Sunday, November 22, 2009


again with the titles. :P

So where shall I start? Okay Monday- Monday was good pretty much. Studied for Biology.

Tuesday I had this BIG test in Biology, and guess what? I did well enough that it raised my grade to a B!!! YAY!!!

Then Wednesday I woke up early and went to Starbucks with my Mom before MCI. The people who work there know what I normally order and today they had their Christmas specials. I trusted the lady who worked there to give me a different drink that I would like, and she proved herself to be trustworthy. :) Of course she gave me coffee instead of my normal tea latte, and Jenna said that I was hyper all day. But it was still yummy.

And I got to go to art, composition class. haha, in composition class I was fiddling with my pencil and it flew up, almost hit the ceiling, and then landed on this girls hand across the room. lol. Then lunch, I ordered pizza but didnt get it until like five minutes before lunch was over because of a long story I dont want to ramble on about.

and Geometry was okay. It was only great because I again was able to raise my grade up to a B. :)

Then Dance was fun, we did all these random dances and stuff to Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas. haha.l Yeah...not exactly a Christian band but...we had fun.

And then David came over and I helped to teach him the Christmas Dance. I think the funniest moment was when David was insisting I should eat dinner, and then my Dad was like "No eat later. Dance now!" "But..." "DANCE BOY! DANCE! I'M GONNA BRING OUT THE RIFLE AND MAKE YOU DANCE!"haha.

Thursday was good. Went to 4H for the first time and that was alot of fun. :)

Friday was good too. We got Chinese food at Coop :D Then David, Elizabeth, and Kevin came over in between coop and the meeting that night. We were going out into town to get my mom some chocolate ( :D ) when the guys decided to give us a ten minute head start and then they were going to stalk us. We spent a good amount of time running around town, trying to avoid being seen by the guys. It was fun. :)

Then the Connect meeting :D

Then on the way back home, we (me, dylan, Elizabeth, Kevin and JD) were in Dylan's car when it started overheating so we were forced to stop by a GRAVE YARD to let it cool down. You can imagine how fun that was.

Saturday was probably my favorite day this week. :)

Saturday we had youth band training in the morning :) then I went to the deWebers for lunch and then went to dance rehearsal for the Christmas show. I was SO tired! Then I went back to the deWebers for a couple of hours and had dinner, then went to Abby's party!

Abby's party was a lot of fun! We played games, watched Monty Python (I want to SING! :D) and danced around in the strobe light :D heehee that was amazing. :) Oh and not to mention this very interesting audio message I recieved...

And then we came home (we being Dylan and I) and discovered that CHRISTMAS MUSIC IS NOW PLAYING ON THE RADIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I went to bed, quite content with the day.

And then I woke up at 1:30 am and threw up.


yeah. weird isn't it? One day I'm completely fine the next I wake up sick to my stomach? The human body is a weird thing. So basically I had to stay home from church cause at that point I was still really miserable and nausious and now, I still feel pretty nasty. I've been laying in bed all day writing down christmas present stuff and listening to music and watching Christmas movies.

So that was a very brief description of my week. I could go into more detail (LOTS MORE DETAIL) but since Im sick my brains all whack, and I don't think that I'd be able to do a good post with every single funny/nice moment that happened this week. So Im sorry to all of you who like hearing all of the details and things that happen in my life. lol.

Basically, it was a great week :)...up until getting sick. haha.

comments please!


  1. :( I thought you ment you had a cold or something when you told me yesterday! I didn't know you were throwing up! Hope you feel better! :)

  2. Whoa. Didn't know you were sick. Sorry 'bout that.
    But, getting stalked around Damascus and Boom Boom Pow and graveyards were TOTALLY fun. Talk about a fun weekend. (Minus the fact that you got sick...)


