Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right- I hope you had the time of your life!

Today is the last day of the year 2009. What an incredible year it has been!

This year, I've grown in my relationship with the Lord, my parents and my friends. I feel so blessed, so many amazing things have happened this year. This morning I made a list of things that happened this year that I really enjoyed.

This year, I survived my freshmen year of highschool and was able to participate in Pilgrim. That was a ton of fun, as well as Summer Celebration, going dancing with friends and lots of fun things that we did over the summer. Friends coming over, my fifteenth birthday party, camping...lots of stuff.

Little things I came to love doing, reading my Bible more (I finished reading the Bible all the way through this year) reading Nicolas Sparks books such as A Walk To Remember, movie nights. Tree House Gang, sleepovers with friends and making cookies. Shakespeare camp, playing in the rain, photoshoots...

The youth retreat, celebration of friends being healed and God working in their lives, talks with my parents about God and friends about faith. Playing games, getting messy. Randomly bursting into song.

Funny Dad moments...tons of laughter.

And no, my year wasn't perfect. There were times of frustration and sadness, and plenty of tears. There was pain, things went wrong... every fight I was in, every stupid thing I've said...yes I regret those moments, and I'm sorry for anything that I have done this past year that may have hurt any of you in any way. You all have been great friends to me this year, and I don't deserve you at all. Looking back on the year I see how incredibly blessed I am, and that God is so good to me and I don't deserve it. He has given me wise and loving parents. He has given me friends with hearts for God. He has put me in a wonderful church with an amazing youth ministry.

2009 has been great. Happy New Year everyone. :)

♪ Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right-
I hope you've had the time of your life ♪♫

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I want to take you to the Island...

trace your footprints in the sand...♪

love that song!

Anyway, 50th Blogpost. Seriously! Haha, that's a lot.

So what's been on since Christmas? Well, cleaning and organizing stuff, using the new gifts I've received. And I did something Saturday that I can't remember....what was it? AHHH thats going to drive me crazy...

Then Sunday we had church, :D it was a great message as always.

OH I REMEMBER WHAT IS WAS! I read alot, and I finished the first Nicolas Sparks book my parents gave me (434 pages) and I didn't cry. I'm so proud of myself ;) lol.

So now I'm reading "The Blind Side" and it totally makes me want to watch football. Especially the Ravens cause the football player in the book (Michael Lewis 'big mike') plays for them. Lol. :D

And then yesterday, Kiera woke me up cause she thought I had biology. Which was weird because 1) I normally have biology on tuesdays 2) we're on break!!! :P Then mom made me accompany Ramil and Kiera to the dentist because she had to pick up my Aunt from the hospital. Have I ever mentioned that I hate going to the dentist's? Yeah. Dentist's offices scare me.. :P But yeah I was left in charge...FAIL. I was supposed to take them to lunch, but the only place we could go within walking distance was California Tortilla, and that was way too expensive cause I only had twenty bucks and that caused a lot of yelling and distress. It was AWFUL. I hate it when I get left in charge and all that happens is we yell at eachother. Bad sister. Bad daughter. Im terrible. Sigh. A sinner in need of a Savior.

And then I had lunch and read and rehearsal and sleep. I was kicked out of my bed because the Blendermann girls and their dog Calle were spending the night. I have a big bed so they shared and I slept on a mattress on the floor next to the heater. Which wasn't so bad. lol. But I was looking foward to my bed after a long day and then I was like "oh...nevermind..."

And then this morning, woke up, quiet time, ate quick, rushed out the door, struggled through my moms pilates workout :P lol had rehearsal then I came home. And here I am! Listening to Celtic Thunder and singing loudly.


Friday, December 25, 2009

I Celebrate the Day

That you were born to die~ so I might one day pray for you to save my life.
{Relient K}

Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you all had as great of a holiday as I did. Last night I kept waking up about every twenty minutes cause I was so excited. When I finally woke up at the right time (7:30) my parents told us they weren't ready yet. SO since I was so bored and crazy excited for Christmas I got dressed and ready, and went downstairs when the time came. We opened our stockings and waited for our grandparents to come. Then Mom and Dad opened gifts, and we opened presents from the siblings to eachother. Haha, Dylan totallly went all out buying presents for the family this year. He got Kiera two of those Zhu Zhu pet hamster thingies. They are so cute and fun to play with! They run around the house and run into things and smell them and then spin around and stuff :D Oh and Ramil got me the new game of Bop It... :)

