.
    You aren't really alone, God is here, your parents are here, and your friends are here. I'm always willing to talk and cry with you if you need it.
    I love you! Soph

  2. Um, well... I feel like this is really inadequate after that huge awesome thing Soph wrote for you. But I'll say it anyway.
    I'm praying for you.
    And I echo Sophie totally. Jer. 29:11


