Tuesday, October 27, 2009


hi everybody.

life is...interesting.

Im starting to get really stressed out. I haven't been sleeping well, I've been having nightmares (what am I, four?) which is resulting in me being really crabby and overreacting to everything. And on top of that, I didn't do well on my test today. sigh.

OKAY lets back up a couple of days.

So on Friday I had Co-op, which was good for the most part. We practiced the dance (as you probably know David is my dance partner) and we got SO confused! We were always turning the wrong way and at one point David just started jumping up and down- which was funny because he was still holding my hand at the time so my hand was going up and down along with him. So I just started jumping too, then after a couple of seconds David says "Okay, lets stop. People are going to be like 'Why are they jumping up and down and holding hands?'" hahahahahahahaha...nicccceeee David.

Then we went to church, because there was another workshop and Mom and Kiera had volleyball. I had done the workshop before and I played volleyball and got bored, so I went to the lobby where Kevin was doing some HW on my moms laptop. Then I got on his gmail and pulled some pranks on people. THAT was funny. :D

Then I went to Pizza Hut with some friends for Kiera's volleyball party. I could only eat one piece of pizza cause it was SO greasy.

Then I got dropped off to the church by my mom, I was early for the meeting so I started playing Guess Who with Jon. I kept looking at the door every couple of seconds to see when the deWebers would come! Then I realized it was my turn to ask a question, and I looked down at the board then right as I wasn't paying attention.

"Jump Start!"
I jumped. It was Jayme! How on earth did I miss them come in? I stood up and gave him a hug, then hugged Kirstin and we all started talking. I was SOOOO happy to see them!!! :D Then there was a meeting, which was good. :) Then social time!!! And I could tell about how I completely humiliated myself in front of a group of people but I think I'll skip that part ;)

and then Dylan's like "Its time to leave!" and the meeting had only ended about twenty minutes ago. Thats the disadvantage of your brother being your only ride home.

Then Saturday, Dad's birthday!!! We watched a movie in the morning, then we went to the studio in the afternoon to record with the band. But then we had technical difficulties so we didn't end up recording...urggg. I think the band needs to be a bit more organized :P we all have our own ideas...lol. And I dont think I'm even an official member yet :P

Then Saturday Night we got a whole bunch of chicken wings and stuff and watched The Goonies :D good movie.

Then Sunday... church! Then Work, which was so unbelievably busy. To summarize, I helped a disabled man with his bags to his car, helped a little boy find his mother, and I got a BIG attitude (like close to yelling attitude) from this guy who was all ticked off that we ran out of caramel apples. Let me tell you that is hard to deal with, cause all you can do is smile and nod until they leave. :-| Then the time in between those things I was bagging NON stop. I was so tired and hungry by the time I was done.

Then I went to Bekah's Birthday Party! Which was a ton of fun! I got scared a lot (haha, I'm such a wimp. I'm a weirdo too because I hate being scared but I love it at the same time :P ) and we got to have a campfire and talk and tell jokes and stories :D oh and not to mention I got a big old purple bruise on my knee because Allie yanked me and I lost my balance :P
(don't worry Allie <3>

Then I went home and crashed.

Then the next morning (Monday) I woke up and showered and got ready for the day and started doing schoolwork, then went to Math class (which was fun because she was grading tests so I got to talk with friends for an hour :D ) Then I went home, finished up school and watched Edward Scissorhands!

Okay, so Edward Scissorhands is an incredible movie! Its so creative and Johnny Depp is amazing! Its one of my favorite movies, but man it is so sad! Tears were just rolling down my face at the end of the movie. But don't let that stop you from watching it, because it is SO worth it!

Then I did something else....I listened to cds and read my Bible.

And then there was today, which was going well until biology class. :( which as you can tell from there my day just got steadily worse. woohoo....

So now Im trying to cheer up. And if you know me, I can be really hard to cheer up sometimes. :P Yup so I need hugs and prayer. Not necessarily in that order. haha.



  1. HAD to mention that semi-awkward moment at coop didn't you? Haha Good times. Sorry you had a rough day.

  2. Aw, now I feel bad for scaring you. I guess I deserve it, sorry. Oh and those nightmares, they'll buff out! :)

  3. Do I get to say the embarrassing part?

  4. haha Don't feel bad, it's okay. :)