Then we open the presents from Mom and Dad. My parents always get us each three presents, because that's what Jesus received from the wise men. So we get a small, medium and large present. I kind of felt bad because my parents ordered a lot of stuff online, and many of the gifts didnt come in...but all of mine did. So each of my siblings opened up one box with a picture of the gift that hadn't come yet, but I got to open mine. :-/ But everyone was happy with their gifts just the same, but I think my siblings will be extremely happy when the rest of their gifts arrive. :) I got some great stuff too. I finally discovered what was in that suspicious box the size of was one of those reading pillow thingies, along with some Nicolas Sparks books lol. And I got some cds and an ESV STUDY BIBLE!!! :D

and we had Brunch here with Dad's side of the family, not everyone but a few people. Aunt Moe, Megan, Megan's fiance Kris, Kris's daughter Ashley, Matt, and Aunt Al. :) Mom always makes all this great food...monkey bread, sausage and egg casserole, and lots of fruit and bagels :D its a tradition every year to do this, and I love spending time with my cousins. We played Beatles rockband with them, they all love the Beatles (can you tell we're related?) and just hung out.

Then we went to my grandparents house for Christmas #2. that's my Mom's side of the family. We have stockings at my grandparents house too, and in my parents stockings and my Uncle Mike and Aunt Lois's stockings... they all got Mp3 players. SO not a stocking stuffer. lol.

So we opened some presents there too, I think it was really funny to watch Kiera open because she got lots of hats...and colorful could not have been happier than her. Seriously. She was squealing and laughing with joy. It was really funny. :D We we all happy with what we got...haha I asked for a Celtic Thunder cd, and my Aunt and Uncle bought me a Celtic Ladies cd. haha. :D I didn't have the heart to ask them to take it back, so I kept it. Who knows, maybe I'll like it?

and we had this amazing Christmas dinner...that was to be honest- bigger than thanksgiving. It was amazing. :D FOOD GLORIOUS FOOOOOOOOD

and we just came home about an hour ago, and here I am, telling you all about my wondrous day with my family. :) today was another one of those days for me that I realized how incredibly blessed I am, to have such an incredible family, amazing friends and a Wonderful God. :)

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! Merry Christmas Everyone! :D
{comments please}


ps. Oh I forgot to mention, last night at the show I recieved a few gifts from friends. :) They are so nice to have thought of me, and all of their gifts were really sweet :) haha and guess what? Remember how much I love the prius?Jayme got me a toy prius! and it's blue! How funny is that? :D Thank you all so much, and thanks for being such awesome friends I don't deserve :) (and not just for this :P )

Thursday, December 24, 2009



So last night was the first show we had at the church and it went very well! :D It was a lot of fun! I had a lot of fun singing the the choir, doing the dance and crowd * phew * haha. Then I had fun talking to friends afterward :) Oh and my grandparents came to see :D I'm excited because tonight several more of my relatives are coming, none of which are Christians. Be praying God does a work in them! :D

And letsee, Elizabeth and Kevin came over last night after the show for a little bit. :) oh and on the way back home we stopped at Wendy's cause Elizabeth and Kevin were really hungry cause they didn't have dinner, so we went through the drivethru. And who was in front of us? My parents and Ramil and Kiera. We had taken seperate cars and left a few minutes apart. Which is dumb because the whole reason we took two cars was so we (kids) could stay longer and hang with friends.... cough cough Dylan.... But it was really funny because my Dad was making faces at us and yelling at us through the drivethru and giving us strange directions for fixing the clock in the oldsmobile. :P haha. Then we went back to my house and I gave them their presents- it was hysterical seeing Elizabeth's face. I got her a tshirt that said "Muggle" on the front. and for those of you who love Harry Potter and know Elizabeth...haha it was pretty funny. :D and then I attempted to give Elizabeth a manicure with a new green nail polish a friend had given her...I only got one hand done before her parents came...and I kind of failed at that but...haha. oh well. and after they left I went to bed pretty much. haha.

