Friday, January 29, 2010

And I'll forget the world that I knew, but I swear I won't forget you.

Hm, lesee where do I start?

WELL, I am tired. And I've been tired for weeks now. Welcome to highschool. Welcome to my life.

So Monday, lots of studying for exams (plus Geometry, but we all know that's uneventful so whatever. :P ) So lots of studying for midterms, and I took my Literature Midterm. Then more studying for Biology midterm and then reading.

I finally finished reading The Blind Side!!! :D YAY. That only took...forever. :P Now I have moved on to the other Nicolas Sparks book I got for Christmas from my parents...I'm almost half done now. Whoo!

Okay so anyway, Tuesday- woke up late (cause I haven't been sleeping well, I've had a tendency to sleep in trying to catch up...which ultimately fails...sigh.) and then rushed to get to Biology. Got to Biology to take the scary midterm...Soooo GUESS WHAT? I got an A!!! :D WoOoOoOoOoOoOo! Praise the Lord! :D Im quite happy.

Then David and Kevin came over to help me with Geometry..which kind of failed without Elizabeth. :P I mean, we still got homework done and it was a lot of fun but when we didnt understand something we just kind of skipped over it. :P haha, but it was fun. :)

Then Wednesday, MCI and Elizabeth came over! :D We hung out and had a photoshoot which you can see on my flickr. :)

it was quite fun. Then...I folded socks and watched tv. :) Yup. Oh and I found out I got an A on my Literature midterm too! :D YAY!

And Thursday "You know what I think? I say that we skip school and homework today and clean the house!" I said that. And guess what? Mom agreed. :) Day well spent. haha.

Then I read. And went to sleep. And woke up. And went to sleep again. Then woke up. So continued my night...this made me wake up late (as in I woke up at 9 which is when we're supposed to be leaving to History class....FAIL) and which also caused me to be a complete grouch the rest of the day. Seriously not pleasant to be around. :P

But now, I'm right about to go out for a Daddy Kylie dinner. That hasn't happened in like years! :D And we're getting Chinese food! Woot! :D

Thats all for now. Comments pleassssssseeee!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'll always be a part of you, trust your soul always know it's true. If I could talk I'd say to you, "Can I live? Can I live?"

March For Life 2010! Please read and comment!

So a lot has been going on this week, but I'm going to start with Friday- March for Life!!!

On January 22 1973, Abortion was legalized in the USA. Ever since then, on January 22 there is a march against Abortion- The March for Life. This year I got to go with a group of friends and schoolmates and stand up for what I believe in- life. :)

So Friday I woke up and went to History for a couple of hours and then went to the church to meet up with a group to head down to the metro. My mom drove me, Elizabeth, Kevin, Sarah, Sam, Elizabeth C, and Jayme. So we went to the metro and rode it down to DC. Metro rides with friends are ALWAYS a ton of fun :D :D :D Especially when trying to fight against gravity standing up in the metro making a train...and playing the nose game :D

Then we got off the metro at the Smithsonian. Thats not even where the march starts and it was PACKED!!! Thousands of people everywhere. I was getting so paranoid trying to stay with people in my group. There were people handing out signs to carry in the march and stickers and buttons, youth groups and churches all over the place. It was so cool, but really crazy too just because of the TONS of people. Oh and it was cold- but not freezing and not raining praise God. So our group managed to get separated several times, and weave through the crowd until we kind of broke into like three different groups. lol.. Jayme was talking in a Scottish ( I think it was Scottish) accent pretty much the whole time. It was really funny.

So the March was AmAzInG! It was so cool to see SO many people come together to March against Abortion. :) It was also really cool to see all the different signs, and the display of what abortion really is- abortion is so sickening and wrong. I thought it was so sweet when the march started- it's led by women who have had an abortion but have repented and become Christians after it. Its amazing to see how God works like that! It was a really cool experience- if you haven't gone before I totally encourage you to plan to go next year. You can learn more about abortion and what exactly it is at

There are pictures of the march up on peoples blogs, flickr and facebook. I know Allie got some great pics so you can check up with her if you want to see some of our group :D

So anyway, after the March we got back on the metro and headed home. I was really tired and hungry, as were pretty much everyone else. I freaked out halfway through the ride cause I thought we had left David in DC :P that would have been bad. But we didnt, no worries.

