Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right- I hope you had the time of your life!

Today is the last day of the year 2009. What an incredible year it has been!

This year, I've grown in my relationship with the Lord, my parents and my friends. I feel so blessed, so many amazing things have happened this year. This morning I made a list of things that happened this year that I really enjoyed.

This year, I survived my freshmen year of highschool and was able to participate in Pilgrim. That was a ton of fun, as well as Summer Celebration, going dancing with friends and lots of fun things that we did over the summer. Friends coming over, my fifteenth birthday party, camping...lots of stuff.

Little things I came to love doing, reading my Bible more (I finished reading the Bible all the way through this year) reading Nicolas Sparks books such as A Walk To Remember, movie nights. Tree House Gang, sleepovers with friends and making cookies. Shakespeare camp, playing in the rain, photoshoots...

The youth retreat, celebration of friends being healed and God working in their lives, talks with my parents about God and friends about faith. Playing games, getting messy. Randomly bursting into song.

Funny Dad moments...tons of laughter.

And no, my year wasn't perfect. There were times of frustration and sadness, and plenty of tears. There was pain, things went wrong... every fight I was in, every stupid thing I've said...yes I regret those moments, and I'm sorry for anything that I have done this past year that may have hurt any of you in any way. You all have been great friends to me this year, and I don't deserve you at all. Looking back on the year I see how incredibly blessed I am, and that God is so good to me and I don't deserve it. He has given me wise and loving parents. He has given me friends with hearts for God. He has put me in a wonderful church with an amazing youth ministry.

2009 has been great. Happy New Year everyone. :)

♪ Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right-
I hope you've had the time of your life ♪♫


  1. I. LOVE. That. Song!
    Favourite quotes from your dad (and I know he'll get a kick out of these):
    -"There are two boys on my approves list! TWO, I say!"
    -"Kevin, Elizabeth. Shut up."
    -"NOW it feels more like Christmas!" (After turning his head in a most peculiar fashion.)
    -"You American twit, this is the fourth floor. Now get off the elevator and go learn a real game like Cricket."

    Good times.


