Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday Monday Tuesday

Im so tired...

So Sunday morning I thought I was going to first service, but I woke up like ten minutes before the service started and I ended up going to second. Not only that, but I left the service early so I could go to work, so I missed half of Josh's message! THEN I got to work and Todd Butler told me that I didnt need to work today and that the festival was rained out.


So instead of going to work, Mom and I went to Starbucks and WalMart. Starbucks yumm...WalMart not so much. :P lol. I tagged along with Mom and tried to get ideas for what I should dress up as for Halloween....I still don't have any clue........any ideas????

and then I moped around because I was upset about not going to the Skillet concert.

Then Monday- caught up on school from being sick last week, then I went to Geometry class. The classroom tables weren't set up, so we decided to make a stand (or a sit I guess...) and sat on the floor like hippies and had class that way. Let me just say...Geometry, not my thing. Though there were a few funny moments...

I was sitting next to David, and right after we finished praying he goes "I'm thinking we have the same size feet."
"We do."
"We do?"
"Yeah, remember I fit into those shoes."
"You've tried on my shoes?"
slightly awkward silence followed as well as a few chuckles... :P

Then Mrs Stevenson called Robert "Ruth". THAT was funny...

Then I went to Kiera's Volleyball game. They got beat pretty bad by another team- the players were SO TALL!

Then Dad took me home, where he therefore proved to me we need our own TV show. Ramil was explaining how he wanted this new video game that was coming out.
And Dad says, "Let me guess, the zombies are taking over Disney world and you need to beat them or something stupid like that."
"Well, they're not zombies Dad, they're heartless beings."
"Hmm lets see what the difference is," I paused. "NOT MUCH!"
"Yeah I can just imagine '♪♫ It's a small world...♪♫ RAWRR! CRUNCH! (Imitates zombie killing noises) RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!"


Then at dinner, he proceded to tell us his view of the volleyball game. "Kiera needs to be more like a Chihuahua- little but scary. I want to see Kiera 'Bring it on Tall girl! What you got?! Huh, OH that's how I do it!" hahahaha can you see Kiera doing that?!

And how Kiera attempts to calm herself down, she does this weird little breathing exercise. And Dad's like "Its ridiculous. I'm like 'I'm sorry everyone, She's not a buddhist!'"

There were several other jokes made that night, and Im sure you all can bring up examples of how my Dad made a witty comment or two. Like how everyone's a Phil, except for Phil Royer who is further called Eunice. Or how Jayme's a Car Nazi. :D Thats why Im launching this program called "Get Tim on TV!" whos with me? :P haha. He'd be a great TV show host. Not nessacarily a comedy show but...still. :P

then I did Biology studying (biology, not my thing either) emailed, texted, chilled. showered , sang quite loudly and went to bed. alot of times when I cant sleep I look out the window at this one star, thats always in the same spot. Its really nice. I just lay there and look at the star and thoughts run through my head...I like it alot. :) But it'd be a whole lot nicer if the stupid Safeway's 'search light' wasnt shining all across the sky. x(

Then today, I woke up...this is when my room starts getting REALLY cold. You see, the heater in my bedroom doesnt work. SO it gets pretty chilly in there. For Christmas last year, Kiera and I asked for electric blankets- we get that cold. But of course my electric blanket is in the wash because I used it while I was sick.
ANYWAY...I didnt want to get out of bed but decided I had to get up and study for Biology before I went to class. So I got out of bed, decided which sweatshirt/sweater to wear (I love sweaters and sweatshirts, I own like twenty... :P) and picked out jeans (which sadly I only own two good pairs-neither of which are very good considering the first is four sizes too big, and the other's pant legs are too short.) and started getting ready for the day. then I studied while eating Wheaties.

Then I had a little stress attack when I found that none of the pictures were in my botany notebook, so I scrambled to get those printed and in the notebook. Then a further stress attack when my siblings acted completely clueless as to why they were coming with me. It's been a month, they should know by now! :P

So Biology class, I guess would be fantastic if I didnt feel like such an idiot. :P And what stinks is when I feel stupid everyone can tell because I start blushing. great.

