Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch?"

Google wins.

Okay. So it's been a day and a half of strange happenings.

So lets start with yesterday shall we? Yesterday, we started taking down the Christmas decorations. (this was like lunch time ish...we woke up late) Kiera and I decided that we were going to 'rebel' and leave all the snowmen up. :) Cause, they're not too Christmassy right? Right. I got very worked up later when my mom took all the snowmen down when we weren't looking. merph. failure. So we took down pretty much everything except the Christmas Tree- which is now bare because we took off the ornaments. :( sigh...

Well anyway...then I did...something that I can't remember...ugh I hate when that happens! OH I remember now! I made soup and started going through all of these cds that said "Kylie's favorites" and stuff like that. When I finally just sat down to eat the soup, it was like two fifteen.

Then I hear my Dad from the living room "Is somebody here?" Dylan was having a group of guys over to play video games, but they weren't supposed to come until 3. A few minutes later, Andrew was standing at the door. I opened it up and let him in, but I felt really stupid cause...Dylan wasn't even home yet. And Dad was so confused. Haha. But they just went downstairs and started setting up video game stuff. It was funny, cause I was sitting in the kitchen eating soup minding my own business and in Liam comes with a TV and carries it all the way across my kitchen and downstairs. lol.

I was waiting for Kirstin to come with Jayme, normally she comes and keeps me company when all the guys are playing video games. But then Jayme pulled up (in the prius :D ) and walks up to the front door and tells me that Kirstin didn't want to come (either that or she was babysitting, he said) OUCH! lol. Ah well. So while the guys were playing video games, I just chilled and surfed the web. I then turned and looked at the living room tv, and college football was still playing after Dad had moved into his room. I proceeded to sit right in front of the tv and watch the game. I decided to root for Ole Miss, for no apparent reason. They weren't even winning.

Soon after starting to watch the game, I got really into it. I started yelling at the TV. and Dad (who has bronchitis) runs out of his room and comes into the living room where I'm watching football. He gave a me a big hug and kiss on the top of the head and yells "I'M SO PROUD! CANDY! Did you hear? She was yelling at football!!! Why aren't my sons like this! My new favorite child!!!"

Epic Win. i discovered something...I love football. :D Seriously! I never thought it would happen, but I love football. Haha, the rest of the day I was going around and telling people at my house I am the favorite child- and that I now understand and love football. I was (and still am) very proud of myself...which is really sad when I think about it. haha.

I watched football with Dad for most of the evening (Ole Miss ending up winning. Go me.) And it was also kind of entertaining when we were just watching, and we'd hear the guys playing video games yelling from downstairs. They love their video games :) lol.

It was also rather funny when I went downstairs to give Andrew the phone cause his Dad had called, and the first thing I hear when I walk downstairs is "I will get a girl!" "Well dude...when you get married..." I just stood there and stared at them, and then said. "Okay, I walk downstairs and the first thing I hear is 'I will get a girl!'...I don't even want to know..."

Okay, fast forward a couple of hours, when people are leaving. Jayme and Sam just left, and I just got on the computer. Sam then returns, gets something and leaves. They returned again for something else (...if I'm remembering this right...) and then said goodbye and left. A few minutes later, I hear the doorknob starting to turn so I turn around and Jayme walks back in the door with this big grin on his face and says "This is hilarious.." and proceeds to tell me something he just remembered about a song called Indonesia. It was so incredibly random- but really funny. As soon as they left, I couldn't resist looking up Indonesia and listening to it. lol.

fast forward- this morning I woke up to the freezing cold house. shocker. lol. We went to church where we had greeting team, and I greeted and talked with friends as well. Right after worship had started, I moved inside to greet people who were just coming in. And the WEIRDEST thing happened. This guy walks by, with (what appeared to be) his three brothers. I did a double take because this guy looked JUST LIKE KEITH HARKIN FROM CELTIC THUNDER!!! It was so weird!!! I turned and looked at Kiera and I said "Did you see that?" and she said "They looked like Keith!" It was so strange! I was a little distracted the rest of the meeting cause I was trying to find 'Keith Harkin' in the audience. lol.

Then basic after church stuff, talking with friends, went to McDonalds with my family. Dylan was teaching me this rhythm game you can play with a restaurant soft drink cup. This took forever for me to get, and we went over this game several times in the McDonalds. When I finally got it we kept playing and people were staring at the strange loud teenagers playing with cups. Needless to say, it was a wonderful use of my time. :) After that, my mom lost her keys and as Dylan tried to pull out of the McDonald's, Mom came running like a maniac and screaming at us to stop and not to leave her without her keys. Then Kiera walks over and hands mom the keys. As soon as mom got back in the car, Dylan and I started cracking up over the hysterical way mom was running and screaming. :D

and now I'm home. Watching the Ravens with Dad. :D

and it's the last day of break....sadness. :( :( :( Back to school....sigh.....

yeah that was a gigantic post. It makes up for all the short ones that I've posted the last couple weeks. Comments please.


  1. Nice entry downstairs. You're timing couldn't have been better. :D
    So now who's your favorite football team? If you say Redskins, I will never view your blog again.

  2. kylie, i just love your blog! it is so funny and entertaining to read :) hey, the redskins are bad, but you still gotta root for them.


    Anyway, that happened to me at church once, except it wasn't Keith. I turned around after talking to some friends and saw a teen boy who looked exactly like Tom Felton. Question mark? :D That was so strange.

  4. GAGH! dont fall to the dark side (football) baseball is sooo much better....

    Awesome post =D. I wanted to come to the gaming party really really bad but i couldnt find a ride. Sounds like I missed some pretty interesting conversation.

  5. Robert, please don't speak from ignorance about sports. Kylie, you need to root for Philly with me...
    Haha. Hear that, Dylan? Your dad plays favourites.
    Dare I ask who was going to "get a girl"?


