Tuesday, October 5, 2010

chilly days, great friends, birthday parties and fall fests :D

So you know how when it gets really hot in the summer and all you want is it to be cooler? Then when it gets cooler all you want is for it to be warmer? Yeah. That's what's happening. I'm currently missing the beach, wrapped up in blankets, two shirts, a sweater, fleece pants, socks and slippers. And Im still cold. But at the same time, I kind of like it. :)

Well this past weekend was awesome. Crazy busy. The Mt Airy fall fest was so much fun. :D I had a great time with all my HiYa! Buddies and on top of that Jayme, Elizabeth and Bekah came to see me. It was so sweet. :) I loved hanging out with them. Then after I got home, I checked my email and realized I only had like ten minutes before I was getting picked up to go to a birthday party. I had a sweater dilemma and a goofy argument with my mom about which color worked better etc. Which caused us to be late picking up Drew, but we still had a grand old time at the party. :D :D :D :D :D

I got home just before midnight and went to bed. The next morning, first service, taco bell, fall fest, rain and Daraja! Daraja is this amazing children's choir from Kenya! They were incredible, I loved it. One of the girls gave me a big hug and it made my day. :)

And then I went home quite tired. Relaxed then had a tough start to a cold and rainy week.

I'm ready for Christmas.
Like, now. :D


comments pleasee :D


  1. Same here. I wanted it to be cooler in summer, but now that it's fall I want it to be warmer. I would prefer that we just skip the coldness and wind and go strait to snow and crackling fires :D

  2. I wish it were the perfect weather all the time. I'm seriously freezing...gah. I hate it.
    And the Daraja choir was realllly good. I enjoyed learning their dance :)
    ...and the party. Twas a good night...or rather weekend :D


