Saturday, December 5, 2009

This absence of creative titles will buff out. :)

Jayme's idea. :D

So I'm at the deWebers house now :) I got here yesterday afternoon and we had a lot of fun hanging out and talking and chatting and eating and stuff :) Then we watched Liar Liar :D Very funny movie (crude at points I warn you) but it was very funny :)

We were up until about midnight, then went upstairs to bed. Kirstin and I were up for about two hours after that though :D haha.

Then this morning I had to wake up early so that I could go to the Christmas Craft fair. It was supposed to snow in the morning but I woke up to rain. :'( Then I got ready and went downstairs where Jayme was reading his Bible (good man) and then I ate ate breakfast. I had cereal and he had a toaster strudel. Then we left for the church and halfway to the church....

It started to SNOW!!!

:D :D :D

So I went to the Christmas Craft Fair and made some ornaments (dylan made this amazing one of a cycler thats juggling fire! and he actually lit it on fire!!!) and some other things :) very cool.

then I saw how much snow there was outside!!! Inches! and it stuck! It was so pretty! :D And it still is. :)

So then Jayme picked me up and we went to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for Mrs. deWeber. It was really funny cause Jayme was like "Where's the cereal?" and I said "Hm, probably in the same isle as the toaster pastries." So we went down the isle that said toaster pastries and sure enough there were! Then he asked where the dressing is and I said that it was probably in the same isle labeled 'condiments' and he said "Why would there be dressing with the condiments?" Then we walked down the condiment isle and there was dressing! TADA! haha. I felt so accomplished :P lol.

Then we came back, and warmed up for a bit. I had my quiet time (I just have to read Malachi and then I will have finished the Bible!!!!) and while I was reading my bible I heard this sound coming from outside of Kirstin's room and it was Jayme walking by in snow pants :P haha So we went outside and played in the snow. We went sledding :D It was very fun! We were constantly bombarding eachother with snow balls. Jayme kept trying to dump snow on me from the tree, and then it would fall on his head! :D :D :D very funny.

Oh and I buried Jayme in the snow. :D it was funny. We got pictures. And then he broke out like a monster! Twas quite funny :)

Then snow angels and snow ball fights! :D Kirstin got a lot of pictures :) :) :) Hopefully I'll put some up soon.

We were really cold and wet when we came back in. I wore two pairs of jeans outside and they were completely soaked through. Haha, not to mention my hair went totally 1989 on me :D lol. It's poofy and wavy.

Now I'm having hot chocolate with Kirstin and Jayme in the kitchen. And hopefully we'll be able to go to a party tonight if the roads don't freeze over.

Yay Snow! Im having so much fun with the deWebers :D :D :D

comments please! :D (real ones) haha


  1. YEYEY!!!! Mwahaha we get you for another day. =D =D xp
    Nice about the pants. XD

  2. Ouch. Wet jeans = bleh. But snow was fun. You forgot to mention our amazing snowball fight in front of the church, Kylie...
    Congrats on ahving almost finished the Bible!