And then I went home and did my Geometry homework (which suprisingly only took a few minutes) and got ready to go to the orthodontist and get my picture taken.

figures we came to get pictures on the wrong day. :P
but I got my retainer (joy...) from the orthodontist which I now have to wearing like all the time until new years...great. My mouth is sore. :( and it feels so strange and I have a lisp. haha.

but then I got to spend like two or three minutes at the church talking to Jayme, Betsy, Jenna, Stephen and Robert. Stephen and Robert made me say "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood." and I did it...easily ;)

and now I finished homework for the day, including my art project (Art- IS my thing. :D ). I finally finished my collage and now Im working on my representation of a famous painting - I chose 'The Singing Butler' by Jack Vettriani.

but now Im just chilling, watching TV...missing friends. man I need some socialization that's not related to school in any way. I miss hanging out and watching movies and having photoshoots.



Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today... :)

So basically, my work day sounds like a teen novel. :P How pathetic is that?

So I woke at about 8 today, and I had to be at work at 9. So I got dressed quickly and got ready and got to Butlers Orchard with my latte in hand a couple of minutes after 9. Susan (Butler) was give the lowdown on what was going on today. Today started the first day of our Pumpkin Festival.

What was funny is that it took me about 2 minutes of getting into work before making myself look stupid. Mrs. Butler was talking about me and she called me Halle and she POINTED to me and said "Halle's new and this is her first festival." and I turned around to look and she who she was talking to. It took me about another five minutes to correct her that I wasnt Halle. :P Im so smart...

Anyway, I got my Butlers Orchard Sweatshirt (cuz it was so cold outside.) and went to talk to Tyler, my boss, to see what I was doing.

"Hey! So Kylie, I'm basically your boss for the festival. And today you're working the slide. SO basically you've got the crappiest job at the festival. It is SO cold up there."


So Kyle took me up to the festival grounds with some of the girls who work there (these are the 'attitude' girls that Glenda and Katie warned me about). Tyler told me to chill there with them for a while until I could go up to the slide.

"If you meet Jon don't talk to him. He'll try to go out with you, trust me." One of the girls said to me.
Tyler turned around. "Thats not true. Wait....yeahhhh don't talk to him Kylie."

ok then...

The top of the slide is FREEZING. and windy. It was miserable.

After a few minutes of being up there, and no one coming, Tyler drove up on his motorcycle with a sack in his hand.

"You want to try it?" He threw the sack at me.
"Haha, sure." Tyler gave me the tips on how to ride it the fastest and most fun way. It really is a fun slide. :D

But cold...OH so cold. I was up there for over FOUR HOURS in the freezing cold. Then Tyler picked me up in the gator.

"So how was it?"
I rolled my eyes..."Umm well it was s..."
"Yeah well its weird because thats probably the most relaxing place on the farm."

Yeah it would be if it wasn't so cold. Though it is fun to watch people slide down. There were some hysterical moments when a Dad tricked his child into going by herself (he pushed her down :P) and a guy in his thirtys who's friends were jokingly teasing him that he was fat and thats why he wasnt going fast on the other slides. THEN he got on the big slide to slide all the way down and as soon as he got to the end of the tube he stopped. Everyone cracked up. Including me. :D

And then I got to go to my amazing friend Hannah's Quinceanera. It was so nice! Her parents and some close friends told stories about her faith as how she's grown, and she did a father daughter dance with her dad (SO SWEET!) and then we all celebrated had cake and danced!!! Oh it was SOOOO fun. I really enjoyed it, and I know Hannah did too!

It was very nice. Very very nice. Hannah, I love you- you're such a great friend and such an inspiration to me. :)

Now Im sore :P hahaha.

And just now, Jayme called me from the Skillet concert and I heard them play part of 'Comatose' LIVE!!! :D


Thursday, September 24, 2009

sickness continued ( movie marathons )

SO as seen from the previous post before Im pretty darn sick. I've got medicine now and Im praying I'll be better by Saturday because I need to work and I want to go to Hannah's Quincinera. In the meantime I've been watching movies. Mostly Disney Classics, Pete's Dragon, Sleeping Beauty, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, The AristoCats, Pinnochio and so forth.

But Dylan just brought home 17 Again. I didn't expect it to be very good, but I LOVED IT!!! It was SOOOOO funny, but it was also a very sweet story that made me cry.

So as you all know the story is of Mike O'Donell ( who was a basketball star in 1989 at his highschool, married his highschool sweetheart) who has managed to grow old and ruin his life pretty much, his wife is ordering divorce and his kids want nothing to do with him and his career is down the drain. Its not that he's a druggie or is abuseful or anything, he blamed his wife for all of his failures and his kids dont like him very much. Then he gets transformed into his old self and gets a chance to be 17 again and make better choices.

