Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hi!!! Im happy for no apparent reason. I love it when that happens!!! :D :D :D

Im also bored. And I really dont feel like studying more tonight. haha.

So lets see whats been up. Not much. RAIN and COLD. But the heater in my room started working YAY! And I've been using my amazing electric blanket, and wearing my giant sweater and watching movies in my spare time. I watched 'A Walk To Remember' the other night (the book is so much better) but this time when I watched it, I cried harder than I had before. Kiera walked in and was like "You've seen this like five times! And you're still crying?" and I was like "ITS SO SAD!" Nicolas Sparks just loves making people cry doesnt he? I would know I became addicted to his books over the summer, but the last one just destroyed me.

And Friday I went to a dance workshop after coop. That was fun. Then Saturday I got up early to go to work and right as I was about to leave my phone rang, it was Todd Butler telling me I didnt have to come. And I was like "OH. Okay.." I was kind of happy I wasnt working cause it was so cold and dreary outside, but then again I was like "I just woke up early on a saturday for nothing!!!" lol

Then at One on saturday I went to Christmas show rehearsal/workshop where we did a tin soldier dance :) it was quite fun. Then I had THG (oh not to mention I hadnt been recieving texts for the last 24 hours) and while we were practicing a song my phone started beeping like crazy cause I had NINE TEXTS MESSAGES!!! I jumped up and screamed. Kelly wasnt very happy with me though :P lol Then I saw this great band at my Dad's youth center. :) It got Dylan and I thinking a lot more about songs we could do for the band we're in.

THG was great. Now Ive just been doing homework and texting. haha I texted alot at THG because allie's new phone is really cool :D :D :D

Then I was doing homework and listening to music and texting. When I was listening to music, when "Whispers in the dark" came on, Cassie pulled the wire so that the speakers moved and then she laid down with her ear right next to the speaker. I was like "Wow, You're obviously my dog." :D :D :D

and I've been writing down rock songs that I like that might work for the band. and now I have Catch Me by Demi Lovato stuck in my head...which isnt really rocky but she's got a rock type voice. :)

OH and did I mention how irritated I am with Miley Cyrus? Her new music video for "Party in the USA" is completely innapropriate. Her outfit is immodest, the way she acts is innapropriate and the lyrics are bad. Doesnt she know she's a role model to thousands of little girls around the world???!!!! DONT watch the video. JUST DONT.

and yup that was completely all over the place I know but thats what goes on.