Man, I didn't really have much to post about... :P Hopefully after Christmas I'll have tons of funny stories to tell! :D

if you can find anything to comment on, please comment! :D


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

♪♫ Christmas Time is Here...♪♫

Well hi everybody. :)

Christmas time is here. Christmas is in three days! Good gracious, where has the year gone to? haha. Tonight is dress rehearsal for the Christmas show at my church, Tomorrow is the first show. It starts at 6:30 at Covenant Life church for those of you who want to come. :D

and guess what? I finished my Christmas shopping! YAY! That only took...a long time. haha. But I'm finally finished. With the shopping part anyway... :P lol

one of my friends gave me a present yesterday and its sitting under my christmas tree torturing me. I just want to open it but I promised myself I wouldnt until Christmas Eve. gah! Oh the suspense. haha. :D

Oh and yesterday I went sledding (well attempted to) and watched the Grinch (the Jim carrey one) with some friends. :D It was a lot of fun. :D

but man. Christmas surprises...the suspense kills me :D I'm like "They're hiding something from me! I know it!" and well....duh they are. Its Christmas. Its supposed to be a surprise. :D

comments pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Im Dreaming of a White Christmas...

and it sure looks like it's going to happen.

So here in Maryland we are scheduled to have 20 inches of snow. Well right now 18 inches is on the ground and it is still coming.

Everyone seems so happy about the snow. I would have loved to have a few inches, but this snow storm has canceled a lot of fun things planned for the weekend. :( I've been pretty bored all day.

yesterday I had coop, where we talked about Martin Luther and watched the movie Luther. And we had a christmas party. Then that evening I had dance rehearsal.

Then this morning I slept in til 11. Kiera wasnt here so it was easy to sleep in. :D But I've pretty much been stranded inside all day, watching movies and chatting with friends. I have so many presents left to get, and now I have a splitting headache. Ah....thats life.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

So. Well. Uh.

Life. Yup.

So... not a whole lots been going on. Last day of MCI before break was yesterday so there were lots of Christmas Class parties. :) Very fun. I dressed as a Christmas present...kind of failed. :P But all the same, twas a fun day.

Well...Then I went home and took my Geometry test- I had been dreading this test but it turned out to be easier than I thought! Thank you all for praying for me! Please continue to pray :) I still haven't gotten the results yet.

Uh...Okay so I have been picking the acoustic guitar back up (okay so I only played it for like a week before...but Im really learning how to play it now.) I pretty much gave up last time after my fingers started hurting. But I was practicing last night and my fingers weren't hurting as bad! :D YAY! Right now I'm just working on learning a few chords and once I get that down I'll be playing "Yours to Hold" by Skillet. So we'll see how this works out. Pray that I'd persevere! I really want to do this! :D

Haha, so Dylan and Kiera caught me totally getting into my inner rockstar blaring Skillet music in my room- I was totally rocking out, heading banging and air guitar and everything then I turned around and they were in the doorway and I was like "uhhh long have you been standing there?" haha. Skillet is amazing. :D :D :D I SO want to see them in concert but they aren't coming anywhere near here for like...ever. :'( sadness.

And Christmas is getting closer and closer and I have so much to do! :-o AH!

Yeah random. but that's my life. :)

comments please... :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

You tried your best and failed miserably...

the lesson is- don't try ~Homer Simpson

hahaha :D that made me laugh. That's pretty much how I felt after my last Geometry test. :( Sadness. If I don't raise my grade to a B by the end of the quarter, I'm dropping out of Geometry and doing it at home. Sigh...I hate this.

but Elizabeth and Kevin came over today and helped me with it so that I'd understand better. And I do! Praise God! I mean....I still hate it, but at least I get it now. Ish. haha.

So anyway...REWIND. Sunday, we had church (as always). It was a really good message again. Then my family had lunch with the deWebers, which was fun :) Thank you for having us deWebers! Then Sunday evening...studying...and more studying.... :P

Then Monday that studying didn't pay off with my Geometry test. Very upsetting. Then studying for Biology...I did well in Biology today. Yay! But I'm still pretty upset with Geometry...well these things happen to everyone...either that or they just happen to me. more likely... :-/

And then I went to the Calderones for a couple of hours, then Elizabeth and Kevin came over for Geometry. And we've been hanging out. yup.

So yeah.. Prayer is much appreciated. :) So are comments. :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

So Guess What?

It buffed out. :) ish.

