Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why are you crying? Let me lift up your face...just don't turn away.

{By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North} One of my absolute favorite songs. EVER. :)

Seriously, I love it. I keep singing it- it's so uplifting and amazing.

So Sunday was the last post? Yeah so whats been going on...

Well, on Sunday I watched the Ravens and they made it through the first round of the playoffs (if I have that correct...Whatever, they won the game they played..So YAY!) :D

For bonus points for school I watched a movie called "Something the Lord Made" about how it was discovered that a doctor could operate on the heart. Really good. Kiera and I were fighting over what movie to watch and I wanted to watch that one, and when I told her that the guy who played the Doctor was Professor Snape from Harry Potter, she couldnt help but let me watch it. I win. :)

Um and a stress attack, thinking about school and the future and play and GAHHHHHHHHHHH. Have I ever told you I have panic attacks? I do. Its awful. But yeah. Then Monday, Geometry and lots of Biology...another panic attack when I found that half of my gigantic biology test wasn't on my study amazing mom just told me to study more and take it again later...I love you mom.

Then biology on tuesday, which went well. I mean, thank God for bonus points, saved my quiz grade and made it a B as well as my giant test. Thats something I can live with :) Yay!

Then I went on a fieldtrip to the National Gallery of Art to look at some renaissance paintings. It was quite interesting (but it made all of my art 'skills' feel like crap) and I wished that I could go around to look at the other exhibits and paintings but the whole time the teachers were like "Move on..Move on.." I hate that about fieldtrips. I think fieldtrips should always be all day things, to take time. Yeah! Oh and not to mention the strange car ride with friends... Drew and Kevin kept trying to shove oreos in my mouth. It was really irritating, cause they were like "Open up!!" and I was like screaming...seriously. I was screaming and flailing my arms. I finally got annoyed enough and took the oreos. They left me alone then. ~finally~ lol.

Then I got another movie for a bonus point called "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story" I read that book in fifth grade, and watched the movie last night. For those of you who don't know what this is, Ben Carson is the most famous Neurosurgeon (brain surgeon) in the world. He came from a remarkable past full of miracles, and is a very strong Christian. His story is amazing, I would encourage any of you to read the book and watch the movie. Excellent.

Then I watched the Biggest Loser- yes, just my inner nutritionist coming out. :) Then I got all excited because I wanted to go to a Health and Fitness expo in DC, which Mom said we could most likely go to, but we found out that it wasn't happening until Saturday and Sunday...and I can't go. I just found that out today. Sadness... :( Like I said, I'm a nutrition geek.

Then today, I had MCI all day. Oh and I dressed like a ninja, and I brought my nunchucks. :) It was a good day, I worked on my art project-a scratchboard of a gun which I am almost finished. Did composition, geometry. Geometry went well...seriously I understood everything and spent the majority of the time doodling. This was a wonderful way to spend time. :D

And then our dance class, that my mom teaches, had a little recital for family and friends. We were just expecting parents..but it seems like half of MCI showed up for this little performance. It went well, it was a lot of fun. We did our hip hop dance dressed as gangstas :D what now? Lol, we had oversized sweatshirts (which were so hard to dance in, I was burning up!) and a couple of us had baseball caps. :) haha. I turned my sideways and went for the gangsta I think I failed... :P

Um and now...just chilling, watched a movie, I have to do tagalog (gripe gripe dalkg i bnliweo hni awuoeh fuiofn kdfnwe uighxgukl be wukl) <- that was Kylie sound effects for not wanting to do something. stupid foreign language credit....urg.

So yeah I have to get to that before my father grounds and/or kills me.

Comments. PLEASE! :D


  1. Guess what! My sketch book was in my backpack the whole time! It was just in a different pocket! Ugh...I hate it when that happens....

  2. Don't pretend you didn't think the cookies was hysterical. You were smiling and laughing. Especially when Drew threw one at you. :D

  3. "Why are you striving these days,
    Why are you trying to earn grace,
    Why are you crying,
    Let me lift up your face"
    most amazing song ever!!

    haha! we have the weirdest car rides to field trips! they are like always almost as much fun as the actually event(if not more!)

  4. O.K., Alan Rickman would totally make a movie worth watching, I concur. And I TOTALLY sympathise with the whole art thing. "It makes me want to go and paint something!" "No, it makes me want to NOT paint something, because I fail."

  5. Yess Rickman makes every movie he's in worth watching :)
    and i know how you feel about the art thing! i was with my family going around the art museum and there were some where i just wanted to sit and stare for like 5 minutes.

  6. Have you all seen Sense & Sensibility? The old one? I love Alan Rickman in that movie :)


