Thursday, February 25, 2010

I've been locked inside this house, all the while you hold the key

I've been dying to get out, it might be the death of me.
And even though there's no way of knowing where to go,
I promise I'm going because
I've got to get out of here.
I'm afraid that this complacency is something I can't shake
I've got to get out of here
and I'm begging you, I'm begging you, I'm begging you to be my escape.
(be my escape- relient k)

It's been a long time since I've blogged huh? Sorry it took so long- it's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog. (that was for you Elizabeth. :P )

So what's happened? Let's, more school and some more school. And rehearsal and rehearsal...

Monday after rehearsal, Kevin and David were over. :D Haha, it's always a fun time with these guys! "We should go to the thriftshop!" "The thriftshop closed at three." "Why?!" "Well...a whole bunch of old ladies work there...they need to get to bed!" :D hahahaha... We had several funny conversations while Dylan played video games :P

Then Tuesday, Biology was good. I was really sore from a dance move that a friend taught me that I tried to do without

Wednesday, good. Thursday good. Friday.

Friday is where it begins.

I'd been struggling from a lack of sleep for a long time (and still am) and Friday was the beginning...of the end. :P lol..not really but it was crazy. I had co-op right til rehearsal, and rehearsal went on until ten. Then after rehearsal, Elizabeth and Kevin and David came over because we needed to be up at the church again really early the next day. So the guys went to bed and me and Elizabeth went to my room and watched Hercules (:-D )...we then got into one of those "Im so extremely tired but I can't sleep so now I'm laughing over everything" phases. And guess what? Kiera slept through the whole thing. Win.

Then Saturday, we got up early and got ready to go- we had to be at the church at 8:30 . We got our breakfast and sang on the way to warm up our voices. After band we had rehearsal until four, then I had THG. Then near the end of THG Mrs Hoffman took a group of us (me and my friends lol) to American University where the Covenant Life girls and guy's Varsity were playing the championship game. :D Okay number 1) American University is amaazzzzinnnggg. number 2) the games were also quite amazing!!! I had so much fun cheering on my friends with other friends, and guess what? Both CovLife teams won! GO COUGARS! CHAMPIONS!

On the way home (I left after the first game, I was so tired) I fell asleep in the Hoffmans car. I woke up to the car shaking back and forth...thanks guys. :P

Then I went home, got ready for bed and fell asleep. I was awaken an hour later by a text. Merph.

Sunday I went to THG sooooo tired, but I still had a lot of fun. :) Tree House Gang is always fun, I love it a lot. After THG I went home, cleaned up and relaxed for the rest of the day...yes. :)

And so far this week has been pretty uneventful. Pretty depressing when it comes to school. :P I hate school and decisions...right now I just want to run away to Neverland for a while. sigh. It's one of those weeks this week... :( prayer and hugs are appreciated.

comments pleeaassseee! :D

1 comment:

  1. OH! Beatles. Thank you SOOO much. I feel quite loved.
    Go Cougars!!! "now when people come to visit our school, they will know we're not an all-girls school because the guys finally have a banner down there."


