Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October!

:) I love Autumn.

So before I go on into how wonderful Autumn is, I must tell you about amazing Wednesday.

Art Class is first, yes! So I got to finish my drawing of my interpretation of 'The Singing Butler' by Jack Vettriano. I think it came out pretty good. Kind of messy but good. Now we're working on a scratchboard drawing of our favorite animal. Which is hard because I have a lot of favorite animals, I love birds, monkeys, dogs, I guess I'll just choose one. I got a scrap piece of scratchboard to work with so I would know better what I'm doing, and I did a drawing of an owl. :)

Anyway, then I went to composition class. I flipped out when Mrs. Blendermann said that I needed to chop my newpaper article in half. I tend to over write, but when she assigned a paper that only needed to be a half a page long...thats really hard for me. :-/ So now I've got to figure out how to do that...

And then lunch...yay lunch! I got to sit and talk with my friends and relax for a bit. What I dont get is ten minutes into lunch, people start cleaning up. And its like "helloooo we have twenty minutes left...why are you leaving??"

And then math...which got really funny at points. Like I turned and looked at Allie, and for no apparent reason at all we started blinking at each other. Then we laughed and started paying attention when I noticed Kevin staring at me. I mouthed "what?" and then he started batting his eyelashes and giving us flirty eyebrows. Allie and I had to bury our head in our arms to keep from laughing out loud, then when David turned around and told us to be quiet we pointed at Kevin. Then Stephen turned around, gave us a funny look and we pointed to Kevin, who gave STEPHEN the flirty eyebrows and then Stephen started laughing too.

And then Mrs Stevenson made a comment about the differences of the male and female brains and then she was like "Oh no, I've made girls notice there are boys in the room and boys notice there are girls in the room. Stop noticing and read your math!"


And then I had dance class that I got to 'teach' for like ten minutes. I didnt really teach we just kind of brainstormed. And then I was done classes for the day and proceeded to go outside and talk with friends while waiting for Dylan to pick me up. I talked to the Kelleys and Hoffmans and David and then the DeWebers came for choir and I got to talk to them too.

Well of course then Dylan picked me up and we went to my Dad's new youth center!!! My Dad's been telling me what this new youth center was going to be like since I was 11. So being able to go to it and check it out was SO COOL! There's a recording studio, like a real recording studio. I freaked out, all of that cool equiptment- it was so amazing!

And then Jayme, Kirstin and Eric came to jam with us in the studio!!! There was a misunderstanding and we thought we were recording, but we just jammed- but it was still a ton of fun. I gave them the tour of the youth center and told them about all of the earth-friendly features. haha. Including the bamboo cupboards that my Dad thinks are butt ugly. haha. :) and the furniture, and these couches that's backs are non existent.

But we got to sing and Jayme rocked out on guitar, Eric on drums and Dylan on bass. :) It was also a great time to just talk and chill with my good friends :) It was awesome.

or mime to my good friends...
once the door to the studio is closed, you can barely hear whats going on in there from the editing room. But you can see through this gigantic window. So Kirstin and I started miming. We did the thing from Harry Potter "Will you go to the ball with me?" Dylan started laughing, but Jayme (who hasnt seen Harry Potter) came out of the studio to see what on earth we were doing :P

there were several funny moments, but I think it was hysterical when Dad was talking to Jayme about college and stuff when Kirstin and I walked up. "You-don't be crazy and you- stay away from boys." hahahaha. :)

But yeah it was a ton of fun. Kirstin and Jayme, you rock. :)

And now today I just did all of my Coop homework and I've been chatting and chilling (seriously its cold!!!) and watching TV with the bro. Its SO amazing outside, cold, but amazing. Really pretty :) And tomorrow we're going to see Toy Story in 3D after coop. :D It'll be great. email me if you want to come. :)

yup so thats whats up.


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