Thursday, October 15, 2009

Its that time of year.

Where everything starts slowing down just a tad, and its hard to get work done when your hands are freezing off. :P Its cold now, its like we skipped fall and moved right on to winter! What happened?

My little sister Kiera and I share a room and guess what? Our heater is broken :P so we're piling on the blankets and I've been going to bed wearing my slippers and giant sweatshirts the last couple of days. Im still in my pajamas as I write this- they're very comfy :D

Well whats been up? So on Tuesday I watched the Biggest Loser, which is really starting to get on my nerves because they sent home this guy who totally should have stayed while the other should of gone home!! UGH! Is the point of reality TV just to annoy you? I mean really!

Then Wednesday I had MCI all day :D Starting with art class, half of which we had outside and it was SO COLD!!! I also discovered that I don't do well with oil pastels. They're hard for me to use.

Then Composition class, I de segregated the room (previously we'd been sitting guys on one side of the room and girls on the other) I was like "What is this? Elementary School? OKAY are you ready for this?" I got up and moved to the other side of the room and sat next to a boy (how scandalous! :P jk) and then the class started to mix up a bit. haha. I was the start of a big movement :D lol

Then at lunch I proposed the idea to Allie of growing my hair out until spring and then getting it cut for locks of love, and she said that she wants to do it with me! So that's the plan, so we'll have long hair through winter and then in spring it will be short. Locks of Love is a charity when you cut off ten inches or more of hair and then they make wigs affordable to kids with long term hair loss. Its really awesome.

Then Geometry...that was interesting, I learned it was 'Hug an Asian Day'..haha weird. So then we started talking about hugs and as I walked by David I gave him a hug, and then Kevin was like "Hey why'd he get a hug and not me?" (Kevin was sitting down across the room at this point) and David said "Kevin, there's a reason I'm 6 and you're 2000!" Those who are in on that joke will find that funny :P Also its funny because David made up the numbers not me...

Then Dance- that was the hardest one so far we were all sweaty!

Then I went upstairs to get ready to leave and I was told to text Jayme and tell him everyone says hi and that we miss them. Its funny whenever someone says "It'll buff out" we'll all be like pretending to sniffle and cry. Know that you are missed deWebers.

Then I went home and relaxed...

And then this morning I recieved a text from jayme (that appeared to have just gotten there) and I replied to it. THEN I looked at the details and noticed that the text was sent at 11 last night- so I had just texted him at 7am washington time. And guess what? I woke him up again. Im just so smart... :P

And then I started debating the whole haircutting thing...did I really want to? what would my friends think? would I look good with short hair? all of these crazy selfish things. and David said to do it, that its more rewarding than I know. Just to not do it because of peer pressure and I said "I'm not doing it because of peer pressure, It was my idea." Which then made me feel stupid because thats just what he said to me at the youth retreat when I was giving him a hard time about shaving his head. ha. And he was encouraging me, not bringing me down. He gave me some great advice after that (David you rock!) so that's got me thinking about my reasons for not wanting to.

Just be praying that I make the right decision. :)

And I did school today and now Im blogging and chatting and texting...Im a brilliant multitasker ;)

Yup. You all are awesome. :D



  1. I was kind of weird-ed out when you hugged me cause i'm not Asian... least, not very much..

  2. Haha. No way you're Asian, dude. White as a piece of quartz.
    HAHA! 6 and 2000.... that joke will never run dry, will it? Well, once you get married/engaged, but not before that. (And since your dad decided you weren't getting married until you're 35, this could run for a good long time.) :-D
    Yeah, well, about dance? That was the hardest/sweatiest because we did hip-hop the entire time. No smooth, calm ballet, no sir! Just pound around the room with a lot of attitude and dance your heart out to Shackles. Boy, that was fun, even though it was exhausting.

  3. haha! :P sorry David :-/

    35 O.o oh my goodness...

    That was the hardest for me cause we actually danced like the entire time! It was tons of fun though.


  4. Wow haha =D I love reading your blog, Kylie. =D

    I looked it up on the internet, and one place says that Hug an Asian day was on March 13th, and another says it's on October 15th. =D


