Monday, September 21, 2009


On April 4, 2006 I got my braces on. I was in 6th grade, and braces completly added to the awkward preteen look. The day I got braces, I wore a skull sweatshirt and black clothes.

Im serious.

The day after I got braces, I went to writing class and the guys teased me because my teeth were so sore I couldnt eat any chocolate (which you know is my comfort food) they started singing that song from Willy Wonka "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing CHOCOLATE tier!!!"

and me being in the middle school drama stage of life, this completly tore me apart and I was crying my eyes out because this seemed so mean to me.

I lived on noodles and ice cream for about a week. And I continued to do that whenever I got my brace tightened.

and brushing and eating and brushing

and no chewy food :(

and today September 21, 2009 nearly four years later, I got my braces off. And it feels so strange, but GREAT!

Its freedom. And now I get to eat whatever I want.

:D Yes


  1. Yeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyness!!!! We saw your pictures. 8D Hope the experience was alright! Love ya! 8D

  2. YAY! Congratulations. Go get yourself a Symphony bar. :-)

  3. what pictures??? congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats awesome, but it sounds weird cuz ur not Kylie without ur totally you(meaning awesome) braces but ill adjust i guess..get some gummy bears!!!

  4. Yay for youuuu ;)
    Of course, your bad experiences with braces only makes me dread them even more :P


