Thursday, January 7, 2010

Melody in my head ♪

That I can't keep out got me singing like na na na na every day, like my ipod stuck on replay

that stuck in my head. how ironic.

so where did we leave off? Sunday? Yeah so monday, school started back up again :( sigh. I had Geometry class, which was nothing out of the ordinary except I got a B on my test :D YAY! Oh and I discovered that my Geometry book has little homework notes and things written into it. In the middle of class I turned to Allie and said "Allie, my geometry book has a Half-Blood Prince!" (Harry Potter reference! :D ) haha it was so funny. the annoying thing is the person before me didn't write their name in the book...I really want to know who's book it is.

Then mom made me go to the gym. We're supposed to run a half marathon in spring, so I need to start training. She told me I had to run three miles. Well, when I got there, all the treadmills were taken so I started biking on one of the spin bikes. I biked eight miles before the treadmills were open. I'm pretty happy with myself about that though, because I was on level 15 going an average of 19 miles per hour. :D yEaH. Then I 'ran' three miles. That took forever. I was going at like an average of like 6 miles per hour...which is jogging...not running. I felt like an idiot cause I havent run in forever, so 6 miles an hour was all I could push myself to do. So it took like wayyyy too long to go three miles...sad.

Then Tuesday, Biology. Then Elizabeth, Kevin, and David came over to help me with Geometry. Haha, it ended up being the lesson was all algebra and I finished pretty quick. YAY! But I still got to study and hang out with friends, which was awesome. At one point I yelled to my mom "Hey Mom, don't you just love my friends?" and just then her computer like freaked out and stopped working and she yelled "OH SHOOT!" and started screaming. Hahahahahaha :D

And my granparents came over for a surprise visit, and David and Kevin decided to hide in the closet. When my grandparents came in, Elizabeth and I were the only ones in the kitchen and my Popop goes "Where is everybody?" and I yelled back "IN THE CLOSET!" My grandparents started laughing cause they had no idea what I was talking about. I then made Kevin and David come out of the closet. My Mimi was like "Two boys in the bathroom together...thats not strange." and they proceeded to tell her it was actually the closet. She just said "Oh." and started laughing. Another funny moment, once my Dad got home, me and my 'study group' started singing and my Dad yells "Hey Glee Club! Shut up! I'm watching sports!" :D haha I love my Dad.

Then Wednesday I had MCI. Normally I have MCI all day, but right before lunch I started feeling really sick. My head was all stuffy and my stomach hurt, my mom came to pick me up so I could go home to sleep- I had so much to do the next couple days I could not get sick now. Allie told me to eat some chocolate and I told her "Okay then, Professor Lupin." (another harry potter reference :D ) and I went home, slept and ate some chocolate. And I felt better. Awesome. :D

And then I watched the Biggest Loser (we recorded it) and listened to music for the rest of the night. :D

So today, I'm just chilling. And Today is Jayme's 18th Birthday! Happy Birthday Jayme! :D


  1. wooohooo! :D im a harry potter character :)))))))))))

  2. You're not the only one who's got that song stuck in their head... (coughDAVIDcough)

    Hahaha the chocolate... brilliant :D
    Oh by the way, Allie, if want to be that character, tough luck, 'cuz you're dead.


  3. Katie. Everyone dies. so...yeah


