Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy days, sledding partys, sleepovers and Girl Appreciation Day


So where do we start? Friday. Friday I had rehearsal starting at two, and then went to a sledding party at the Church. On my way out of rehearsal, I went to catch up with Allie, and there was another girl standing with her- when she turned around, IT WAS KIRSTIN!!! I screamed and gave her a huge hug. :D Then there was an amazing sledding party at the church, the admin team had made so many cool runs for the sleds and they were so fast and fun to go down!

Then I went to Taco Bell with some friends, and was involved in a flash mob. :D Then Jayme drove us back to my house (Me and Kirstin were riding in the Prius, and Dylan drove his own car because he wanted to stay at the church longer instead of Taco Bell) We sang along to Skillet music in the car with harmonies :D Jayme figured out that's the best way to keep Kirstin and I from talking. :P haha. So when we got back to my house, I ate a sandwich, but you didn't need to know that ;) haha, and we talked around the table for a while, watched some Phineas and Ferb...but mainly, we played Beatles Rockband! :D It's always so fun when you have a whole band- the guitar, bass, drums, and three vocals. Very fun :D We were up until midnight playing rockband and then Kirstin and I stayed up late talking. The funny thing is that Kiera normally gets upset about this, but we turned on the light as soon as we got to my room and Kiera was fast asleep- but as soon as we turned off the light Kiera said half asleep " guys are so annoying..." :P

I woke up just before eight on Saturday morning, got ready and headed downstairs. We had breakfast and hung out for a little while before heading to the church for more rehearsal. Rehearsal was long...but at the end of the day, the sweetest thing happened. Some of the guys in the cast banded together to buy the girls in the cast and crew roses for Valentines Day-er- Girl Appreciation Day ;D David also wrote this amazing, hilarious poem for the girls. :D Thanks guys!

Then I got to help celebrate David's birthday with friends, which was a ton of fun! It was also fun to fellowship with friends, and get to know people I don't know as well like Jesse and Jonah. (Like, Jesse and David's woodland adventure? That Jesse. And Jonah is Keith in one of their newer videos :D They're both a ton of fun to be around.) I know I've said this before but I shall say it once again, Happy Birthday David- you rock!

I woke up this morning to find a card and chocolate from my Dad, as well as lots of sweets to celebrate Valentines day! Including strawberry shortcake and cherry pie. I love cherry pie! :D Love you Daddy!

I went to first service today, and there was an AMAZING message by CJ Mahaney about God's love and us being chosen. :) It really spoke to me, it was incredible.

Then I stuck around to talk to people, my family left and I stayed with Dylan cause he had starting point. So I talked with friends, and hung out for a little bit. Then I stayed until Dylan was done with Starting point, almost all the way through the second service.

And I know I've said this before too- but I have some of the best friends in the world! :D They are all so amazing, and through them all I've met so many awesome people! :D And on Valentines Day I'd just like to say to all of my friends that I love you so much! You all are incredible sisters and brothers in Christ, and I learn so much from you constantly. I am. I'm probably going to do some dancing, and a lot of singing to my self the rest of the day. And school starts back up tomorrow. Ugh.

If it snows...I'm going to die. Or maybe not die, just run away to Australia or the Philippines or somewhere WARM!

Comments Please! :D


  1. Wow, sounds like you had fun =)

    and yes, it is going to snow 3-5" tomorrow. Sadly. I CANT TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS!!!

    And happy cardio-symbolism day =)

  2. CJ Mahaney is a beast!

  3. Kylie,

    I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the Poem. I have attempted to locate it on Buzz but have not had any Lucks. Therefore, please send it to me as my Obstinate and Contrary Brother will not.



