Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sickness :(


Im sick. It's quite upsetting.

On Monday night my throat started hurting really bad, and I woke up at 4 am because I couldnt sleep because of the pain. Mom was awake and gave me some ice water and ibuprofen. This helped a little but not as well I as hoped it would.

I went back to sleep for a few hours and then woke up. I felt awful. I ended up missing Biology class, and getting a fever. I spent all my time on the couch, reading books for school and doing all the homework I could. Then I watched Pete's Dragon (one of my favorite childhood movies) and had some soup. Then I watched the AristoCats and had some more soup. Then I pretty much laid around and then watched The Biggest Loser when that came on.

(did I mention a big box truck ran into our telephone wire? We had no internet, TV or phone most of the day and we didnt expect to get it back until wednesday or today I guess but they came early, much to Dylans relief who couldnt play video games :D)

(oh and drew came to the house because his parents are on a big trip)

So anyway, I didnt sleep well at all last night and Im feeling worse today. Im extremly tired, my throat hurts like crazy, my head hurts, I get dizzy when I stand up and I have a fever.


and on top of that I cant enjoy having no braces and eating sticky food because my throat hurts so bad I can barely swallow. :'(

and on top of that I cant see any of my friends because Im not going to MCI today and then my other friends are going camping and to the beach. :( sadness.

and on top of that...I want a balloon.

Yup so Im miserable. and bratty as you can tell from all of the complaining (sorry bout that). Prayer is MUCH appreciated. I want to be better SO bad.



  1. Totally praying for you. Look at it this way: it's good that, if you had to get sick this week, you got sick early in the week; it means you'll almost definitely be un-sick by Saturday, so you can go to the QuinseƱera. Again, praying for you!

  2. not to scare ya, but ur having the exact same symptems right before the stumache-upsetness of the swine flu... yikes! a bunch of ppl in my school are haveing the same thing ur r! ill pray for ya :)


