Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today... :)

So basically, my work day sounds like a teen novel. :P How pathetic is that?

So I woke at about 8 today, and I had to be at work at 9. So I got dressed quickly and got ready and got to Butlers Orchard with my latte in hand a couple of minutes after 9. Susan (Butler) was give the lowdown on what was going on today. Today started the first day of our Pumpkin Festival.

What was funny is that it took me about 2 minutes of getting into work before making myself look stupid. Mrs. Butler was talking about me and she called me Halle and she POINTED to me and said "Halle's new and this is her first festival." and I turned around to look and she who she was talking to. It took me about another five minutes to correct her that I wasnt Halle. :P Im so smart...

Anyway, I got my Butlers Orchard Sweatshirt (cuz it was so cold outside.) and went to talk to Tyler, my boss, to see what I was doing.

"Hey! So Kylie, I'm basically your boss for the festival. And today you're working the slide. SO basically you've got the crappiest job at the festival. It is SO cold up there."


So Kyle took me up to the festival grounds with some of the girls who work there (these are the 'attitude' girls that Glenda and Katie warned me about). Tyler told me to chill there with them for a while until I could go up to the slide.

"If you meet Jon don't talk to him. He'll try to go out with you, trust me." One of the girls said to me.
Tyler turned around. "Thats not true. Wait....yeahhhh don't talk to him Kylie."

ok then...

The top of the slide is FREEZING. and windy. It was miserable.

After a few minutes of being up there, and no one coming, Tyler drove up on his motorcycle with a sack in his hand.

"You want to try it?" He threw the sack at me.
"Haha, sure." Tyler gave me the tips on how to ride it the fastest and most fun way. It really is a fun slide. :D

But cold...OH so cold. I was up there for over FOUR HOURS in the freezing cold. Then Tyler picked me up in the gator.

"So how was it?"
I rolled my eyes..."Umm well it was s..."
"Yeah well its weird because thats probably the most relaxing place on the farm."

Yeah it would be if it wasn't so cold. Though it is fun to watch people slide down. There were some hysterical moments when a Dad tricked his child into going by herself (he pushed her down :P) and a guy in his thirtys who's friends were jokingly teasing him that he was fat and thats why he wasnt going fast on the other slides. THEN he got on the big slide to slide all the way down and as soon as he got to the end of the tube he stopped. Everyone cracked up. Including me. :D

And then I got to go to my amazing friend Hannah's Quinceanera. It was so nice! Her parents and some close friends told stories about her faith as how she's grown, and she did a father daughter dance with her dad (SO SWEET!) and then we all celebrated had cake and danced!!! Oh it was SOOOO fun. I really enjoyed it, and I know Hannah did too!

It was very nice. Very very nice. Hannah, I love you- you're such a great friend and such an inspiration to me. :)

Now Im sore :P hahaha.

And just now, Jayme called me from the Skillet concert and I heard them play part of 'Comatose' LIVE!!! :D



  1. I like the fat guy story. :D
    Skillet was awesome!

  2. Do the "milk churner" and the "akward chicken" ( my freakyfresh dance moves) oh, dont forget the caveman and the zombie :D:D:D had a blast with u guys and the dancing was fun ( exspecially when i was partnerd with some, "height challenged" indeviduals, i think u know who u r :D:D:D

  3. Churn the milk, churn the milk, churn the butter. Wooooow, Betsy... :-D

    The fat guy story is great. Love it!

  4. Did you seriously just say that Betsy. That hurts. :P

  5. I think she meant when she had to dance with Liam :D that was funny...