So Monday and Tuesday I was at people's houses again, and I got to go see the Covenant Life Christmas Concert. Very Good :) The Select Choir made me cry, they were so good and the words were very touching. Very cool :)

Tuesday I hit the wall. My body was so exhausted, I was shocked I hadn't gotten sick because of the exhaustion. Wednesday morning I prayed that schools were delayed, which of course they weren't so I had to wake up (even though I went to bed at a decent time) and my body had about 24 hours worth of sleep to catch up on. :P

Wednesday I was out of it. Completely tired and grumpy. Plus to make my case worse I had a quiet time of about two seconds that morning. I know I can still be grumpy even when I have my quiet time- but I'm definitely less grumpy when I have it. So I was pretty much the living dead all day. Dance class was ehhhh- not everyone was listening to me so that was frustrating.

Then I went home. Dylan said he was close to killing my dog several times. Great. You should've seen how relieved Cassie was to see me. Ha. Then I had Dance rehearsal and choir rehearsal ( I was lost with the harmonies until Kirstin came :) You're Amazing Kirstin!)

Then sleep.
and more sleep. Amazing. :)
Then in the afternoon around Dinner MOM AND DAD CAME HOME!!! :D :D :D They brought us all little things. They got me a tshirt (thats this really cool shade of blue ) and earrings and brought me some fossilized coral they found on the beach (I collect rocks) Really cool. As well as all of those pillow chocolates :D heehee. Dad had tons of funny stories to tell. :) It sounds like they had a lot of fun. I'm glad they're home, but I'm also missing spending time with my friends.

Then I worked on the script for Much ado about nothing :D heehee. So funny, we're doing it for coop! We worked on it at coop (just to be completely redundant) then my family helped clean up Ms Rohr's Medieval Feast, then we had 10:31

Okay, for the record- REALLY good message. About the prodigal son. It was so good, its just one of those slap in the face moments that there are going to be people who leave the faith and I was just like "Lord have mercy on me!" it was just...yeah. smack in the face. It was a really good (and long) message, plus we had a great time of discussion afterword. :) quite good

then social time :) always fun. Especially after Jayme told me that Dylan and my Dad were looking for me to go...which basically translates into "RUN!" :D haha, very fun.

Then the Kelleys stayed over, and then today Saturday we went to the church early because they had Christmas Tree Selling and I had dance rehearsal. And Choir rehearsal. And crowd acting rehearsal * ahhhh * yeah. It was A LOT of fun. But I am so tired now. But its not near as tired as I was before. Praise the Lord.

and this has been a summary of the week so far. Many details that I missed because I know this post is already massive. OH dad quote "You guys just for the record- talking about zombies is like girl repellent. For those of you who might want to get a girlfriend someday." hahahahaha :D Oh Im happy Dad is back. and Mom. ♪ We are family...♪

oh and my friends are amazing. for like the billionth time. :)



Monday, December 7, 2009

this hasnt buffed out yet.

sigh. eventually the absence of creative titles will buff out. Eventually!!!

So on Saturday we did get to go to the party :D Kirstin, Jayme and I went as little kids on Christmas morning. Haha, I wore all red, Jayme wore all green, and Kirstin wore all blue. We carried around baby blankets and acted kiddish for the evening (well I wasnt in character as much as Kirstin in Jayme were :D well done you two.) It was quite fun. :) We played games, including white elephant which was very funny. I ended up with a beauty kit-equipped with tweezers! haha. great huh? Jayme brought this elephant that held two pieces of Bliss chocolate (yum. or should I say om nom nom. :D) It was amazing, Bekah ended up getting it and named it JamYe. Heehee.

Then we came home. Had hot chocolate, and started getting ready for bed and stuff. The whole time I was there, we had sort of a battle of who could take a shortest shower. Haha, Kirstin decided to time me once and then ever since the first night I'd go to take a shower and be like "I'm going to take a shower. Time this!" I think the shortest one I had was 4 minutes and something seconds...haha competition. Kirstin and Jayme played along and started timing their showers too :D haha

So anyway, we went to bed. Kirstin and Jayme had choir the next morning and Jayme had told me that they were leaving at 7:10 (I think). So guess what? I slept right through Kirstin's alarm. I woke up when Jayme called my name, I looked up and he said "We're leaving in three minutes." AHHHHHH!!! I scrambled to get ready, and even when I hurried they were still late. Darn. I feel bad about that. :P haha.

So for the record, the choir sounded AMAZING. They're having a concert Tuesday night at 7. Be there. :D

After they finished singing for first service, we went over the the 'big' meeting and listened to the message. Very good message :) Then in between services I went crazy trying to find Jayme (he was going to get food) but they both dissapeared. Or I dissapeared, it was probably that. I tend to dissapear. ANYWAY when he finally did find me it was pretty funny because we had run around in circles trying to find the other person. :P haha.

