Tuesday, October 13, 2009


life is hard...

SO I never really got to post on that get together two weekends ago cause Ive been so busy. But there were alot of funny moments, like Dave hiding in my closing, Jayme and the others scaring the fegeebles out of me, and Dave making me fall off a swing (I had bruises for a week!) but we had a lot of fun. :D Friends are awesome...

But then on Sunday after the get together, I woke up with a head splitting migraine. So bad, I was laying on the floor of the bathroom feeling sick, shivering and about to puke. Then as soon as mom gave me medicine (seriously) I fell asleep. I woke up and everyone had gone to church without me, so I just laid in bed, had a long quiet time and then watched Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Then at one, I was better so I went to work at Butlers all afternoon...SIGH...and I met a girl named Lindsey who is actually a neighbor of the Hills! :)

Then Monday I had Math Class, and found out I was doing worse than I thought...Great. Then Tuesday I found out I was actually FAILING Biology. Even more fantastic.

So my mom bought me a planner and started helping me with my study techniques. :D Let me just say that I adore my planner (and my mother :P)

Then Thursday, I went to work again, 3-5:30. tiring...

Then Friday, we had coop :) which is always fun. We're doing a Medieval Dance (which is so simple, we have no idea why we struggle with it so much...) but it's fun. :) David's my dance partner and he always makes faces while we're dancing. He's hoping to go to the feast as Robin Hood and I'm going to go as Maid Marian. lol. so creative right? :P

and then I saw Cats (the musical) at Elizabeth's house for the first time. MAN, that movie made me want to get up and stretch- those dancers are amazing. I really love dance :D

Then the 10:31 Meeting! :D I love our Youth Ministry so much :) There was this great message by Steve Whittacer about zombies (how we are alive by God's grace, and how we are dead but have been brought to life) and then he told us that we were free to come up to the front if we felt like we really needed God's help. I felt like God was calling me to come foward, but I didn't know what for. I went forward and prayed on my knees to God and soon found myself crying. I had felt so confused lately, like God wasn't there and when I kept calling him he wasn't answering. But he assured me of his existence, and convicted me that I was making excuses for not spending time with Him. And that I was making excuses for not sharing the gospel with others. It was really amazing :)

Then I said goodbye to Kirstin and Jayme, who are going to be in Washington for the next few weeks. :(

Ode to Kirstin and Jayme-
I miss you.
Already, I miss you.

heehee that was the extent of my poetic creativity :D But its the thought that counts, right?

And then I went to the Hoffmans, Elizabeth and I were having a sleepover with Sarah. It was a lot of fun! We stayed up late, we didn't plan to but we ended up staying up late. We got these teen magazines and we made fun of the horoscopes...it was hysterical. We were like, do people actually read these things for advice? Its sad! "You will find true love at the pool." Fat chance...
We stayed up to 3 am. So we got really hyper, my favorite funny thing of the night was when Sarah threw her mascara across the room. That was so funny. Cause Elizabeth was like "oh can I see that?" and then Sarah was like "Yeah" and threw it the other way. "Oops." and then Sam made Bacon at 2 am. haha.

Then we woke up at 7 for the Mill for Women, which was great. I wasn't tired yet. Then I went out to Breakfast with Elizabeth, Sarah, Debbie and Amy. It was so fun! Then we went to the Calderones house for a while. We brought Stephen back some McDonalds for breakfast, you should've seen how suprised he was to see five girls at his house. LOL.

Then I had to go to work at 1. I worked from 1 to 6 up in the pumpkin patch. It was cold, but fun. I hate checking out things because I mess up. :P

Then I went to Church on Sunday, thats when the tiredness caught up to me. I almost fell asleep in the meeting. Then I was dead tired at work again in the afternoon. But I did work up the courage to ask a girl at work if she wanted to come to the FEE concert and she said yes! Im so excited. Oh, and there's this guy who looks like David twenty years older who works there. WEIRD.

Then I did homework all evening.

Then Monday I had math, did better on my test. :) Then Today, I went to Biology and got a 95 on my math quiz. :D

Not to mention I got a text from Jayme of a picture of 'real mountains' hahaha. I replied to his text (it was 9 am then) and I had forgotten about the time change between us and Washington. I woke him, Kirstin and Erik up....oops.... haha.

But yeah thats life. I could keep going, but this is long enough as it is...so yeah.



1 comment:

  1. Haha. Lovin' life, are we? How do you manage to have so much fun?


