Saturday, October 31, 2009

neverland..the cold and costumes...

So lets go in order shall we? First, Wednesday was Bekah birthday and Stephen's birthday!!! :D :D :D I had MCI that day which was good, it seemed to go pretty fast but at the end of the day at dance class Im like "I really don't want to dance now, can't I just sleep?" :P

Then Wednesday afternoon, Drew and Kevin came over to work on their Spanish Inquisition costumes for the harvest party and feast. On the car ride home, I was so hungry I opened up a packet of Swedish Fish candy. And of course Drew and Kevin wanted some so they flattered me.
"Kylie, you're amazing."
"I love your hair!"
"I like your eye makeup!"
"I like your eyes withOUT makeup!"
hahahahaha it was fun. I was so grumpy- the only reason they're still alive is because they flattered me ;)

Then Kevin got a taste of the madness that goes on at our Smith family dinners. Dad was telling this hilarious story from work. Several actually, but they're not as funny over a blog so if you want to hear it come talk to me ;)

Thursday I did my co-op homework, and got Peter Pan (the book) from the library. And I also got the movie Finding Neverland, about JM Barrie. I'm writing a report on Peter Pan, I figured if I'm going to do a report it might as well be fun.

Then Friday, I went to Co-op (I was VERYYYY grouchy Friday) it was a dreadful disscussion that never seemed to end- until we started working with stuff for the feat which is NEXT SUNDAY! :hyperventilates: I finally got to try on my full costume today :) I'm quite excited, this should be a lot of fun!!! We went through the basic structure of the feast and practiced the dance, I danced with Sam because David's sick and so was Elizabeth. Elizabeth's better now but Dave is still sick. :( GET BETTER DAVE!!!!

Then after co-op I hung around at the Ferleman's house for a while and then we all (there was a group of us) headed over to the church to get ready for the sleepover!!! We broke sticks for kindling with Mr. Brewer, and then we called Jayme (Dylan ended up hanging up on me) and Elizabeth decided it'd be funny if we all ran after him for being so rude :P that was interesting. I think Jayme really enjoyed watching us attempt to stop him from driving away :D hahaha

Then once we set up (which took forever because we had tent problems) we had a meeting and we set up the games for the Harvest Party! Once we finished setting up, we set out for the bonfire out back :) it was really fun. It was a great time of fellowship- not to mention Jayme did the worm :D I attempted to do the worm and EPICALLY failed. hahaha. yeahhh...

And we had a time of worship around the fire, AND we slid down the wet hill in trash bags. :D Then I had a ton of fun with the girls in my tent(s). We stayed up late and talked and laughed. Not to mention getting texts from a mysterious Jiminy Cricket (you know who you are ;) and others. The boys ceran wrapped Dave Brewer!!! hahahaha. And us girls had a worship session around a campfire someone made and we sang quite loudly and sometimes off key :D haha but it was fun! Apparently the boys thought we were having a screaming contest

And then this morning we woke up in the cold, wet tent. After our like...three hours of sleep. Breakfast was really drowsy, so many people were sleepy. :) We all had fun telling eachother over breakfast about what went on that night, and what was hysterical and what wasn't so hysterical :P

Then we left (Dylan, me and Kevin-Im not completley clear on why Kevins here...he asked my Dad and Dad said yes and Im braindead right now so I dont remember..) and I fell asleep in the car. And now I want to sleep but I CANT. urg. I hate that.

Then tonight will be the HARVEST PARTY!!!! :D :D :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


hi everybody.

life is...interesting.

Im starting to get really stressed out. I haven't been sleeping well, I've been having nightmares (what am I, four?) which is resulting in me being really crabby and overreacting to everything. And on top of that, I didn't do well on my test today. sigh.

OKAY lets back up a couple of days.

