Monday, November 2, 2009

Harvest Party, Super Sunday and Mega Monday :)

Yes I know. My titles are awful. :P

SO we headed back over to the church for the harvest party and got there around four. A whole hour early, Dylan insisted on it because apparently he had more work to do on the maze. It was funny to see peoples reactions to the boys outfits of the Spanish Inquisition- everyone was like "You're a pope? A bishop? A cardinal?" haha it was great.

And we got Food :D yay food. I had an arguement with Dylan in the car about us needing dinner, which he utterly denied and said that we could just have candy. Remind me to never send my children to his house ;) jk lol.

And then Kirstin and Jayme showed up. :) Kirstin skipped out on the campout :-| so this was the first time I'd seen her in a couple of days ;) Kirstin had this amazing traditional german dress that she was wearing for her costume and she had her hair up in this gorgeous curly bun :D :D :D and Jayme was dressed as a soldier, and that was also really cool. :)

I was a hippie. Mr. Alonso said I looked like my mom from back in the day :D hahahaha...

And then the harvest party began! Doc Mays had us arranged in groups to switch around the games so we wouldn't be bored with what we got. I was with Kirstin, Jayme, Erik and Pete. We started out with putt putt and bowling. Then we went to target practice then the MAZE!!! The maze was definitely the best. Jayme sat in one of the dead ends of the maze and when people came in he'd be like "I'm lost. Can you help me?" it was pretty funny. Then Andrew came through, and Jayme jumped out at him and Andrew freaked out!!! :D :D :D it was great.

And while Jayme was sitting in the dead end, I came up from behind and jump started him but of course he got me back later by grabbing my ankle from under the maze. I get scared so easily... :P

Then we moved on to Duckies and then Hidden Treasure. Here's where I started to get REALLY grumpy and mean. Especially towards Kiera :( Then we went home, this time with Bekah. She spent a little while at my house before her parents picked her up. Then after she went home I crashed. I was OUT.

Then I woke up after a good ten hours of sleep. :D ahhhh. Then I went to church where I had to serve on the greeting team. And one of the first people I greeted was like "You are just too cheerful this morning. I want to be in bed." haha. I guess that means I'm doing my job right? :P

Then Josh Harris gave this great message on the Proverbs 31 woman. It was SOOO good! It really challenged me to be more like the woman described in that Proverb! Now I have Proverbs 31:30 on my wall :)

Then in the evening, My Aunt Moe came over for dinner. :) Aunt Moe is the Aunt that I look like when she was my age. It's crazy :) We had a great dinner and played Beatles rockband. (Obviously related to my Dad lol.)

Then this morning I studied History and Biology over and over and over
then MCI twin day, Allie and I kind of had a twin fail because we didn't exactly wear the same outfit... :P hahaha.

Funny moment in Geometry. Apparently at the bonfire on Friday, someone said that Drew was either obsessed with me or cannibalism. Then today at Geometry, someone else metioned it again. And I said, "Now Drew, what did we say about me and cannibalism?" and he responded "I CHOOSE CANNIBALISM!!!" hahahaha :D

Then more studying and studying. Then my grandparents came by AND....


for those of you who don't know who Tina is, she was my foster sister. She moved out a while ago but she's still really close, I consider her my older sister. :) She stopped by and took Kiera to 4H and she hung out for a while. And I got handmedowns and sweaters :D It was fun going through the clothes because I remember her wearing some of them when she stayed with us :)

Then I made dinner and Ramil helped me study.

And then I posted on :)

Then ummm I chilled and now Im posting here...

Thats pretty much it.

OH and did I mention the square dance friday?? WOOT! Im so excited...

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