Sunday, November 15, 2009

I cant think of any more creative titles so what you see is what you get.


So lets think, what happened this week?

Starting Thursday...Um I did school, and went to the dentist (Joooyyyyyyy....I'm not exactly a fan of like dentist offices and at all.) And the dentist who was seems like I have a new dentist every time...basically gave me this big talk about how important flossing and then he told me that I'm going to need my wisdom teeth yanked out in a couple of months. ahhhhhhhhh. oh well.

Then, Mom and I went to California Tortilla. Then we went to the thrift shop where I bought yet another sweater :D and this little Christmas ornament of a bird in a cage. One of my favorite Christmas songs is "The Gift" by Aselin Debison. It's about this little orphan girl who finds this bird and takes care of it and then decides to give it to Jesus on Christmas Eve. :) tis very sweet and beautiful :D

Then Friday we had Co-op just like every Friday. Oh and it was to write love on her arms day. So I wrote love my arm...and it still hasn't come off. I feel like delinquent I've got a tattoo :P lol

And then FEE!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D

Fee was incredible I got up front in the 'worship pit' with friends and we jumped up and down and sang at the top of our lungs. And screamed and pumped our fists. I was so effected by a new passion for God. :) PRAISE THE LORD!

Oh and not to mention I was proposed to. haha. by Kevin. It was quite interesting. and I said NO! And I would appreciate it if people would stop celebrating my 'engagement'.

ANYWAY!!! I slept in on Saturday until 11!!! SCORE! :D And then I had a couple of hours to do stuff and relax (haha more relaxing. Im lazy :-/ bad me...not to mention I was a total idiot in the way I was so effected by the concert and then didn't have a quiet time which resulted in me being mean the rest of the day. merph.)

Then dance rehearsal :)

and then we went to Wendy's :) (we being Jayme, Kirstin, Dylan, me and Kiera. in the PRIUS :D )

and then THG rehearsal. Which the best part of was definitely when us people in the worship team got to watch the THG skit. :D :D :D they were doing a skit about David and Goliath. But the whole time they were doing their skit (which was funny by itself) dylan and Daniel were putting up slides on the projector of their comments. IT was SOOOOOOO funny!

First Liam came out as David and the girls on stage were like "See this is David, he's talented and courageous and good looking."
then Dylan writes on the screen "Hunky hunk hunk." and we just cracked up! the people on stage were like 'the line wasn't really that funny...'
then when the Israelites were ganstas :P the guys were talking funny enough and then Dylan wrote on the screen when Andrew started talking

"Andrew is NOT gansta."
then Jayme
"Jayme is REALLY NOT gansta."
"Kevin, IS gangsta"

hahahahhaha oh and it just went on and on and it was SOOOOOOOOO funny. The guys trying to be gangstas was hysterical. "Yo, who is that yo?" "That be my brudda man." "Your brudda from anudda mudda man. What you doin here man?" oh my goodness it was SO funny.

then I spent the night at the deWebers house :) which is always fun. Kirstin and I made cookies. like forty billion of them... hahaha. but they were peanut buttery and chocolaty and yummy :D And when we got ready for bed and chilled in her bedroom, talked (I had a quiet time while she was in the shower. better late than never I guess...) and we went through bible verses and stuff :) and we got an interesting text from Jayme of a picture of him and a deer head thats mounted on the wall in the basement and the caption said "Me and Dylan" hahahaha :)

and Kirstin and I had a long talk about God and the Bible and other stuff :)It was really nice. :)

then this morning we got to the church early and Kirstin took some pictures of me out in the freezing cold :P haha. And Jayme brought this colored hair spray, blue and green. :) Jayme sprayed a blue streak down the middle with green stripes on the side :). Kirstin did a big section of her hair blue :)and I went with the Tricia Brock look with a half ponytail with this blue streak in the hair thats down. it was pretty cool I must say. and we did worship team, and we managed to see baptisms too

we got to go see baptisms, 1st service Gabriel (Gabe) Soto got baptized. I've known Gabe for a while, I mean we're not great friends or anything but I've known him through Jayme and Kirstin and Dylan. But it was so incredible for me to hear his testimony and see how much he's changed!!! :) Congrats Gabe. a few other people got baptized that service, then Elizabeth and Kevin and Sophie got baptized the second service.:D It was so amazing to hear their testimonies too and I was tearing up. It made me realize even more how blessed I am to have friends like them who are so in love with the Savior :)

ahhh I've been blessed with so many godly friends- you all are amazing!!! You all inspire me so much and I learn so much from all of you. :) :) :) :) :) and oh my goodness I am seriously tearing up as I am writing this ahhh you all are so incredible!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D


1 comment:

  1. Haha! That was awesome! Some of those slides the boys did weren't making sense to me, but that's alright. It was funny watching you and Allie crack up. And crack up again. And again. XD 8D =) Love you! =)
    haha Thanks for making cookies with me! Mwahaha Thanks to your amazing cooking abilities, people ate them!!!!! 8D 8D 8D xp 8D 8)
    haha And also thanks for letting me get pictures of you out in the 'freezing' weather! 8D You are sooo pretty! =) =) 8D
    My eyes were watering then, too! I was like 'no, I can't be crying! I have to go on the STAGE!!' haha 8D Today and yesterday were fun. Thanks for coming over! =)


