Wednesday, November 11, 2009

one thing tue do...

you get it tue? :P My humor stinks I know...

SO I've been really frustrated lately with school, because I can do well but I have to work 5 times as hard to do as well as my siblings. Some people just have to work harder I've learned but its SO FRUSTRATING!

Anyway, all that frustration PAID OFF yesterday! I worked my tail off the past week studying for two quizzes I needed to take at Biology (which I have explained before to be my bad subject.) David showed me this great studying site called and I studied my information in there every night. And guess what? I GOT AN A+ ON BOTH QUIZZES!!! :D AHHHH! That makes me soooooo happy! Praise the Lord!

Then Tuesday I did more homework, including reading Don Quixote :) Which is like one of my favorite books ever- and Elizabeth doesn't like it. HA! Don Quixote is also the story behind one of my favorite musicals "The Man of La Mancha" They are both very good, though the musical is different from the book. My favorite quote from the movie is "I am the Knight Don Quixote and this- is my arm!" :D So funny... :)

and The Biggest Loser was on last night! I love the biggest loser but I'm so upset. Last night TWO of my favorite contestants went home, Daniel and Shay. SHAY SHOULD HAVE STAYED!!! people are stupid sometimes...

and then today I woke up early because mom thought we had to pick someone up at eight and we didn't... :-\ ah well...On the car ride I told mom this freaky dream I had. I was in a Library with Elizabeth and whenever I opened a book, Kevin would appear in a different outfit! HE WAS EVERYWHERE!!! :-o It was rather frightening...

then I had art :D YAY! Then Composition. We had a substitute teacher in composition class and when she went around to ask everyone's name I was like
"I'm Kylie...Smith."
and she goes
"YOU'RE KYLIE SMITH??? NO WAY! OH, now I can finally put a face to your name!"
I was laughing and then I was like
"Hi..I didn't know I was famous" :P hahaha it was pretty funny :D

Then lunch was good. :) as always...

Then Math, which was interesting... :P

Then Dance. I was feeling kind of sickly all day and then it got worse by dance class and I wasn't participating the whole time. I feel like I'm getting a cold with a stomach ache type thing... NOOOO! Pray I don't get piggied...

Oh and did I mention PILGRIM :D :D :D

And I've got school going on the next couple of days, and working out haha. AND FEE! I really hope I feel good enough on friday to go.

and I've been brainstorming band stuff :)

thats all for now


(ps. The title was a take off of a song by The Plain White Tees 1, 2, 3, 4 it goes "Theres only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you...I love you.." yeahhhh LoL )


  1. i still don't get the title honey.. why tue? oh haha i love you <3

  2. because it was about TUEsday...haha. I stink at making up titles.....


  3. Oh. . . hahaha ;) well i think i would have been better if u posted it on tuesday.. .but hahaha :D i laugh anyway :D <3


