Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Last Week :D


I got to go to a movie night at my friend Bekahs House on Saturday! We watched The Dark Knight (scary but good) and The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy (hysterical!). It was so much fun. We got to go to Pizza Hut and hang out at the Price's house. Kirstin brought her friend Makenna, who was visiting from Colorado! She was so nice, and it was so great to meet her. :)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is one of my all time favorites now :D

We didnt get home until like 11:30pm. But it was worth it!

Then the next day, we had to go to first service. The message was on friendship and it was SO good!!! Then I had to work, but THEN I got to go to the Garris' for a get together for the Blankenships! For those of you who don't know this, I grew up with the Blankenships and they moved away when I was twelve. Dylan and I were really close with them, and its been four years since they moved! So it was great to see them and hang out. We swam, played Rockband and caught up with eachother. Plus we got to play a few jokes on each other, like Betsy and I programmed a picture of us as the background to both Grant and Kevins phones. You shouldve seen their faces when they opened them. :D funnyyy....We also got to hang out the next day.

The quote of the weekend:"We asked Dylan if we should invite girls and he just laughed." :D

Plus Monday, I got this AMAZING dress for Hannah's Quiencenera!!! Its purple and flowy and it goes with this silver necklace, and its going to be so cool! :D and to make things better- Im going to have my braces off!!!! Now I just have to figure out what I'm getting Hannah.

Then Tuesday I had my first Biology class, which was fun! Im one of two girls in the class, but its okay cuz we don't talk much anyway and I know the guys. And I worked Tuesday, and that was really slow. At the end of the day we realized we had the "Orchard Closed" sign up all day. Nice...

Wednesday was all day at MCI, from 8:30 til 3. First was Art (AMAZING!!!), then Composition (Ok), then Lunch

quote from lunch : " So guys this is Cathy, I know her from my math class last year. And this is David, he's one of my best friends and so are Elizabeth and Allie. And Kevin...well he's kind of like a brother cause we're close but he gets on my nerves..." :D

then Geometry (ehhhh....), and dance (:D ) and then when we finally left I was so hungry and exhausted. In the parking lot I was eating an apple when I saw a red prius :D which meant that the DeWebers were there. They had come for choir and seemed as shocked to see me as I was to see them. haha. then we (mom and kiera and I) got mcdonalds and headed over to the church cuz mom and kiera had volleyball. then I tried doing some of my homework online but the stupid browser wouldnt let me, so I ended up chatting with a couple of people, including a friend of mine who called me a nerd because Allie and I were doing our geometry homework already (you know who you are...)

THEN I came home to play Beatles Rockband with the family!!! :D :D :D

Then Thursday I had to do a lot of school work to get ready for Co op the next day.

Then Friday I had CoOp, which was fun. :) Then Kirstin came over for a couple of hours while the guys were filming WAS! We went over to the Damascus Fair for a while, and I got seven firsts and a grand champion on my photography :D And then we went back to the house and had ice cream cake and called Jayme (left the strangest message...) and then we left to go to 1031 and Dad took kirstin and I to starbucks :D

Then there was a 1031 meeting (that was AWESOME) and we played some games and talked with friends. :) Then Jayme and Kirstin came over! Dylan and I rode home with Jayme and Kirstin in the Prius!!! :D We sang along to Skillet and then on the way home, Mom called and said Dad's car wasnt working and that we had to go get him. So the guys dropped Kirstin and I back at the house and they went back to get Dad. Kirstin and I waited and got in our PJs and let them back in the house (by then it was just about midnight) then we played rockband until about 1:20am and then went to bed.

Then this morning I woke up and went downstairs. Jayme was up and was starting to have his Quiet Time (good man.) I started to have my breakfast and then went back upstairs to get Kirstin who had just woke up. And I have I mentioned I'm jealous of Jayme's relationship with my dog? (ahahaha that sounds so strange :P) She adores him and does whatever he says, she even got her feet wet!!! Yeah so anyway, then we went over to Starbucks, :) and then we went over to the fair again so I could show Jayme my photos (kirstin saw them the day before). While we were there, this guy I know Derek (I know him from Once Upon a Mattress in 7th grade and I only see him at this fair) came up to us and took a sip of my latte!!! AH! That was just UGH...thats wrong. Thats so wrong. I think he felt intimidated by Jayme though because after that he left when he normally would have stuck to me like glue for like a half hour. D-: ughhhh. creepy

never take a sip out of someone elses latte. ever.


and then we came back to the house and talked and chilled for a while. We had a ton of fun. :) Jayme and Kirstin, you rock.

and Im going to be picked up to go babysitting any minute now...


1 comment:

  1. Haha. I find the whole thing with the car really ironic. For those of you who don't know, we got locked out of my dad's car last night, and we didn't have the keys. Mr. Smith happened to have the same keys we do, so he unlocked the car and we left. (Kylie, my dad wants to know what's wrong with your car. Given the hours he's spent fixing ours, he can probably give your dad a tip or two.)