The great part is his best friend Ned- who is basically Dylan in 20 years- this completely dorky video game player who's a genius but is obsessed with things like Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings and pretty much any other movie every made and he's a millionaire. He's HYSTERICAL.

ANYWAY, Ned pretends to be Mike's father and enrolls him in the school. There were so many funny quotes and sweet moments.

So I was going to ruin the funny and sweet moments for you...but I think that you'll have to see it for yourself. :)

just a heads up this movie is rated PG 13 for language and brief sexual reference.

but just the same it is a really sweet movie. :)

Hoping and Praying that I'll see you soon


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sickness :(


Im sick. It's quite upsetting.

On Monday night my throat started hurting really bad, and I woke up at 4 am because I couldnt sleep because of the pain. Mom was awake and gave me some ice water and ibuprofen. This helped a little but not as well I as hoped it would.

I went back to sleep for a few hours and then woke up. I felt awful. I ended up missing Biology class, and getting a fever. I spent all my time on the couch, reading books for school and doing all the homework I could. Then I watched Pete's Dragon (one of my favorite childhood movies) and had some soup. Then I watched the AristoCats and had some more soup. Then I pretty much laid around and then watched The Biggest Loser when that came on.

(did I mention a big box truck ran into our telephone wire? We had no internet, TV or phone most of the day and we didnt expect to get it back until wednesday or today I guess but they came early, much to Dylans relief who couldnt play video games :D)

(oh and drew came to the house because his parents are on a big trip)

So anyway, I didnt sleep well at all last night and Im feeling worse today. Im extremly tired, my throat hurts like crazy, my head hurts, I get dizzy when I stand up and I have a fever.


and on top of that I cant enjoy having no braces and eating sticky food because my throat hurts so bad I can barely swallow. :'(

and on top of that I cant see any of my friends because Im not going to MCI today and then my other friends are going camping and to the beach. :( sadness.

and on top of that...I want a balloon.

Yup so Im miserable. and bratty as you can tell from all of the complaining (sorry bout that). Prayer is MUCH appreciated. I want to be better SO bad.


Monday, September 21, 2009


On April 4, 2006 I got my braces on. I was in 6th grade, and braces completly added to the awkward preteen look. The day I got braces, I wore a skull sweatshirt and black clothes.

Im serious.

The day after I got braces, I went to writing class and the guys teased me because my teeth were so sore I couldnt eat any chocolate (which you know is my comfort food) they started singing that song from Willy Wonka "Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, the amazing CHOCOLATE tier!!!"

and me being in the middle school drama stage of life, this completly tore me apart and I was crying my eyes out because this seemed so mean to me.

I lived on noodles and ice cream for about a week. And I continued to do that whenever I got my brace tightened.

and brushing and eating and brushing

and no chewy food :(

and today September 21, 2009 nearly four years later, I got my braces off. And it feels so strange, but GREAT!

Its freedom. And now I get to eat whatever I want.

:D Yes

Thursday, September 17, 2009



What a day wednesday was. MCI all day, starting at...

Art Class 8:30- I had been looking foward to finishing my art project all week, but pieces of my collage fell out of my art bag so I wasn't able to!

Composition 10:00- Good. Im looking foward to my homework for that.

Lunch 11:30- AMAZING. It was so good to get a break.

12:00- Geometry. UGGhhh. On the bright side I was sitting next to Allie which always makes things more interesting! :P She told me "You look like a cat when you yawn" and I lost it. I was laughing so hard, and people in class kept staring at us. I had to leave to get a drink of water because I couldnt stop giggling.

1:30 Dance- I was so tired I barely participated.

Then we had caregroup that night! :D I was dead tired but it was still alot of fun. Plus the deWebers moved back to our caregroup which is awesome.

AND KEVIN SKINNER WON AMERICAS GOT TALENT! to learn more about him check out my flickr.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health and "The Biggest Loser"

So the next season of The Biggest Loser starts tonight. If you don't know what it is, its a show about all these obese people who go off to this ranch to learn how to live healthy lives. Then at the end of the season they see who lost the most weight therefore being "the biggest loser".


