Monday, December 27, 2010

2010: What a Year.

So much has happened in the last year. And once again I can't believe that the year has gone by so fast. I have been so incredibly blessed. So much has happened this year that Im grateful for. :)


-Geometry class. HA. I hated Geometry. But I had a blast goofing off with my classmates :P
-March for Life! That was so incredible.
-I started to understand football. And enjoyed it. And watched it with my Dad.
-Harry Potter Marathons!
-Zombieland. Dude. :D
- Those three snow blizzards that got us like a month off school (well...not quite...)
-Keith! Oh that was a great short film DP.
-That sledding party at the church
- Esther!
- Playing soccer for OBGC. And losing pretty much every game but it was still fun.
- Serving at the Banquet
-Doing 4H Kids n' Dogs.
- Going to NIH, often. The people at the gate recognize me now
-Women's Meeting at the Church with Elise Fitzpatrick.
- Iced Coffee and Muffin Mornings. :)
- Philly!!! :D That was so fun.
- Having my first Philly Cheese Steak, from Philly. And having a "Ladies Choice" from an old fashioned soda shop. It was brilliant.
- School ended.
- Graduation for Dylan and lots of my friends!
- I started Karate back up again. :)
- Summer Celebration. And raspberry iced tea.
- Gettysburg.
-Hershey park!
- Birthday week!
- Sweet Sixteen party with Dan!
- Youth Missions!
-Working at Butlers.
-Karate weekend. Testing day and competition.
- Pirate music camp. Ha.
- Drivers Ed. Highlight? Not sure... :P
-I got to know so many people and become good friends with them. Including Christian Zehr!
- The Youth Retreat
-The Beach! :D
-Sean and Steph's wedding.
-HEY JOEY! The Football game with Chris, Josh, and Arden. Arden is my long lost twin, just for the record ;) :D But yeah that was a blast.
- Martin and Janice's Wedding. :)
-Went to Chipotle for the first time. And two times after that. I love me some chipotle.
-Getting my wisdome teeth out. No, the pain was not fun. But, I did enjoy just staying home, relaxing, watching movies with friends and napping all the time.
- Pushing Daisies. Oh yes.
- Halloween, the harvest party dressing as cinderella, and having people over too.
- We be tubbin. DC with the Kelleys and the Allens was SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun.
- Midnight Premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
-Thanksgiving at my house.
- Esther came out on Dvd. Been working on Godspell.
-Christmas. :)

Monumental moments
-I got my learner's permit
-Sweet Sixteen
-Christian Zehr moved to Turkey and Caleb Hill moved to wales
-I joined the Glass Class. :P WW2
-My phone finally broke.

Amy Calderone was hospitalized and still struggling for life and consciousness.

Regrets? Plenty. More than I would like to have. I complained too much. I cried. I was lazy. I said things I didnt mean, and I often got carried away. I hurt SO many people emotionally. I treated stuff like a game, and caused myself to suffer. I didnt give as much as I should. I didnt spend as much time with the Lord that I would have liked.

Resolutions for 2011?

Strengthen my relationship with the Lord, and follow him wholeheartedly.
Be a better daughter, sister, and friend.
Not to be so stressed.
Not eat junk all the time.
Work hard so I can play hard.
To see that others are happy, and to care for them.

and I dont want to make any totally ridiculous ones right now.

I hope you all had a good 2010. And I hope you look forward to what this New Year brings. :)


  1. This year was awesome. Thank you muchly for introducing me to Harry Potter! :D And sorry for scaring you during the movies... :P

  2. I'm glad to see the Geometry class at the top of the list ;)
    That was a tricky class....but was made easier and Allie...and everyone. Hahaha :)
    And pretty much everything else...whew. =D

  3. Wow, kylie...that's a lot of highlights! God has really blessed you!