So on Friday I had Co-op, which was good for the most part. We practiced the dance (as you probably know David is my dance partner) and we got SO confused! We were always turning the wrong way and at one point David just started jumping up and down- which was funny because he was still holding my hand at the time so my hand was going up and down along with him. So I just started jumping too, then after a couple of seconds David says "Okay, lets stop. People are going to be like 'Why are they jumping up and down and holding hands?'" hahahahahahahaha...nicccceeee David.

Then we went to church, because there was another workshop and Mom and Kiera had volleyball. I had done the workshop before and I played volleyball and got bored, so I went to the lobby where Kevin was doing some HW on my moms laptop. Then I got on his gmail and pulled some pranks on people. THAT was funny. :D

Then I went to Pizza Hut with some friends for Kiera's volleyball party. I could only eat one piece of pizza cause it was SO greasy.

Then I got dropped off to the church by my mom, I was early for the meeting so I started playing Guess Who with Jon. I kept looking at the door every couple of seconds to see when the deWebers would come! Then I realized it was my turn to ask a question, and I looked down at the board then right as I wasn't paying attention.

"Jump Start!"
I jumped. It was Jayme! How on earth did I miss them come in? I stood up and gave him a hug, then hugged Kirstin and we all started talking. I was SOOOO happy to see them!!! :D Then there was a meeting, which was good. :) Then social time!!! And I could tell about how I completely humiliated myself in front of a group of people but I think I'll skip that part ;)

and then Dylan's like "Its time to leave!" and the meeting had only ended about twenty minutes ago. Thats the disadvantage of your brother being your only ride home.

Then Saturday, Dad's birthday!!! We watched a movie in the morning, then we went to the studio in the afternoon to record with the band. But then we had technical difficulties so we didn't end up recording...urggg. I think the band needs to be a bit more organized :P we all have our own And I dont think I'm even an official member yet :P

Then Saturday Night we got a whole bunch of chicken wings and stuff and watched The Goonies :D good movie.

Then Sunday... church! Then Work, which was so unbelievably busy. To summarize, I helped a disabled man with his bags to his car, helped a little boy find his mother, and I got a BIG attitude (like close to yelling attitude) from this guy who was all ticked off that we ran out of caramel apples. Let me tell you that is hard to deal with, cause all you can do is smile and nod until they leave. :-| Then the time in between those things I was bagging NON stop. I was so tired and hungry by the time I was done.

Then I went to Bekah's Birthday Party! Which was a ton of fun! I got scared a lot (haha, I'm such a wimp. I'm a weirdo too because I hate being scared but I love it at the same time :P ) and we got to have a campfire and talk and tell jokes and stories :D oh and not to mention I got a big old purple bruise on my knee because Allie yanked me and I lost my balance :P
(don't worry Allie <3>

Then I went home and crashed.

Then the next morning (Monday) I woke up and showered and got ready for the day and started doing schoolwork, then went to Math class (which was fun because she was grading tests so I got to talk with friends for an hour :D ) Then I went home, finished up school and watched Edward Scissorhands!

Okay, so Edward Scissorhands is an incredible movie! Its so creative and Johnny Depp is amazing! Its one of my favorite movies, but man it is so sad! Tears were just rolling down my face at the end of the movie. But don't let that stop you from watching it, because it is SO worth it!

Then I did something else....I listened to cds and read my Bible.

And then there was today, which was going well until biology class. :( which as you can tell from there my day just got steadily worse. woohoo....

So now Im trying to cheer up. And if you know me, I can be really hard to cheer up sometimes. :P Yup so I need hugs and prayer. Not necessarily in that order. haha.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

happy fall...errr winter?

yup its getting cold. but the weather is so fickle, it goes from winter to fall to winter to fall to winter...sigh. BRING OUT THE SWEATERS :D :D :D

of course I brought out the sweaters weeks ago...ANYWAY.

My grades are going up :D :D :D YAY!!!! Im quite happy. Time management rocks. :) And I've been good mostly. Little crabby and mean at points, kind of sad at others.