While we were coming out of the Metro station, we heard someone singing and playing guitar. And he was good! Then I realized what he was singing, Time of Your Life by Greenday. I love that song. I started singing with him at " Tattoos and memories and dead skin on trial, for what it's worth it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable but in the end is right- I hope you had the time of your life." :D It was great. I had to tip the guy.

Then we were picked up. My dad picked up me and Jayme (he was coming over to our house) in the new car! :D :D :D heehee...I love our new car. We went home and I had to make dinner (I was so hungry...) White chicken chilli...yum. :D My little siblings werent home, and dylan was being mysteriously quiet playing video games downstairs. Cassie (my fluffy dog who absolutely adores Jayme) was very excited about Jayme's company. haha. So anyway, I was making dinner and turned to drain the fatty water off of the meat- I didnt realize I had left a couple of paper towels on the burner. I turned when I heard Jayme yell "Whoa!" and saw him putting out the paper towels that were on fire. I felt pretty stupid, lol. Just the same, Thank you Jayme for not letting my house burn down. :)

Then we had dinner. Several funny moments, as my family dinners always are. But I was laughing SO hard when Mom told Dad that they (they being celebrities) are remaking the song "We are the World" to raise money to Haiti. She then proceeded to sing part of this song in her best Bruce Springsteen impression. She really surprised Jayme- you should have seen his face. :D It was SO funny....haha, I laughing writing this. too funny...

Then we drove up to the Connect meeting, Jayme picked up his accent on the way back to the church. It was great when his brother called and he answered speaking all scottish and whatnot. The connect meeting was great- afterwords a group of us played duck duck goose in the lobby. Yes, a whole bunch of highschoolers played duck duck goose. We're just awesome like that. Though we were getting some pretty strange looks from Brett, at one point I turned around and said "Yes, Brett. We are playing duck duck goose!" He just nodded all cool, and decided not to join us. Whatever, his loss. :P lol.

So then Saturday, nothing really exciting happened. Oh I take that back. I had rehearsal and then our Coop feast and performance of Much Ado about Nothing. It went well. A couple of the guys (cough cough DAVID) threw in improv lines- which were actually really funny. "I will now skip the rather crass remark made by shakespeare and love your cousin." hahaha, not to mention David and Drew's strange dance at the end. :P

Then Sunday we went to early service...haha my poor father- I was not happy when he came to wake me up in the morning. I was still cuddling in my warm blanket and he took it off, so I sleepily flailed my arms and grumbled back in bed. He did the whole kootchie kootchie coo thing and pinched my cheeks, which of course doesn't exactly make me want to get out of bed :P lol. Then we went to church (amazing!) and then talked with friends. At one point, Erik walked up to our group to talk to Jayme, and he had Zoey! I was so super excited and distracted by Zoey I forgot to say hi to :P Then I left, went home and pretty much watched tv all day. Another fail. I'm a bad daughter, and sister. :P Then I didnt really start studying until like six. :P

And yeah that's pretty much what goes on! Comments PLEASSSEEE!!!! :D

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lets say God, puts two people on earth and they are lucky enough to find eachother. Then one of them, gets struck by lighting. Then what? Is that it?

Oh questions questions :P lol. That was a quote from Ever After, Prince Henry says that. And it's hysterical too because don't we all ask that sometimes? haha.

So long time no blog huh?

Well lets see...

Thursday, I didn't really do much. I did my history homework for co-op the next day. Oh and I did tagalog...blecchhh. I was SO mad because now the Tagalog lessons are switching the words in the sentence around, so one time they ask the question it may be like "The man is in front of the horses" Or it may say "The horses are following behind the man" the next time. Its SO confusing...

