Friday, December 25, 2009

I Celebrate the Day

That you were born to die~ so I might one day pray for you to save my life.
{Relient K}

Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you all had as great of a holiday as I did. Last night I kept waking up about every twenty minutes cause I was so excited. When I finally woke up at the right time (7:30) my parents told us they weren't ready yet. SO since I was so bored and crazy excited for Christmas I got dressed and ready, and went downstairs when the time came. We opened our stockings and waited for our grandparents to come. Then Mom and Dad opened gifts, and we opened presents from the siblings to eachother. Haha, Dylan totallly went all out buying presents for the family this year. He got Kiera two of those Zhu Zhu pet hamster thingies. They are so cute and fun to play with! They run around the house and run into things and smell them and then spin around and stuff :D Oh and Ramil got me the new game of Bop It... :)

Then we open the presents from Mom and Dad. My parents always get us each three presents, because that's what Jesus received from the wise men. So we get a small, medium and large present. I kind of felt bad because my parents ordered a lot of stuff online, and many of the gifts didnt come in...but all of mine did. So each of my siblings opened up one box with a picture of the gift that hadn't come yet, but I got to open mine. :-/ But everyone was happy with their gifts just the same, but I think my siblings will be extremely happy when the rest of their gifts arrive. :) I got some great stuff too. I finally discovered what was in that suspicious box the size of was one of those reading pillow thingies, along with some Nicolas Sparks books lol. And I got some cds and an ESV STUDY BIBLE!!! :D

and we had Brunch here with Dad's side of the family, not everyone but a few people. Aunt Moe, Megan, Megan's fiance Kris, Kris's daughter Ashley, Matt, and Aunt Al. :) Mom always makes all this great food...monkey bread, sausage and egg casserole, and lots of fruit and bagels :D its a tradition every year to do this, and I love spending time with my cousins. We played Beatles rockband with them, they all love the Beatles (can you tell we're related?) and just hung out.

Then we went to my grandparents house for Christmas #2. that's my Mom's side of the family. We have stockings at my grandparents house too, and in my parents stockings and my Uncle Mike and Aunt Lois's stockings... they all got Mp3 players. SO not a stocking stuffer. lol.

So we opened some presents there too, I think it was really funny to watch Kiera open because she got lots of hats...and colorful could not have been happier than her. Seriously. She was squealing and laughing with joy. It was really funny. :D We we all happy with what we got...haha I asked for a Celtic Thunder cd, and my Aunt and Uncle bought me a Celtic Ladies cd. haha. :D I didn't have the heart to ask them to take it back, so I kept it. Who knows, maybe I'll like it?

and we had this amazing Christmas dinner...that was to be honest- bigger than thanksgiving. It was amazing. :D FOOD GLORIOUS FOOOOOOOOD

and we just came home about an hour ago, and here I am, telling you all about my wondrous day with my family. :) today was another one of those days for me that I realized how incredibly blessed I am, to have such an incredible family, amazing friends and a Wonderful God. :)

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! Merry Christmas Everyone! :D
{comments please}


ps. Oh I forgot to mention, last night at the show I recieved a few gifts from friends. :) They are so nice to have thought of me, and all of their gifts were really sweet :) haha and guess what? Remember how much I love the prius?Jayme got me a toy prius! and it's blue! How funny is that? :D Thank you all so much, and thanks for being such awesome friends I don't deserve :) (and not just for this :P )

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I got an ESV too! :D
    Oh my goodness. Kiera is now officially the hat queen :)