So, after that. We hung out at the house, looked at Kirstins pictures, talked to her friend Makenna on skype...and then we went back outside to play in the snow :D :D :D So Jayme and I played in the snow and made several attempts to get Kirstin to come outside. She was sitting inside on the computer looking at photos, so we stood outside the window and yelled and threw snowballs at the window and told her how she was breaking our hearts by not coming outside. :D haha. Dispite all of our effort, this plan was unsuccessful :(

But on the bright side, Kirstin did get some pretty amazing photos! and Im not saying this just because Im in the pictures. Seriously. Kirstin is a FANTASTIC photographer :D

Then that evening, we went out in the hottub. Then we would get out of the hottub, play in the snow, do snow angels then get back in. It was quite painful- but very fun :D At one point, Kirstin and I ran out into the front, did a snowangel SCREAMED because of the coldness and walked back to the hottub (the boys did this before us, but they didn't scream. haha) And Erik made a couch out of snow that we sat on. Kirstin sat on it longer :P and then I stubbed my toe on an icy stair. Ow. It was a lot of fun (aside from the toe stubbing that is. lol) :) Then we watched Pirates of the Carribean. Good times. :)

There are many many many stories I could tell about how much fun I had with the deWebers this weekend :D But Im going to stop here because many of you are probably reading this going "Man is this thing LONG!" plus, you probably wouldn't get half of the jokes and funny moments. :D haha.

Thanks for having me deWebers! I had a ton of fun! :D You guys are amazing.


oh and may the records show that the deWebers have awesome birds too :) and that I did not bring cargo pants. just for the record.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

This absence of creative titles will buff out. :)

Jayme's idea. :D

So I'm at the deWebers house now :) I got here yesterday afternoon and we had a lot of fun hanging out and talking and chatting and eating and stuff :) Then we watched Liar Liar :D Very funny movie (crude at points I warn you) but it was very funny :)

We were up until about midnight, then went upstairs to bed. Kirstin and I were up for about two hours after that though :D haha.

Then this morning I had to wake up early so that I could go to the Christmas Craft fair. It was supposed to snow in the morning but I woke up to rain. :'( Then I got ready and went downstairs where Jayme was reading his Bible (good man) and then I ate ate breakfast. I had cereal and he had a toaster strudel. Then we left for the church and halfway to the church....

It started to SNOW!!!

:D :D :D

So I went to the Christmas Craft Fair and made some ornaments (dylan made this amazing one of a cycler thats juggling fire! and he actually lit it on fire!!!) and some other things :) very cool.

then I saw how much snow there was outside!!! Inches! and it stuck! It was so pretty! :D And it still is. :)

So then Jayme picked me up and we went to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for Mrs. deWeber. It was really funny cause Jayme was like "Where's the cereal?" and I said "Hm, probably in the same isle as the toaster pastries." So we went down the isle that said toaster pastries and sure enough there were! Then he asked where the dressing is and I said that it was probably in the same isle labeled 'condiments' and he said "Why would there be dressing with the condiments?" Then we walked down the condiment isle and there was dressing! TADA! haha. I felt so accomplished :P lol.

Then we came back, and warmed up for a bit. I had my quiet time (I just have to read Malachi and then I will have finished the Bible!!!!) and while I was reading my bible I heard this sound coming from outside of Kirstin's room and it was Jayme walking by in snow pants :P haha So we went outside and played in the snow. We went sledding :D It was very fun! We were constantly bombarding eachother with snow balls. Jayme kept trying to dump snow on me from the tree, and then it would fall on his head! :D :D :D very funny.

Oh and I buried Jayme in the snow. :D it was funny. We got pictures. And then he broke out like a monster! Twas quite funny :)

Then snow angels and snow ball fights! :D Kirstin got a lot of pictures :) :) :) Hopefully I'll put some up soon.

We were really cold and wet when we came back in. I wore two pairs of jeans outside and they were completely soaked through. Haha, not to mention my hair went totally 1989 on me :D lol. It's poofy and wavy.

Now I'm having hot chocolate with Kirstin and Jayme in the kitchen. And hopefully we'll be able to go to a party tonight if the roads don't freeze over.

Yay Snow! Im having so much fun with the deWebers :D :D :D

comments please! :D (real ones) haha

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So see the leaves fall to the ground...

And see them lying all around, Still I can't see you...