Oh and once I finished about lunchtime, Mom took us to get flu shots. Ow. It didnt hurt immeadiatly, like when she did it but then my arm started to swell and my entire arm was sore for a couple of days. Fun. Not. And thursday night my mom actually gave me night pain reliever with the stuff that makes you sleepy so I would sleep. I haven't been sleeping well at all, and that helped just a little bit. The funny thing is it made me have some pretty strange dreams. Like Straight No Chaser came to our church and sang...pretty awesome. :)

Friday, Co-op. We had history and practiced Much Ado About Nothing. Which was really funny. There were lots of awkward moments that were hysterical- but I won't get into that. :P Friday night, rehearsal. Lots of messing up on my part, then bed. Elizabeth and Kevin stayed over because we had band the next day. What was really funny was when I woke up the next morning and went down in the basement to wake up the guys so we could leave. They all had blankets over their heads. I woke up Kevin and then moved onto the next lump of blanket and started pushing around, "Hey wake up!" Then Ramil takes the blanket off his head and looks at me. I put my hands on his face cause I wasn't sure who he was. "Ramil?" I said. He mumbled a reply. "Oh, sorry, you can go back to sleep." :P

Band was good, we recorded the bands playing and I was so flat when I was singing. MORNING VOICE :P yeah. I mean we didn't sound awful or anything, it just wasn't...great. Lol. Then rehearsal, and then I was stuck at the church for three hours ish because Mom and Dylan still had to be there but I didn't. I read "The Blind Side" (yes I'm still reading it...I don't have a whole lot of reading time, but I'm working on cutting down computer and tv time so I can learn more from reading. :P ) and got a lot further in it. Kirstin and Allie were there to do a photoshoot together and they let me tag along :) YAY! It was a ton of fun. :D I love having photoshoots. I got some good pictures of the girls and so did Allie and Kirstin. I also got to model a bit. :) There are pictures already up on Allie's Blog ( ) and there should be some up soon on Kirstin's Blog ( :D

Then THG rehearsal which went well, all the songs were high for my range and my voice was shot so that was pleasant. :P Then I got to go to the Dewebers house! And I got to see their little ninja ;) cousins Zoey and Kenley. Zoey is three and Kenley I think is somewhere around a year, and they are SO adorable. And SO funny. :D When Zoey was putting on her pajamas (or jammies as she calls them) her mom asked if the tag was in the back. She dramatically pulled out the front of the pants (like they do for those weight loss commercials) let it go and said "Yes." SO cute. Then Kirstin, Elizabeth and I got to take Kenley upstairs for a while. She had some snacks- boy her reaction to grapes is so cute and man does she like brocolli! She makes little hand motions when she wants something and goes "t-t-t-t" When she really wants something she makes this noise thats almost like a gasp mixed with a growl. Its SO funny. And she was so cute when Jayme came in the kitchen and said "Kenley, big smile!" Then she smiled and bobbed her shoulders up and down. :D
Oh and then their aunt (Aunt Korinda) came upstairs and asked me what my name was again. "Kylie" I said
"Okay that's what I thought, Zoey prayed for you tonight. She was praying and asked God to protect Kylie and I said 'Who's that?' and she looks at me and says 'Mom, it's Kirstin's friend upstairs.'"
hahaha :D I thought that was the sweetest thing. Kirstin and Jayme, you Aunt and cousins are amazing!!!

Oh and we sang quite loudly. It was really funny when we serenaded Kirstin and sang "Dulcinea" while following her downstairs. :D haha. Not to mention our shower war of who could shower the shortest ( I won at 5 minutes) and looking through books that Kirstin had of different ways to do makeup and hair. The one book was "Glamourous" and they all looked ridiculous with like pounds of glitter and was kind of gross. :P Glamour...pfffffttt ;)

then THG sunday which was great, and we had some pretty funny conversations which our guitarist Andrew. He's really funny. We were just sitting in a circle telling corny jokes. "What do you call cheese that's not yours?" "Na-cho Cheese!" :D lol. Oh and not to mention Sarah Palin. That's all I'm going to say ;) :D And then we started playing one of those logic games that Jayme was doing, and I (being a blonde) could not figure it out until told what the catch was. :P

Then I got to help celebrate my dear friend Amy's 18th birthday. :) We watched the movie Ever After (hence the quote) which is a version of Cinderella, but without the fairy godmother and with politics thrown in. One of my favorite movies. :D There are so many great quotes.

and I did homework. and I continue to do homework. TADA! That would be my life. I could go on, but I won't cause this is already really big and I have homework to do.

