Thursday, October 22, 2009

happy fall...errr winter?

yup its getting cold. but the weather is so fickle, it goes from winter to fall to winter to fall to winter...sigh. BRING OUT THE SWEATERS :D :D :D

of course I brought out the sweaters weeks ago...ANYWAY.

My grades are going up :D :D :D YAY!!!! Im quite happy. Time management rocks. :) And I've been good mostly. Little crabby and mean at points, kind of sad at others.

Im looking foward to Christmas. haha yes already. :) I've been listening to Christmas music and mom just got this spray stuff that smells like a christmas tree. And gingerbread men...heehee. Man I love Christmas. :) I can't wait to go Christmas shopping :D

oh not to mention...this song is like my new favorite song EVER! It's Thankful by Josh Groban, and its amazing. It makes me feel so well...Thankful for everything God's given me. :) Check it out!!!

sigh...I love Josh Groban. His voice is incredible and his range is epic. Im so mad I cant sing one of his songs without cracking at least once :P

hmmm lets see what else is up..OH well another funny story about my Dad :) So we were grocery shopping, just me and Dad. Im really close with my Dad and I love doing stuff like this with him. So I stood on the front of the cart and Dad pushed me around the store, pretending like he was going to run me into things. haha. But what was really funny is we passed pickles in one of the isles. and I was like...

"Oh Dad, why don't we get some pickles?" "No. If I eat pickles, your mother won't kiss me." "Well if I eat pickles, boys will stay far away from me." "Good point. Go ahead and get them." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D I think I've learned how to reason with my Dad. LOL. :)

and then there was a meteor shower that I stayed up to see but then there WERE CLOUDS! I only saw like a minute of it and then it was gone. Stupid clouds...

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Ryan Didone's death. The fifteen year old guy who died in a car accident. :( this makes me sad.

Oh and on a Happier note. MY DADS BIRTHDAY IS SATURDAY :D :D :D Im SO excited! Ive got some fun stuff planned, it'll be amazing :D :D :D :D :D :D

and hmm what else? hmm school, more school, work, relaxing, emailing, texting...



So they'll be at the Connect Meeting!!!!!!! :D :D :D YAY!

hmmm and thats pretty much it....



  1. AH u posted this at 11:11!!!!
    im sorry, i find that amazing :D

  2. Hahaha! Wow, I feel missed! 11:11? Really? That's my favortite minute. :)


