Saturday, November 20, 2010

We be tubbin.

So last weekend I got to go to DC with some of my best friends. Elizabeth Kelley and her family brought me and Andrew and Liam Allen with them to DC for a few days! It was amazing. (Please Read and Comment :D)

First on Friday, I got picked up by the Kelleys. We picked up Elizabeth at college and drove to DC. We met up with Mr Kelley and the allens and David at the hotel. The Hotel was amazing. it was totally above our style- way cool :D

We spent all the rest of the evening chilling in our suite. :D The boys had a room with two beds (and the other two slept on the floor) Mr and Mrs Kelley had the masterbedroom, and Elizabeth and I stayed on the couch bed. We chilled in the guys room and watched movies, had dinner with the fam...then we went to the hot tub. :) After watching the first X men and talking and laughing til 1 am, we finally decided to go to bed.

across the street from our hotel was the Gaylord National...and there was this RED WINDOW that was flashing the whole night. It'd go yellow and orange, then solid red. Strangest thing ever!

"Why hello ladies..."

deep voice woke us up in the morning...Kevin of course. it was almost ten and the boys were already having breakfast and elizabeth and I were still sleeping. :P Hahaha, well, we had breakfast and decided to head out into DC.
We went to Art Museum and Musuem of Natural History. :) Me, Elizabeth, Liam and David. Andrew and Kevin went somewhere else. :P I loved those museums...and their overpriced chicken tenders....
We spent our afternoon enjoying every bit of DC that we could...catching moments. Little things and details you can catch if you just look hard enough. We'd elbow eachother and go "Moment!" and then point it out. It was so cute the moments we caught. :)
Then we went to the Kennedy Center to catch a jazz show. :) The singer was brilliant, her voice was so smooth. I just loved the sound.

Oh and the roof of the Kennedy Center? Thats pretty awesome too. I had never been up there. It was soooo cool. And cold. Quite cold. But the view was amazing.

Then on the way back to the hotel. We got very lost. Went the opposite direction of the hotel. The drivers were stressed out. In the back seat we decided to be quiet cause it was late and we didnt want to get them upset. Liam was my carbuddy. I leaned on his shoulder in the car :P hahaha we were all sooooo tired....
so we went tubbin.
hot tub.
"We be tubbin." "tubbbiinnnn" "it sounds so white when you say it Kylie..." "I am white! I can't help it...We be tubbin."
hahahahha ahhh it was so awesome.

stayed up til 1 again. the red window was still there. (creepy) next morning got up earlier, cause we needed to get tickets so we could get up the washington monument. :D Then we went to the American History museum- which is now my favorite musuem. It was so cool! There was so much culture stuff there, C3PO, the ruby slippers, lion king costumes, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, the eggs from jurassic park...TONS of way cool stuff. Plus the history exhibits which were cool too. :) Especially the WW2 one...
and get this. I went to Julia Child's kitchen. :D
oh yes.

Then we went to McDonalds for lunch, then to the Washington Monument. I had never been up there before. It is SO cool. If you havent done it, do it. The view is way beyond anything I could describe. :)

Then we went home and had dinner. Chilled in the hotel as long as we could just laughing over's the highlights
"Tubbin!" Car buddy... "Why does it smell like smoke in here?" "Cause I'm so hot..." Kylie Hair, sweater hugs, MOMENT!, LEK, KEL, ELK, OX, Red window, Andrew is so lame :P, classy hotel...
Oh yes. It was fun.
thanks for taking me along guys. :D I had SOOOO much fun.
new post coming soon on Harry Potter!




  1. Sounds like you guys had an awesome time! Glad you had fun. :)

  2. And that one time the window randomly turned green...
    And Uncle Dan!! And his skull phone.
    And singing Godspell everywhere at the top of our lungs, and all of the accidental awkward jokes. And the creepy green kid on the mall, and yeah. Good times.
    We be chicken! Whattttt is noble. Nowadays?

  3. Random quotes = awesome


