Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday Monday Tuesday

Im so tired...

So Sunday morning I thought I was going to first service, but I woke up like ten minutes before the service started and I ended up going to second. Not only that, but I left the service early so I could go to work, so I missed half of Josh's message! THEN I got to work and Todd Butler told me that I didnt need to work today and that the festival was rained out.


So instead of going to work, Mom and I went to Starbucks and WalMart. Starbucks yumm...WalMart not so much. :P lol. I tagged along with Mom and tried to get ideas for what I should dress up as for Halloween....I still don't have any clue........any ideas????

and then I moped around because I was upset about not going to the Skillet concert.

Then Monday- caught up on school from being sick last week, then I went to Geometry class. The classroom tables weren't set up, so we decided to make a stand (or a sit I guess...) and sat on the floor like hippies and had class that way. Let me just say...Geometry, not my thing. Though there were a few funny moments...

I was sitting next to David, and right after we finished praying he goes "I'm thinking we have the same size feet."
"We do."
"We do?"
"Yeah, remember I fit into those shoes."
"You've tried on my shoes?"
slightly awkward silence followed as well as a few chuckles... :P

Then Mrs Stevenson called Robert "Ruth". THAT was funny...

Then I went to Kiera's Volleyball game. They got beat pretty bad by another team- the players were SO TALL!

Then Dad took me home, where he therefore proved to me we need our own TV show. Ramil was explaining how he wanted this new video game that was coming out.
And Dad says, "Let me guess, the zombies are taking over Disney world and you need to beat them or something stupid like that."
"Well, they're not zombies Dad, they're heartless beings."
"Hmm lets see what the difference is," I paused. "NOT MUCH!"
"Yeah I can just imagine '♪♫ It's a small world...♪♫ RAWRR! CRUNCH! (Imitates zombie killing noises) RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"


Then at dinner, he proceded to tell us his view of the volleyball game. "Kiera needs to be more like a Chihuahua- little but scary. I want to see Kiera 'Bring it on Tall girl! What you got?! Huh, OH that's how I do it!" hahahaha can you see Kiera doing that?!

And how Kiera attempts to calm herself down, she does this weird little breathing exercise. And Dad's like "Its ridiculous. I'm like 'I'm sorry everyone, She's not a buddhist!'"

There were several other jokes made that night, and Im sure you all can bring up examples of how my Dad made a witty comment or two. Like how everyone's a Phil, except for Phil Royer who is further called Eunice. Or how Jayme's a Car Nazi. :D Thats why Im launching this program called "Get Tim on TV!" whos with me? :P haha. He'd be a great TV show host. Not nessacarily a comedy show but...still. :P

then I did Biology studying (biology, not my thing either) emailed, texted, chilled. showered , sang quite loudly and went to bed. alot of times when I cant sleep I look out the window at this one star, thats always in the same spot. Its really nice. I just lay there and look at the star and thoughts run through my head...I like it alot. :) But it'd be a whole lot nicer if the stupid Safeway's 'search light' wasnt shining all across the sky. x(

Then today, I woke up...this is when my room starts getting REALLY cold. You see, the heater in my bedroom doesnt work. SO it gets pretty chilly in there. For Christmas last year, Kiera and I asked for electric blankets- we get that cold. But of course my electric blanket is in the wash because I used it while I was sick.
ANYWAY...I didnt want to get out of bed but decided I had to get up and study for Biology before I went to class. So I got out of bed, decided which sweatshirt/sweater to wear (I love sweaters and sweatshirts, I own like twenty... :P) and picked out jeans (which sadly I only own two good pairs-neither of which are very good considering the first is four sizes too big, and the other's pant legs are too short.) and started getting ready for the day. then I studied while eating Wheaties.

Then I had a little stress attack when I found that none of the pictures were in my botany notebook, so I scrambled to get those printed and in the notebook. Then a further stress attack when my siblings acted completely clueless as to why they were coming with me. It's been a month, they should know by now! :P

So Biology class, I guess would be fantastic if I didnt feel like such an idiot. :P And what stinks is when I feel stupid everyone can tell because I start blushing. great.

And then I went home and did my Geometry homework (which suprisingly only took a few minutes) and got ready to go to the orthodontist and get my picture taken.

figures we came to get pictures on the wrong day. :P
but I got my retainer (joy...) from the orthodontist which I now have to wearing like all the time until new years...great. My mouth is sore. :( and it feels so strange and I have a lisp. haha.

but then I got to spend like two or three minutes at the church talking to Jayme, Betsy, Jenna, Stephen and Robert. Stephen and Robert made me say "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood." and I did it...easily ;)

and now I finished homework for the day, including my art project (Art- IS my thing. :D ). I finally finished my collage and now Im working on my representation of a famous painting - I chose 'The Singing Butler' by Jack Vettriani.

but now Im just chilling, watching TV...missing friends. man I need some socialization that's not related to school in any way. I miss hanging out and watching movies and having photoshoots.



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