Its like one of the weirdest shows to watch and love, but my family loves it. Its a really popular show, I guess a lot of people like learning things from the show. I learn stuff all the time (nutrition has always fascinated me. I've thought about becoming a chef a couple of times) when I watch the show, because they're always teaching about better things to eat or do. I guess you'd just have to watch to understand. :)

So for PE this year, since I'm not doing sports or Tang Soo Do anymore, I'm joining the gym. :) Im a WEAKLING. Im hoping to build up some muscle. we'll see how long that takes... :P haha

and just to even this out- heres a list of my favorite unhealthy foods

-Hershey's Symphony Bar :)
-Big Mac :D
- Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
- Samoa Girl Scout cookies
- Rice Crispy Bars with lotsa butter
- Strawberry Ice Cream with Gummy Bears
- Fried Chicken
- Baby back ribs
- Icing :)
- Cake thats iced up all good and has ben frozen for a bit....mmmm
- Zburger's seasoned fries!!!!!!!


Monday, September 14, 2009


The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I recieved mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:15-16

so I've kind of been slacking off on quiet times lately :-/ But today I stopped and decided to have one, and this is the section of scripture I was set to read today...and wow isn't that a statement? It totally knocked me off my stool of pride. I'm always thinking things like 'Im not as bad as that person' or 'at least I dont treat them that way' or whatever and get all stuck up thinking about how "good" I am.

I am the worst sinner I know. Thats that. End of story.

And it is only by God's grace that I have been saved, that I might bring glory to him.

:D God is good.


Sunday, September 13, 2009


So this morning Dad came in to wake me up. He did that thing where he tickled me and rubbed his scratchy face all over my cheek to wake me up. But I was so tired I just kind of rolled over and went back to a half sleep.

And then something hit me. Literally. Kiera had thrown her stuffed cow at me and I was not happy. I chucked it back at her. "Poor Cow!" She said. Seriously? Poor Cow? She was the one who threw it first. :P

I wanted to wear a sweater today but it was just a little too warm for that. I happen to be a sweater person. Yay fall!

Anyway, after I got ready I went downstairs to have breakfast and whatnot. Cassie was mad at me this morning. Humph.

And then, we drove in two seperate cars because we cant use the suburban. haha. And church...Mr Pursewells message was good but I didnt benefit as much from it as I think I would have with one of the other topics from Proverbs. And I got to socialize a bit before we went home.

Then I cleaned my room while rocking out to Skillet. :D That always makes cleaning more fun!

And then I went to work. Which went well, It was busy but since there were so many people working that made my day slowish...But I got to help out at the register later in the day, so that made it go alot faster. Plus today I got some free fudge, apples, corn and a flower :) Yay!

And I successfully checked out one person without any help whatsoever. :)

Then I went home, chilled, chatted, ate wings, did geometry, and now Im back to chilling and chatting and blogging.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Last Week :D


I got to go to a movie night at my friend Bekahs House on Saturday! We watched The Dark Knight (scary but good) and The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy (hysterical!). It was so much fun. We got to go to Pizza Hut and hang out at the Price's house. Kirstin brought her friend Makenna, who was visiting from Colorado! She was so nice, and it was so great to meet her. :)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is one of my all time favorites now :D

We didnt get home until like 11:30pm. But it was worth it!

Then the next day, we had to go to first service. The message was on friendship and it was SO good!!! Then I had to work, but THEN I got to go to the Garris' for a get together for the Blankenships! For those of you who don't know this, I grew up with the Blankenships and they moved away when I was twelve. Dylan and I were really close with them, and its been four years since they moved! So it was great to see them and hang out. We swam, played Rockband and caught up with eachother. Plus we got to play a few jokes on each other, like Betsy and I programmed a picture of us as the background to both Grant and Kevins phones. You shouldve seen their faces when they opened them. :D funnyyy....We also got to hang out the next day.

The quote of the weekend:"We asked Dylan if we should invite girls and he just laughed." :D

Plus Monday, I got this AMAZING dress for Hannah's Quiencenera!!! Its purple and flowy and it goes with this silver necklace, and its going to be so cool! :D and to make things better- Im going to have my braces off!!!! Now I just have to figure out what I'm getting Hannah.

Then Tuesday I had my first Biology class, which was fun! Im one of two girls in the class, but its okay cuz we don't talk much anyway and I know the guys. And I worked Tuesday, and that was really slow. At the end of the day we realized we had the "Orchard Closed" sign up all day. Nice...

