Monday, December 7, 2009

this hasnt buffed out yet.

sigh. eventually the absence of creative titles will buff out. Eventually!!!

So on Saturday we did get to go to the party :D Kirstin, Jayme and I went as little kids on Christmas morning. Haha, I wore all red, Jayme wore all green, and Kirstin wore all blue. We carried around baby blankets and acted kiddish for the evening (well I wasnt in character as much as Kirstin in Jayme were :D well done you two.) It was quite fun. :) We played games, including white elephant which was very funny. I ended up with a beauty kit-equipped with tweezers! haha. great huh? Jayme brought this elephant that held two pieces of Bliss chocolate (yum. or should I say om nom nom. :D) It was amazing, Bekah ended up getting it and named it JamYe. Heehee.

Then we came home. Had hot chocolate, and started getting ready for bed and stuff. The whole time I was there, we had sort of a battle of who could take a shortest shower. Haha, Kirstin decided to time me once and then ever since the first night I'd go to take a shower and be like "I'm going to take a shower. Time this!" I think the shortest one I had was 4 minutes and something seconds...haha competition. Kirstin and Jayme played along and started timing their showers too :D haha

So anyway, we went to bed. Kirstin and Jayme had choir the next morning and Jayme had told me that they were leaving at 7:10 (I think). So guess what? I slept right through Kirstin's alarm. I woke up when Jayme called my name, I looked up and he said "We're leaving in three minutes." AHHHHHH!!! I scrambled to get ready, and even when I hurried they were still late. Darn. I feel bad about that. :P haha.

So for the record, the choir sounded AMAZING. They're having a concert Tuesday night at 7. Be there. :D

After they finished singing for first service, we went over the the 'big' meeting and listened to the message. Very good message :) Then in between services I went crazy trying to find Jayme (he was going to get food) but they both dissapeared. Or I dissapeared, it was probably that. I tend to dissapear. ANYWAY when he finally did find me it was pretty funny because we had run around in circles trying to find the other person. :P haha.

So, after that. We hung out at the house, looked at Kirstins pictures, talked to her friend Makenna on skype...and then we went back outside to play in the snow :D :D :D So Jayme and I played in the snow and made several attempts to get Kirstin to come outside. She was sitting inside on the computer looking at photos, so we stood outside the window and yelled and threw snowballs at the window and told her how she was breaking our hearts by not coming outside. :D haha. Dispite all of our effort, this plan was unsuccessful :(

But on the bright side, Kirstin did get some pretty amazing photos! and Im not saying this just because Im in the pictures. Seriously. Kirstin is a FANTASTIC photographer :D

Then that evening, we went out in the hottub. Then we would get out of the hottub, play in the snow, do snow angels then get back in. It was quite painful- but very fun :D At one point, Kirstin and I ran out into the front, did a snowangel SCREAMED because of the coldness and walked back to the hottub (the boys did this before us, but they didn't scream. haha) And Erik made a couch out of snow that we sat on. Kirstin sat on it longer :P and then I stubbed my toe on an icy stair. Ow. It was a lot of fun (aside from the toe stubbing that is. lol) :) Then we watched Pirates of the Carribean. Good times. :)

There are many many many stories I could tell about how much fun I had with the deWebers this weekend :D But Im going to stop here because many of you are probably reading this going "Man is this thing LONG!" plus, you probably wouldn't get half of the jokes and funny moments. :D haha.

Thanks for having me deWebers! I had a ton of fun! :D You guys are amazing.


oh and may the records show that the deWebers have awesome birds too :) and that I did not bring cargo pants. just for the record.


  1. Haha, we had tons of fun with you here! Don't feel bad about us being late on Sunday, we were late because we couldn't find our music it's not your fault. Oh, and my shower was 3 min and 10 seconds, ftr. Thank you for not killing my bird, lol! :D

  2. Oh, snap! I didn't get to comment first. lol =D That was AWESOME having you, Kylie! *sniff sniff* We miss you. You can come back anytime!
    haha Life of Colorado people is amazing. That was so funny sitting on the couch for over a minute with you! lol =D Love you, girl! =)

  3. Making snow angels and sitting on freezing couches in bathing suits, after getting out of a hot tub...?
    I'm not sure whether to say, "That's freakin' awesome!" or to say "I cannot think of something more stupid to do..."
    Ha, I can see the look on your mom's face when you tell that to her. :D


