Tuesday, November 10, 2009

what a weekend :)

So on Saturday I woke up planning to stay in my pjs all day and just lay around, and then I remembered I had Christmas show dance rehearsal. Haha...oops.

So in the afternoon I went to dance rehearsal- funny moment a couple of minutes after I walked in the door. We were all stretching and we did that thing where we hang over and then roll back up and as we were hanging..."THE DOOR CAN SEE INTO YOUR MIND!!! THE DOOR CAN SEE IN TO YOUR SOUL!!!"

oh no.

that would be the tone I get for text messages, loud as anything as we started stretching. Everyone laughed and I was so embarrassed :P

So that was fun, then after that was finished Kirstin and I were arguing over whose mallet it was (long story...) so we had this mallet and she thought it was my familys and I knew it wasnt so we were arguing. Then, when she started walking towards her car we noticed that she was trying to walk away without the mallet. So me and allie were yelling "TAKE THE MALLET! TAKE THE MALLET! TAKE IT!!!" While we were yelling Chris Perdue walked by and gave us this weird look, then he said "I walk up and all I hear is take the mallet..." :D haha

then Sunday, Josh gave a great message at church and we went home to get ready for the feast. I got my stuff together and then we found that someone (or something) had poisoned the fish in our pond! Half of our fish, including our big beautiful ones were killed. :(

Then we got back to getting ready, and Mrs Porter picked me and Ramil and Kiera up to go set up. I was already in costume (I wore this purple dress with a purple blouse over it with this white pearly headband.) I liked my costume. Except the sleeves kept falling down!!! URG!!!

So I went to help set up and I helped my other friends get ready and in costume, Elizabeth made a beautiful queen :) And some of my other friends that weren't in our co-op helped out as servitors which was AMAZING! haha it was so fun having them around, plus a few of them pulled pranks that backfired and were quite funny :D Like, lets see...salt in the water? or vinegar for water which Elizabeth made Stephen, Robert and Hannah drink. :D hahaha it was great.

And we (Elizabeth, Elizabeth, David and I) sang this song that came out pretty good- I was sooooo nervous.

Dave made me laugh really hard while we were sitting at the high table several times, one of them being when he turns to me and goes "Maid Marian?"
"Yes Robin?"
"I think I feel a break-up coming on. I like these people over here better."
"Well you better reconsider, because I'll stomp on your feet while we're dancing if you don't."
"Oh, okay we're back together." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA :D

and when he pretended to be drunk that was pretty funny too :D several hysterical moments :D haha

And then we kind of failed the dance.. :P heehee it was fun though! OH YES, and Kevin...my dad's got his eye on you.. you better watch out!

when we were dancing, whenever Daniel, Drew and Kevin walked past me they starting winking and giving me flirty eyebrows- and my Dad caught kevin doing it! :D hahahahaha that caused a pretty epic stat war that night :D

and Dylan cut his finger while slicing bread, after I told him to be careful several times... :-| ah well. and I was sitting next to drew at the high table who's "humor" kept me entertained for a while..and annoyed other times. he kept stealing my bell and said that his was "suckish" therefore for the rest of the evening i called him "mr suckish" whenever he called me "ms unladylike" HA

but of course...Im not really ladylike so...oops.


Im getting excited because my parents are going on a a cruise in a couple of weeks and I get to stay at friends houses! and its getting closer and closer!!! :D :D :D

please leave a comment, I love reading comments :D


  1. Yey! The first to comment! We were really argueing? haha Sorry! That was funny how I shut the car door like a split second before Allie reached me. 8D 8D XD =)
    haha! I actually got pics of people handing Dylan a bandaid (sp??) or something. lol And WHY were the boys doing that to you? That means your dad is gonna be extra cautious for a while! lol
    Sorry about the fish!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. haha "extra cautious for a while!" :D thats funny, he's just going to give Kevin a hard time.


  4. ;)
    That's all I'm gonna say...
    (You missed Daniel randomly screaming:
    "I... want... A WOMAN!")