Yeah. Ta ta for now. Comments please!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why are you crying? Let me lift up your face...just don't turn away.

{By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North} One of my absolute favorite songs. EVER. :)

Seriously, I love it. I keep singing it- it's so uplifting and amazing.

So Sunday was the last post? Yeah so whats been going on...

Well, on Sunday I watched the Ravens and they made it through the first round of the playoffs (if I have that correct...Whatever, they won the game they played..So YAY!) :D

For bonus points for school I watched a movie called "Something the Lord Made" about how it was discovered that a doctor could operate on the heart. Really good. Kiera and I were fighting over what movie to watch and I wanted to watch that one, and when I told her that the guy who played the Doctor was Professor Snape from Harry Potter, she couldnt help but let me watch it. I win. :)

Um and a stress attack, thinking about school and the future and play and GAHHHHHHHHHHH. Have I ever told you I have panic attacks? I do. Its awful. But yeah. Then Monday, Geometry and lots of Biology...another panic attack when I found that half of my gigantic biology test wasn't on my study amazing mom just told me to study more and take it again later...I love you mom.

Then biology on tuesday, which went well. I mean, thank God for bonus points, saved my quiz grade and made it a B as well as my giant test. Thats something I can live with :) Yay!

Then I went on a fieldtrip to the National Gallery of Art to look at some renaissance paintings. It was quite interesting (but it made all of my art 'skills' feel like crap) and I wished that I could go around to look at the other exhibits and paintings but the whole time the teachers were like "Move on..Move on.." I hate that about fieldtrips. I think fieldtrips should always be all day things, to take time. Yeah! Oh and not to mention the strange car ride with friends... Drew and Kevin kept trying to shove oreos in my mouth. It was really irritating, cause they were like "Open up!!" and I was like screaming...seriously. I was screaming and flailing my arms. I finally got annoyed enough and took the oreos. They left me alone then. ~finally~ lol.

Then I got another movie for a bonus point called "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story" I read that book in fifth grade, and watched the movie last night. For those of you who don't know what this is, Ben Carson is the most famous Neurosurgeon (brain surgeon) in the world. He came from a remarkable past full of miracles, and is a very strong Christian. His story is amazing, I would encourage any of you to read the book and watch the movie. Excellent.

Then I watched the Biggest Loser- yes, just my inner nutritionist coming out. :) Then I got all excited because I wanted to go to a Health and Fitness expo in DC, which Mom said we could most likely go to, but we found out that it wasn't happening until Saturday and Sunday...and I can't go. I just found that out today. Sadness... :( Like I said, I'm a nutrition geek.

Then today, I had MCI all day. Oh and I dressed like a ninja, and I brought my nunchucks. :) It was a good day, I worked on my art project-a scratchboard of a gun which I am almost finished. Did composition, geometry. Geometry went well...seriously I understood everything and spent the majority of the time doodling. This was a wonderful way to spend time. :D

And then our dance class, that my mom teaches, had a little recital for family and friends. We were just expecting parents..but it seems like half of MCI showed up for this little performance. It went well, it was a lot of fun. We did our hip hop dance dressed as gangstas :D what now? Lol, we had oversized sweatshirts (which were so hard to dance in, I was burning up!) and a couple of us had baseball caps. :) haha. I turned my sideways and went for the gangsta I think I failed... :P

Um and now...just chilling, watched a movie, I have to do tagalog (gripe gripe dalkg i bnliweo hni awuoeh fuiofn kdfnwe uighxgukl be wukl) <- that was Kylie sound effects for not wanting to do something. stupid foreign language credit....urg.

So yeah I have to get to that before my father grounds and/or kills me.

