Monday, October 5, 2009

Autumn Fun

So I had Allie, Kirstin, Jayme and David over for a photoshoot and campfire get together. Allie took all of these pictures, all the ones I took are fuzzy. :( So she's not in any of these photos so I'll start with her first. I became good friends with Allie in 4th grade, when I met her at school at Covenant Life. (ahaha now she tells me stories about elementary school that are so strange...a few embarassing :P ) I always loved being around her because she always made me smile :) And she still does. We've had plenty of fun times, texting and talking on the phone, having sleepover and laughing over inside jokes (sniff sniff) Now we've grown up, and she's a wonderful friend of mine. We talk about everything, goofy and serious. We have plenty of inside jokes :P lol and she's always there to cheer me up when I'm down, and to pray for me and remind me of God's word. Love you Allie!
haha. Kirstin, you're so naturally pretty. :) I met Kirstin a little over two years ago, right after they moved here from Colorado. So basically I met Kirstin and I thought she was the coolest girl I'd ever met in my entire life and I wanted to be her friend SO badly. I still remember what she wore when I met her, she was wearing pink bengals and this rockstar type shirt. Cool huh?But I was extremely immature and started being really snobby towards Kirstin and thinking that she was annoying (what a lie. now I have guilt...). Lucky for me, she decided to be my friend despite my lack of maturity- I'm so glad she did! Kirstin is one of my best friends and she's always there to make me laugh, snap some photos (amazing ones too! check out her blog and to give hugs when needed. She's so amazing, and we have so many fond memories and inside jokes. :D Love you Kirstin!
Okay so this is one of my favorite pictures of all time. The lighting is awesome. I met Jayme at the same time as I met Kirstin (seeing as they're siblings...) when they moved here from Colorado. I officially met him at the Discovery Land meeting and found out that he was going to be in the same THG as me. So I asked if he wanted to come sit with me and Dylan. When I started being better friends with Kirstin I started better friends with him too. Jayme's a really fun guy to be around. He's funny and he's a really godly guy. I remember coming downstairs one morning after I had some people over and Jayme was sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bible. We've also had a lot of fun playing in the pouring rain and talking about Skillet music, not to mention a few texts and surprises (more like scares) here and there (maybe that was an understatement :P). Jayme you're a great friend and I'm glad to have met you! :)
haha I put this one in cuz I like my expression :P hahaha. me and 6 (see David's story below)
Okay so isn't this the coolest picture? The lighting is so cool. It should be a band cover! :D 6, me, and 13...
(keep going...)
This is a pretty cool picture, David's jump makes it interesting and it almost looks like Jayme's falling over. Okay so I met David in 6th grade, he was in our history coop. And I was mean to him, and thought he was really obnoxious and strange. I was in coop with him for three years before we really became friends the summer before 9th grade. When school started, David and I started talking a lot and realized that we were a lot alike. After a while we started having long talks about what God was teaching us and what we were struggling with, which led us into a strong friendship. Not only is he a wise godly friend, he's so fun to be around! He's constantly making things hilarious, and he can make me laugh at myself and at how stupid I'm being. He can always make me laugh, and he's there for me to talk to when I need it. Thanks for being an awesome friend David. :)

So yeah. It was a fun time. I think I'll post about some of the stories that took place at this get together another time. For now enjoy the pictures, and feel free to look at others on Allie's blog and Kirstin's blog :)

God had truly blessed me with so many incredible friends. Thank you all for your friendship, for the ways that you help me grow everyday. Thanks for being there to inspire me, make me smile and talk, pray and give hugs. You all are amazing friends and I cannot thank God enough for you!!!




  1. Looks like you had so much fun =)

    You guys are so funny! Loved hearing how oyu met everyone :D

  2. You're already using David's numbering system? Haha, why can't I be something other than 13? It's an unlucky number. I had tons of fun with you guy's thanks for hosting Kylie! You are an great friend too! :)

  3. Hahaha, you can be some other number if you want.


  4. Wow. Hassan like! Very nice, Kirstin.

  5. who said you were number five? I really should keep up with this list....


  6. Oh and I just wanted to point out that Drew is 183 and Kevin is 2000

    hahahaha :D

  7. well we have so far:

    Daniel: 5
    Me: 6
    Jayme: 13
    Drew: 183
    Kevin 2000

  8. Haha!! David, is Jayme 13 because in his nickname he has 1 and 3 for l and e? 8D I like how Drew and Kevin have a big number. It makes them seem...haha idk. lol
    Hassan-like, Elizabeth? What does that mean? =)
    It's so weird. I commented on this post a couple days ago, but I guess it didn't go through. Thanks, Kylie! I feel so flattered. 8) It's so awesome being your friend! 8D Love you, girl! And thanks for doing the shoot! It was fun! =) My pics are all posted! 8D 8D