Wednesday was all day at MCI, from 8:30 til 3. First was Art (AMAZING!!!), then Composition (Ok), then Lunch

quote from lunch : " So guys this is Cathy, I know her from my math class last year. And this is David, he's one of my best friends and so are Elizabeth and Allie. And Kevin...well he's kind of like a brother cause we're close but he gets on my nerves..." :D

then Geometry (ehhhh....), and dance (:D ) and then when we finally left I was so hungry and exhausted. In the parking lot I was eating an apple when I saw a red prius :D which meant that the DeWebers were there. They had come for choir and seemed as shocked to see me as I was to see them. haha. then we (mom and kiera and I) got mcdonalds and headed over to the church cuz mom and kiera had volleyball. then I tried doing some of my homework online but the stupid browser wouldnt let me, so I ended up chatting with a couple of people, including a friend of mine who called me a nerd because Allie and I were doing our geometry homework already (you know who you are...)

THEN I came home to play Beatles Rockband with the family!!! :D :D :D

Then Thursday I had to do a lot of school work to get ready for Co op the next day.

Then Friday I had CoOp, which was fun. :) Then Kirstin came over for a couple of hours while the guys were filming WAS! We went over to the Damascus Fair for a while, and I got seven firsts and a grand champion on my photography :D And then we went back to the house and had ice cream cake and called Jayme (left the strangest message...) and then we left to go to 1031 and Dad took kirstin and I to starbucks :D

Then there was a 1031 meeting (that was AWESOME) and we played some games and talked with friends. :) Then Jayme and Kirstin came over! Dylan and I rode home with Jayme and Kirstin in the Prius!!! :D We sang along to Skillet and then on the way home, Mom called and said Dad's car wasnt working and that we had to go get him. So the guys dropped Kirstin and I back at the house and they went back to get Dad. Kirstin and I waited and got in our PJs and let them back in the house (by then it was just about midnight) then we played rockband until about 1:20am and then went to bed.

Then this morning I woke up and went downstairs. Jayme was up and was starting to have his Quiet Time (good man.) I started to have my breakfast and then went back upstairs to get Kirstin who had just woke up. And I have I mentioned I'm jealous of Jayme's relationship with my dog? (ahahaha that sounds so strange :P) She adores him and does whatever he says, she even got her feet wet!!! Yeah so anyway, then we went over to Starbucks, :) and then we went over to the fair again so I could show Jayme my photos (kirstin saw them the day before). While we were there, this guy I know Derek (I know him from Once Upon a Mattress in 7th grade and I only see him at this fair) came up to us and took a sip of my latte!!! AH! That was just UGH...thats wrong. Thats so wrong. I think he felt intimidated by Jayme though because after that he left when he normally would have stuck to me like glue for like a half hour. D-: ughhhh. creepy

never take a sip out of someone elses latte. ever.


and then we came back to the house and talked and chilled for a while. We had a ton of fun. :) Jayme and Kirstin, you rock.

and Im going to be picked up to go babysitting any minute now...


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Im a total Pan Head. You get it? PAN head...?

I got my Skillet Cd last week! It's Skillet's new Cd Awake, and it is SO GOOD!!!

My favorite songs (aside from Hero and Monster :D) are Awake and Alive, One Day Too Late, and Lucy

Lucy is a very interesting (and good) song. The thing is, when you listen to it, it can be intrepreted many different ways. There are different stories people think of, and different themes that come to mind. You all should listen to it and comment below on what you think it's about. And no looking it up on the internet!!! I'll tell you what I think after you've commented. :)


Rock On Skillet.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So Yesterday was an incredible day!

The second day of school (blech) but I only had one subject to do so I got it done quickly before I had to go to work at Butlers Orchard! :D :D :D

So I showed up at Butlers a couple of minutes before my shift was going to start...
so I thought.

I thought my shift was from 1-3, when it was actually from 3-closing....
But they let me work then anyway, and I put on my Butlers apron and got to work with Linda whos training me.

I had a ton of fun! I got to go through stuff in storage and set out different jams and jellies and candies, and packed and unpacked boxes. It was great!!! I love it there! Everyone's So nice, and I've learned so much already!


I had to go to the church because of Mom and Kiera having volleyball. SO I was sitting on the couch, bored and alone....texting people...Mostly Chris (who was at home eating peaches :P) and Jayme who was...doing something... Oh and Jayme got his full liscence yesterday!!! :)

Anyway I was texting...


I was sitting there.


They scared the life out of me. It was crazy.

I thought Jayme was kidding when he said that they might come and keep me company, but then they did!!! I was SO happy to see them! I hadn't seen them since Worthy! And it was so nice of them to do that for me!!! :D And even though I didnt get to spend alot of time with them, it totally made my day.

Jayme and Kirstin- you are amazing!!! :) :) :) and not just for this :D

So that was my INCREDIBLE day. It was pretty uberflippalicious :)