Comments. PLEASE! :D

Sunday, January 10, 2010

~I am the eyes inside staring back at you~

Whatcha Got
Whatcha Want
Whatcha Need
Gonna be your Savior
Everything's gonna crash and break
But I know, Yeah I know
{Savior by Skillet}

I just wanted to start this post by saying Happy Birthday to Jayme once again. Jayme is an awesome friend- he is so kind and considerate, godly, and absolutely hilarious and fun to be around! :D Thanks Jayme, Hope your birthday was awesome. :)

So, Friday I went to Coop as always. I was out late with friends on Thursday night- haha on the way home from a party, it was snowing and we (Dylan, Kevin, Elizabeth, David and I) were all packed in Dylan's car. Dylan discovered that if he turned on the brights, it looked like we were traveling through hyperspace. :D So at one point Dylan turned it on and said something like "TO HYPERSPACE!" and we all started screaming. haha. It was fun.

but like I said, we got home late and friday morning I was dead. Mom said if I showed one ounce of tiredness that she was never letting me anywhere on a school night ever again. That made me try to be energetic all day. At history class, before my mom got there, Mrs. F made coffee for the people who were out late. Haha, love you Mrs. F :)

At coop we practiced Much Ado About Nothing (funny!) and then I went home and listened to music, chilled out and did some homework. Then I went to 10:31. :D I got called up on stage to do a game, and I was very grateful that it wasn't extremely gross and I didn't have to eat anything. * phew * lol. The message was great as always, and we had a great time of fellowship afterward. We got application questions to discuss and it was nice talking to friends (our parents werent there) about how we could improve and be more humble. We also got a paper thing to fill out for Face2Face and I filled it out and got my picture taken. I realized later how stupid some of the answers were that I put down, and I should have done this and yadda yadda yadda. We'll see how it comes out, lol.

Not a whole lot has gone on in between then and now. Except today is Ramil's gotcha day!!! Gotcha day is the day that we got Ramil from the Philippines. So that was four years ago. I remember, the day that they (Dad, Dylan and Ramil) got back I wasn't allowed to go to the airport. Mom and Dad said that I had to go to my volleyball game. I STILL do not understand why they didn't let me just skip it and I'm still a bit bitter about it. That day I was stuck at home after my volleyball game alone, watching TV until they came back. Ramil was so tiny!!! Okay so picture this- I was eleven and a little under five feet tall and Ramil was also eleven but like six or seven inches shorter than me. He looked so little in his gigantic tshirt, baseball cap and his backpack was huge! he had the biggest eyes you ever saw. :D haha, he was so cute. what happened? Kidding, Kidding... Happy Gotcha Day Ramil! You rock Lil' bro! :D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Melody in my head ♪

That I can't keep out got me singing like na na na na every day, like my ipod stuck on replay

that stuck in my head. how ironic.

so where did we leave off? Sunday? Yeah so monday, school started back up again :( sigh. I had Geometry class, which was nothing out of the ordinary except I got a B on my test :D YAY! Oh and I discovered that my Geometry book has little homework notes and things written into it. In the middle of class I turned to Allie and said "Allie, my geometry book has a Half-Blood Prince!" (Harry Potter reference! :D ) haha it was so funny. the annoying thing is the person before me didn't write their name in the book...I really want to know who's book it is.

Then mom made me go to the gym. We're supposed to run a half marathon in spring, so I need to start training. She told me I had to run three miles. Well, when I got there, all the treadmills were taken so I started biking on one of the spin bikes. I biked eight miles before the treadmills were open. I'm pretty happy with myself about that though, because I was on level 15 going an average of 19 miles per hour. :D yEaH. Then I 'ran' three miles. That took forever. I was going at like an average of like 6 miles per hour...which is jogging...not running. I felt like an idiot cause I havent run in forever, so 6 miles an hour was all I could push myself to do. So it took like wayyyy too long to go three miles...sad.

