Wednesday, September 29, 2010 where it gets crazy.

Well Hello. I don't why I'm blogging ( I really should be studying for my Algebra 2 test that's due tomorrow.) I needed a break from the freakishly busy schedule and stress. School and work are pushing on me all the time. And then I dont even want to concentrate on studying HARDER for school so I can do better, which I really should do. But if I'm lost in the crazyness all the time...i might die.
School is hard. There's a lot expected of me. So far, Junior Year is being pretty tough. The subjects are hard, and it's a lot harder for me to concentrate and do well. Its all HARD.
And the play stuff is complicated. Like the rest of my life.
And Karate is physically exhausting. :P I love it, but man. I have to start eating better or I won't have any energy. At all. I'm currently living off of: cereal for breakfast (with the exception of days I get coffee and a bagel) then a late lunch, normally soup or ramen noodles- and pretty much a snack for dinner (excepting days I go to California tortilla after work). Yeah. I've been eating junk. When I actually eat. No wonder I'm hardly alive.
Oh yeah. And pumpkin season starts this week. Which means: I'm also working at Butlers! So that's going to be crazy too. (and I cant find my sweatshirt...which worries me...)

I love both my jobs. But I'm kind of like....freaking out as it is. :P So I'm gonna be super busy, and I'm hardly going to see anyone. I feel like I'm neglecting people... :(

PLEASE pray for me. I'm so stressed. :P


ps. this photo is from vaca, courtesy of Allie. I miss the fun days relaxing at the beach...........


  1. Hang in there. Prayin'.
    And I love that picture, oms.

  2. Haha, awesome picture kylie, and yes, I will also be praying for you :D


