Monday, January 18, 2010

Lets say God, puts two people on earth and they are lucky enough to find eachother. Then one of them, gets struck by lighting. Then what? Is that it?

Oh questions questions :P lol. That was a quote from Ever After, Prince Henry says that. And it's hysterical too because don't we all ask that sometimes? haha.

So long time no blog huh?

Well lets see...

Thursday, I didn't really do much. I did my history homework for co-op the next day. Oh and I did tagalog...blecchhh. I was SO mad because now the Tagalog lessons are switching the words in the sentence around, so one time they ask the question it may be like "The man is in front of the horses" Or it may say "The horses are following behind the man" the next time. Its SO confusing...

Oh and once I finished about lunchtime, Mom took us to get flu shots. Ow. It didnt hurt immeadiatly, like when she did it but then my arm started to swell and my entire arm was sore for a couple of days. Fun. Not. And thursday night my mom actually gave me night pain reliever with the stuff that makes you sleepy so I would sleep. I haven't been sleeping well at all, and that helped just a little bit. The funny thing is it made me have some pretty strange dreams. Like Straight No Chaser came to our church and sang...pretty awesome. :)

Friday, Co-op. We had history and practiced Much Ado About Nothing. Which was really funny. There were lots of awkward moments that were hysterical- but I won't get into that. :P Friday night, rehearsal. Lots of messing up on my part, then bed. Elizabeth and Kevin stayed over because we had band the next day. What was really funny was when I woke up the next morning and went down in the basement to wake up the guys so we could leave. They all had blankets over their heads. I woke up Kevin and then moved onto the next lump of blanket and started pushing around, "Hey wake up!" Then Ramil takes the blanket off his head and looks at me. I put my hands on his face cause I wasn't sure who he was. "Ramil?" I said. He mumbled a reply. "Oh, sorry, you can go back to sleep." :P

Band was good, we recorded the bands playing and I was so flat when I was singing. MORNING VOICE :P yeah. I mean we didn't sound awful or anything, it just wasn't...great. Lol. Then rehearsal, and then I was stuck at the church for three hours ish because Mom and Dylan still had to be there but I didn't. I read "The Blind Side" (yes I'm still reading it...I don't have a whole lot of reading time, but I'm working on cutting down computer and tv time so I can learn more from reading. :P ) and got a lot further in it. Kirstin and Allie were there to do a photoshoot together and they let me tag along :) YAY! It was a ton of fun. :D I love having photoshoots. I got some good pictures of the girls and so did Allie and Kirstin. I also got to model a bit. :) There are pictures already up on Allie's Blog ( ) and there should be some up soon on Kirstin's Blog ( :D

Then THG rehearsal which went well, all the songs were high for my range and my voice was shot so that was pleasant. :P Then I got to go to the Dewebers house! And I got to see their little ninja ;) cousins Zoey and Kenley. Zoey is three and Kenley I think is somewhere around a year, and they are SO adorable. And SO funny. :D When Zoey was putting on her pajamas (or jammies as she calls them) her mom asked if the tag was in the back. She dramatically pulled out the front of the pants (like they do for those weight loss commercials) let it go and said "Yes." SO cute. Then Kirstin, Elizabeth and I got to take Kenley upstairs for a while. She had some snacks- boy her reaction to grapes is so cute and man does she like brocolli! She makes little hand motions when she wants something and goes "t-t-t-t" When she really wants something she makes this noise thats almost like a gasp mixed with a growl. Its SO funny. And she was so cute when Jayme came in the kitchen and said "Kenley, big smile!" Then she smiled and bobbed her shoulders up and down. :D
Oh and then their aunt (Aunt Korinda) came upstairs and asked me what my name was again. "Kylie" I said
"Okay that's what I thought, Zoey prayed for you tonight. She was praying and asked God to protect Kylie and I said 'Who's that?' and she looks at me and says 'Mom, it's Kirstin's friend upstairs.'"
hahaha :D I thought that was the sweetest thing. Kirstin and Jayme, you Aunt and cousins are amazing!!!

Oh and we sang quite loudly. It was really funny when we serenaded Kirstin and sang "Dulcinea" while following her downstairs. :D haha. Not to mention our shower war of who could shower the shortest ( I won at 5 minutes) and looking through books that Kirstin had of different ways to do makeup and hair. The one book was "Glamourous" and they all looked ridiculous with like pounds of glitter and was kind of gross. :P Glamour...pfffffttt ;)

then THG sunday which was great, and we had some pretty funny conversations which our guitarist Andrew. He's really funny. We were just sitting in a circle telling corny jokes. "What do you call cheese that's not yours?" "Na-cho Cheese!" :D lol. Oh and not to mention Sarah Palin. That's all I'm going to say ;) :D And then we started playing one of those logic games that Jayme was doing, and I (being a blonde) could not figure it out until told what the catch was. :P

Then I got to help celebrate my dear friend Amy's 18th birthday. :) We watched the movie Ever After (hence the quote) which is a version of Cinderella, but without the fairy godmother and with politics thrown in. One of my favorite movies. :D There are so many great quotes.

and I did homework. and I continue to do homework. TADA! That would be my life. I could go on, but I won't cause this is already really big and I have homework to do.

Yeah. Ta ta for now. Comments please!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Ever After! I love that movie! Ahhh!

    Yeah. Oh my gosh, that's soo cute that she prayed for you :)