Im looking foward to Christmas. haha yes already. :) I've been listening to Christmas music and mom just got this spray stuff that smells like a christmas tree. And gingerbread men...heehee. Man I love Christmas. :) I can't wait to go Christmas shopping :D

oh not to mention...this song is like my new favorite song EVER! It's Thankful by Josh Groban, and its amazing. It makes me feel so well...Thankful for everything God's given me. :) Check it out!!!

sigh...I love Josh Groban. His voice is incredible and his range is epic. Im so mad I cant sing one of his songs without cracking at least once :P

hmmm lets see what else is up..OH well another funny story about my Dad :) So we were grocery shopping, just me and Dad. Im really close with my Dad and I love doing stuff like this with him. So I stood on the front of the cart and Dad pushed me around the store, pretending like he was going to run me into things. haha. But what was really funny is we passed pickles in one of the isles. and I was like...

"Oh Dad, why don't we get some pickles?" "No. If I eat pickles, your mother won't kiss me." "Well if I eat pickles, boys will stay far away from me." "Good point. Go ahead and get them." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D I think I've learned how to reason with my Dad. LOL. :)

and then there was a meteor shower that I stayed up to see but then there WERE CLOUDS! I only saw like a minute of it and then it was gone. Stupid clouds...

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Ryan Didone's death. The fifteen year old guy who died in a car accident. :( this makes me sad.

Oh and on a Happier note. MY DADS BIRTHDAY IS SATURDAY :D :D :D Im SO excited! Ive got some fun stuff planned, it'll be amazing :D :D :D :D :D :D

and hmm what else? hmm school, more school, work, relaxing, emailing, texting...



So they'll be at the Connect Meeting!!!!!!! :D :D :D YAY!

hmmm and thats pretty much it....


Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hi!!! Im happy for no apparent reason. I love it when that happens!!! :D :D :D

Im also bored. And I really dont feel like studying more tonight. haha.

So lets see whats been up. Not much. RAIN and COLD. But the heater in my room started working YAY! And I've been using my amazing electric blanket, and wearing my giant sweater and watching movies in my spare time. I watched 'A Walk To Remember' the other night (the book is so much better) but this time when I watched it, I cried harder than I had before. Kiera walked in and was like "You've seen this like five times! And you're still crying?" and I was like "ITS SO SAD!" Nicolas Sparks just loves making people cry doesnt he? I would know I became addicted to his books over the summer, but the last one just destroyed me.

And Friday I went to a dance workshop after coop. That was fun. Then Saturday I got up early to go to work and right as I was about to leave my phone rang, it was Todd Butler telling me I didnt have to come. And I was like "OH. Okay.." I was kind of happy I wasnt working cause it was so cold and dreary outside, but then again I was like "I just woke up early on a saturday for nothing!!!" lol

Then at One on saturday I went to Christmas show rehearsal/workshop where we did a tin soldier dance :) it was quite fun. Then I had THG (oh not to mention I hadnt been recieving texts for the last 24 hours) and while we were practicing a song my phone started beeping like crazy cause I had NINE TEXTS MESSAGES!!! I jumped up and screamed. Kelly wasnt very happy with me though :P lol Then I saw this great band at my Dad's youth center. :) It got Dylan and I thinking a lot more about songs we could do for the band we're in.

THG was great. Now Ive just been doing homework and texting. haha I texted alot at THG because allie's new phone is really cool :D :D :D

Then I was doing homework and listening to music and texting. When I was listening to music, when "Whispers in the dark" came on, Cassie pulled the wire so that the speakers moved and then she laid down with her ear right next to the speaker. I was like "Wow, You're obviously my dog." :D :D :D

and I've been writing down rock songs that I like that might work for the band. and now I have Catch Me by Demi Lovato stuck in my head...which isnt really rocky but she's got a rock type voice. :)

OH and did I mention how irritated I am with Miley Cyrus? Her new music video for "Party in the USA" is completely innapropriate. Her outfit is immodest, the way she acts is innapropriate and the lyrics are bad. Doesnt she know she's a role model to thousands of little girls around the world???!!!! DONT watch the video. JUST DONT.

and yup that was completely all over the place I know but thats what goes on.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Its that time of year.