Then Tuesday, Biology. Then Elizabeth, Kevin, and David came over to help me with Geometry. Haha, it ended up being the lesson was all algebra and I finished pretty quick. YAY! But I still got to study and hang out with friends, which was awesome. At one point I yelled to my mom "Hey Mom, don't you just love my friends?" and just then her computer like freaked out and stopped working and she yelled "OH SHOOT!" and started screaming. Hahahahahaha :D

And my granparents came over for a surprise visit, and David and Kevin decided to hide in the closet. When my grandparents came in, Elizabeth and I were the only ones in the kitchen and my Popop goes "Where is everybody?" and I yelled back "IN THE CLOSET!" My grandparents started laughing cause they had no idea what I was talking about. I then made Kevin and David come out of the closet. My Mimi was like "Two boys in the bathroom together...thats not strange." and they proceeded to tell her it was actually the closet. She just said "Oh." and started laughing. Another funny moment, once my Dad got home, me and my 'study group' started singing and my Dad yells "Hey Glee Club! Shut up! I'm watching sports!" :D haha I love my Dad.

Then Wednesday I had MCI. Normally I have MCI all day, but right before lunch I started feeling really sick. My head was all stuffy and my stomach hurt, my mom came to pick me up so I could go home to sleep- I had so much to do the next couple days I could not get sick now. Allie told me to eat some chocolate and I told her "Okay then, Professor Lupin." (another harry potter reference :D ) and I went home, slept and ate some chocolate. And I felt better. Awesome. :D

And then I watched the Biggest Loser (we recorded it) and listened to music for the rest of the night. :D

So today, I'm just chilling. And Today is Jayme's 18th Birthday! Happy Birthday Jayme! :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch?"

Google wins.

Okay. So it's been a day and a half of strange happenings.

So lets start with yesterday shall we? Yesterday, we started taking down the Christmas decorations. (this was like lunch time ish...we woke up late) Kiera and I decided that we were going to 'rebel' and leave all the snowmen up. :) Cause, they're not too Christmassy right? Right. I got very worked up later when my mom took all the snowmen down when we weren't looking. merph. failure. So we took down pretty much everything except the Christmas Tree- which is now bare because we took off the ornaments. :( sigh...

Well anyway...then I did...something that I can't remember...ugh I hate when that happens! OH I remember now! I made soup and started going through all of these cds that said "Kylie's favorites" and stuff like that. When I finally just sat down to eat the soup, it was like two fifteen.

Then I hear my Dad from the living room "Is somebody here?" Dylan was having a group of guys over to play video games, but they weren't supposed to come until 3. A few minutes later, Andrew was standing at the door. I opened it up and let him in, but I felt really stupid cause...Dylan wasn't even home yet. And Dad was so confused. Haha. But they just went downstairs and started setting up video game stuff. It was funny, cause I was sitting in the kitchen eating soup minding my own business and in Liam comes with a TV and carries it all the way across my kitchen and downstairs. lol.

I was waiting for Kirstin to come with Jayme, normally she comes and keeps me company when all the guys are playing video games. But then Jayme pulled up (in the prius :D ) and walks up to the front door and tells me that Kirstin didn't want to come (either that or she was babysitting, he said) OUCH! lol. Ah well. So while the guys were playing video games, I just chilled and surfed the web. I then turned and looked at the living room tv, and college football was still playing after Dad had moved into his room. I proceeded to sit right in front of the tv and watch the game. I decided to root for Ole Miss, for no apparent reason. They weren't even winning.

Soon after starting to watch the game, I got really into it. I started yelling at the TV. and Dad (who has bronchitis) runs out of his room and comes into the living room where I'm watching football. He gave a me a big hug and kiss on the top of the head and yells "I'M SO PROUD! CANDY! Did you hear? She was yelling at football!!! Why aren't my sons like this! My new favorite child!!!"

Epic Win. i discovered something...I love football. :D Seriously! I never thought it would happen, but I love football. Haha, the rest of the day I was going around and telling people at my house I am the favorite child- and that I now understand and love football. I was (and still am) very proud of myself...which is really sad when I think about it. haha.

I watched football with Dad for most of the evening (Ole Miss ending up winning. Go me.) And it was also kind of entertaining when we were just watching, and we'd hear the guys playing video games yelling from downstairs. They love their video games :) lol.

It was also rather funny when I went downstairs to give Andrew the phone cause his Dad had called, and the first thing I hear when I walk downstairs is "I will get a girl!" "Well dude...when you get married..." I just stood there and stared at them, and then said. "Okay, I walk downstairs and the first thing I hear is 'I will get a girl!'...I don't even want to know..."