Good song. Miss you Mom and Dad.

So Yesterday was Wednesday and I went to MCI with Allie and that went well. I taught dance class and survived and didn't have a nervous breakdown- Praise The Lord!!! :) Then I went to the Hoffmans house with the Kelleys, and we went to Starbucks and then went over hw for Much Ado About Nothing. It was quite fun :) "This looks not like a nuptial." AH such a funny play :D

So then I went to Christmas Choir (which is small this year!) and of course I made a fool of myself within like ten minutes. Mr Boer was like 'And we're doing the Hallelujah Chorus...' and I was like "YES!" and everyone looked at me and started laughing and I was like "is it wrong to be excited or something? sheesh..." :P

So that was run. Really. :D And then I went to the Kelleys house and Elizabeth and I read a bit and listened to Celtic Thunder Music :D :D :D (the title is one of their songs btw) And I decided that Kevin's cat Hobbes is amazing. He's orange and fluffy and he just like comes up to you and is like "pet me!!!" :D haha So we went to bed and then this morning we woke up and got ready for the day, had breakfast and what not.

haha I got all excited and stuff when I discovered I fell asleep with my socks on :P that never happens. And you know what else never happens? I got on the Rebelution before Elizabeth did! What?? Yes I was very excited :D haha. So then I did my homework and caught up on the Biggest Loser ( I missed it this week). And then I did more homework, I'll probably do more later tonight when I feel like I have nothing to do. Plus then I wont have a ton to do over the weekend.

then lets see we listened to this cd that Jayme gave me of some August Burns Red and becoming the archetype stuff. The music is awesome! though I could live with just a little less growling :P lol and guess what? Elizabeth didn't blow up! That made it a success :D Then we went back to Celtic Thunder and singing loudly across the house. :) then we went for a walk and now we are back here, Im chilling and Lidbet is still doing some Hw. We're now listening to superchick :D yay!

OH WAIT! Funny Dad story, he emailed us and said "So the elevator here talks to you like you're an idiot. It's like 'FLOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRR' which translates into American English as 'You stupid American twit. This is the fourth floor now get off and go learn a real game like cricket!' " hahaha :D

Comments please! And real ones, not the ones when you say "No comment" or "comment" please...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The incredible exciting insane whackydoodliedoo

now THAT is a good title :D

So As I said on my previous post, my parents are on a cruise for ten days. This is Day two of the ten, and I am at house number 2-Allie's house. 

SO yesterday my parents left at about 5 :30 ish. They woke us up really early to say goodbye and then they got their bags together and left. They told us that they probably wouldnt be in touch with us until wednesday. Which has proved to be true so far. :P 

SO yesterday (woah deja vu) I was at the Calderone's house :D It was a lot of fun. We did homework (haha funnnn) and then played around and talked to people on chat....including a very strange chat from Kevin...Boy was THAT was interesting...quite funny :) No worries, no one was emotionally scarred in the process. :P  

Oh but I did go over this friendship quiz results of some of my friends and they were so awesome to read over :) Good memories, some made me laugh and they made me realize (yet again!) how amazing my friends are. :) Thanks you guys. :D

And Amy gave me an amazing back rub (I was so tight, and now my back feels all loose and sore. haha. but good :) ) And I had a good time talking with Amy while recieving a back rub.  :) Thanks :) 

And then this morning I woke up at 8, the rest of the family had been awake for a couple hours already. haha. Then I got up and ready and Stephen showed me what I could have for breakfast and stuff. I had my quiet time ( Read through Ruth, I just finished a book that talked about her good example) :) and then Stephen and I studied for Biology and went to class. 

I got a B on my quiz today. I can deal with that :) 

Then I went to the Herberts house! Thats where I am now, and Im having fun with Allie. Her siblings are going crazy (as usual) and we've been attempting to do homework. Which we have successfully done so far :) I called my siblings....I miss them and wanted to make sure they were okay. :) I also wanted to make sure that no one's done anything drastic or killed my dog or something....but mostly because I miss them :) though it didnt sound like they missed me much LOL :P 

WELL. Thats pretty much it for now. Listening to music, and chilling. The only thing that would make this better is chocolate, too bad I finished mine in Study Hall yesterday. Sigh...It was good. 

So again if you all could be praying for me and my family through this incredible exciting insane whackydoodliedoo (for a lack of better word). And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEEE COMMENT! :D I love reading comments. But you knew that ;)

