Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I want to take you to the Island...

trace your footprints in the sand...♪

love that song!

Anyway, 50th Blogpost. Seriously! Haha, that's a lot.

So what's been on since Christmas? Well, cleaning and organizing stuff, using the new gifts I've received. And I did something Saturday that I can't remember....what was it? AHHH thats going to drive me crazy...

Then Sunday we had church, :D it was a great message as always.

OH I REMEMBER WHAT IS WAS! I read alot, and I finished the first Nicolas Sparks book my parents gave me (434 pages) and I didn't cry. I'm so proud of myself ;) lol.

So now I'm reading "The Blind Side" and it totally makes me want to watch football. Especially the Ravens cause the football player in the book (Michael Lewis 'big mike') plays for them. Lol. :D

And then yesterday, Kiera woke me up cause she thought I had biology. Which was weird because 1) I normally have biology on tuesdays 2) we're on break!!! :P Then mom made me accompany Ramil and Kiera to the dentist because she had to pick up my Aunt from the hospital. Have I ever mentioned that I hate going to the dentist's? Yeah. Dentist's offices scare me.. :P But yeah I was left in charge...FAIL. I was supposed to take them to lunch, but the only place we could go within walking distance was California Tortilla, and that was way too expensive cause I only had twenty bucks and that caused a lot of yelling and distress. It was AWFUL. I hate it when I get left in charge and all that happens is we yell at eachother. Bad sister. Bad daughter. Im terrible. Sigh. A sinner in need of a Savior.

And then I had lunch and read and rehearsal and sleep. I was kicked out of my bed because the Blendermann girls and their dog Calle were spending the night. I have a big bed so they shared and I slept on a mattress on the floor next to the heater. Which wasn't so bad. lol. But I was looking foward to my bed after a long day and then I was like "oh...nevermind..."

And then this morning, woke up, quiet time, ate quick, rushed out the door, struggled through my moms pilates workout :P lol had rehearsal then I came home. And here I am! Listening to Celtic Thunder and singing loudly.



  1. Good job. Sounds like you've been busy, lol. :D By the way, does this count as a comment?

  2. Hehe... that pilates workout was amazing! I loved it, although I am/was extremely sore afterwards. Tell your mom that she should do it more often :D
    "...and singing loudly" Oh wow. What use is singing if you can't sing loudly every now and then. lol.

  3. Yes that counts as a comment :P :D

    I agree with the singing loudly. Of course...Im a loud singer to begin with so...yeah :P lol


  4. You'll be a DENNNNTIIIIIIIST! :-)
    Now I have The Island in my head... and dangit Kirstin, I just lost the game.
    The pilates would be better if I wasn't weirdly tight for no apparent reason beforehand.
    Singing loudly is the bomb.