Okay, fast forward a couple of hours, when people are leaving. Jayme and Sam just left, and I just got on the computer. Sam then returns, gets something and leaves. They returned again for something else (...if I'm remembering this right...) and then said goodbye and left. A few minutes later, I hear the doorknob starting to turn so I turn around and Jayme walks back in the door with this big grin on his face and says "This is hilarious.." and proceeds to tell me something he just remembered about a song called Indonesia. It was so incredibly random- but really funny. As soon as they left, I couldn't resist looking up Indonesia and listening to it. lol.

fast forward- this morning I woke up to the freezing cold house. shocker. lol. We went to church where we had greeting team, and I greeted and talked with friends as well. Right after worship had started, I moved inside to greet people who were just coming in. And the WEIRDEST thing happened. This guy walks by, with (what appeared to be) his three brothers. I did a double take because this guy looked JUST LIKE KEITH HARKIN FROM CELTIC THUNDER!!! It was so weird!!! I turned and looked at Kiera and I said "Did you see that?" and she said "They looked like Keith!" It was so strange! I was a little distracted the rest of the meeting cause I was trying to find 'Keith Harkin' in the audience. lol.

Then basic after church stuff, talking with friends, went to McDonalds with my family. Dylan was teaching me this rhythm game you can play with a restaurant soft drink cup. This took forever for me to get, and we went over this game several times in the McDonalds. When I finally got it we kept playing and people were staring at the strange loud teenagers playing with cups. Needless to say, it was a wonderful use of my time. :) After that, my mom lost her keys and as Dylan tried to pull out of the McDonald's, Mom came running like a maniac and screaming at us to stop and not to leave her without her keys. Then Kiera walks over and hands mom the keys. As soon as mom got back in the car, Dylan and I started cracking up over the hysterical way mom was running and screaming. :D

and now I'm home. Watching the Ravens with Dad. :D

and it's the last day of break....sadness. :( :( :( Back to school....sigh.....

yeah that was a gigantic post. It makes up for all the short ones that I've posted the last couple weeks. Comments please.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy New Year Everyone! :D

I had a great New Years. We didn't do anything extraordinary for New Years Eve, I was reading a book before being dragged down to play board games. haha. My Dad has bronchitis (he's getting over it now) so we stayed at home and spent time together as a family. Eating junk food, playing board games and watching Star Trek. It was fun! :D

Then yesterday we went to my Uncle Mike and Aunt Lois's house for New Years Day lunch. The car ride was awful, they live in West Virginia and the roads are all windy- plus I was reading a book so I got really carsick. And on top of that, my relatives are smokers so when I got to their house there wasn't fresh air to breathe to get over the car sickness-unless I wanted to stay outside in the freezing cold- HA. Not happening.

But, the food is always amazing! Corned beef (YUMMMM), cabbage, ham, beans, red velvet cake....

yeah I ate too much.

After lunch we stuck around for a while. I kept reading "The Blind Side" right in front of their fireplace. :) This was great, until one point the flames shot out and terrified I moved to the couch. haha. Then I watched Indiana Jones with my siblings. Then after a while we went back home, and I decided not to read in the car.

When we got home I relaxed for a bit, and attempted to understand the game of football. Since I'm reading the Blind Side, all I've wanted to do since I've started reading this book is watch football. I tried to understand it, then later that evening I was talking to allie and I was like
and she said "YOU'RE A GIRL!"
and I said "I KNOW!"
lol. Allie then proceeded to explain the game of football to me, and I get it now :D She said it was history in the making, helping me understand football and that she felt so 'sporty' haha, oh allie...
So lets see if I'll like football...thats the real question here. I'm rooting for the Ravens now because of The Blind Side, plus...They're our state team so, it works :D

OH! and last night, Kiera and I were going through all the songs on my mp3 player. This was interesting, cause I always get into being a rock star and I start dancing and rocking out and stuff. Apparently, Kiera does this too! So we had a lot of fun goofing off and making our own 'music videos' in the reflection on the window. :D haha. I love her.

So that's what goes on! :D Happy 2010!

