Saturday, November 7, 2009


So pretty much my week wasn't all that exciting until THURSDAY!!! Thursday my mom, Kiera, Allie and I went to go see Superchick, Barlowgirl, and Vota in concert. :D :D :D

So we left the house at about 3:30 ish to go to West Virginia, and we were rocking out to Superchick and BarlowGirl the entire time. Then once we got there we were way early so we went to McDonalds and got some food and then went back to the church where we waited outside for almost 45 minutes before they let us in. Then we rushed to go get good seats- FRONT ROW!

Then the concert opened with Vota (if you haven't heard them, check out this song That when we got in the very front in

the mosh pit! We were rocking out in the very front, Dancing and head banging and what have you.

AND THEN SUPERCHICK PLAYED!!! :D :D :D and they were AWESOME! They opened with Anthem, played Hey Hey, Rock What you Got, Cross the Line, Alive, One Girl Revolution, Hero, We Live, Stand in the Rain and more!!! It was INCREDIBLE!!! The guitarist/vocalist Melissa actually touched me! It was pretty insane :D They are such a rocking band, they had such amazing energy on stage and it just made you want to be a rock star! incredible incredible incredible

Then there was a quick break, and we took the risk to lose our place in the mosh pit to go get water and and suviniers :D I got a hat that says "All Princes Start as Frogs" Princes and Frogs is probably my favorite song by superchick check it out!


Then we got back to see BarlowGirl, I didn't know as many of their songs. But I knew Never Alone, I need you to love me and Beautiful Ending. All of those are EXTREMELY good songs :D :D :D I also got their new album so I can learn some more.

Then we ran over to the tables where they were signing autographs (them being Superchick!) and I got to talk to them for a couple of minutes :D Matt especially (Matt is so cool, he's so cool and crazy- and he's the one who sings Princes and Frogs!) I got all of them to sign my hat :D :D :D AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that makes me happy

Then we went home, and we were so tired. We got ready for bed and were asleep by 12:30 (we didnt get home until 11:30)

then the next day we had co-op, and workshop for Esther. Then Jayme and Kirstin took me to Taco Bell (thank you :) for dinner and then we came back for the square dance!!!

The Square Dance was SOOOO much fun! We need to have those more often. We did line dances for a while, and then we did some social dances and then square dance! It was amazing. There was a really funny moment when I was dancing with Jayme, we did the walk in walk out thing and when we came back out, Dylan jumped in Jayme's place. I didn't notice for a second but when I did it scared me so bad! apparently it was pretty funny though. haha.

And then at the end of the night, Katie and I had teamed together to pie David. Then when they got him up there, Katie and I went up to pie him and they called MY NAME TO GET ME PIED! I was like 'WHAT?!!!!!!!!!' and guess who was laughing? Jayme, Sam and David. I totally didn't see that coming. So I did pie David, but then he pied me, as well as the other two and Kiera. It was funny once I got over the betrayal.

So Yup, its been an eventful couple of days. check out flickr to see pictures, as well as allie's blog and kirstin will probably have some pictures from the square dance



  1. you can seee pictures right now here:

    you dont have to b on fb :D

  2. haha! You had Dylan cut in. 8D lol I bet it was hilarious!!