Where everything starts slowing down just a tad, and its hard to get work done when your hands are freezing off. :P Its cold now, its like we skipped fall and moved right on to winter! What happened?

My little sister Kiera and I share a room and guess what? Our heater is broken :P so we're piling on the blankets and I've been going to bed wearing my slippers and giant sweatshirts the last couple of days. Im still in my pajamas as I write this- they're very comfy :D

Well whats been up? So on Tuesday I watched the Biggest Loser, which is really starting to get on my nerves because they sent home this guy who totally should have stayed while the other should of gone home!! UGH! Is the point of reality TV just to annoy you? I mean really!

Then Wednesday I had MCI all day :D Starting with art class, half of which we had outside and it was SO COLD!!! I also discovered that I don't do well with oil pastels. They're hard for me to use.

Then Composition class, I de segregated the room (previously we'd been sitting guys on one side of the room and girls on the other) I was like "What is this? Elementary School? OKAY are you ready for this?" I got up and moved to the other side of the room and sat next to a boy (how scandalous! :P jk) and then the class started to mix up a bit. haha. I was the start of a big movement :D lol

Then at lunch I proposed the idea to Allie of growing my hair out until spring and then getting it cut for locks of love, and she said that she wants to do it with me! So that's the plan, so we'll have long hair through winter and then in spring it will be short. Locks of Love is a charity when you cut off ten inches or more of hair and then they make wigs affordable to kids with long term hair loss. Its really awesome.

Then Geometry...that was interesting, I learned it was 'Hug an Asian Day'..haha weird. So then we started talking about hugs and as I walked by David I gave him a hug, and then Kevin was like "Hey why'd he get a hug and not me?" (Kevin was sitting down across the room at this point) and David said "Kevin, there's a reason I'm 6 and you're 2000!" Those who are in on that joke will find that funny :P Also its funny because David made up the numbers not me...

Then Dance- that was the hardest one so far we were all sweaty!

Then I went upstairs to get ready to leave and I was told to text Jayme and tell him everyone says hi and that we miss them. Its funny whenever someone says "It'll buff out" we'll all be like pretending to sniffle and cry. Know that you are missed deWebers.

Then I went home and relaxed...

And then this morning I recieved a text from jayme (that appeared to have just gotten there) and I replied to it. THEN I looked at the details and noticed that the text was sent at 11 last night- so I had just texted him at 7am washington time. And guess what? I woke him up again. Im just so smart... :P

And then I started debating the whole haircutting thing...did I really want to? what would my friends think? would I look good with short hair? all of these crazy selfish things. and David said to do it, that its more rewarding than I know. Just to not do it because of peer pressure and I said "I'm not doing it because of peer pressure, It was my idea." Which then made me feel stupid because thats just what he said to me at the youth retreat when I was giving him a hard time about shaving his head. ha. And he was encouraging me, not bringing me down. He gave me some great advice after that (David you rock!) so that's got me thinking about my reasons for not wanting to.

Just be praying that I make the right decision. :)

And I did school today and now Im blogging and chatting and texting...Im a brilliant multitasker ;)

Yup. You all are awesome. :D


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


life is hard...

SO I never really got to post on that get together two weekends ago cause Ive been so busy. But there were alot of funny moments, like Dave hiding in my closing, Jayme and the others scaring the fegeebles out of me, and Dave making me fall off a swing (I had bruises for a week!) but we had a lot of fun. :D Friends are awesome...

But then on Sunday after the get together, I woke up with a head splitting migraine. So bad, I was laying on the floor of the bathroom feeling sick, shivering and about to puke. Then as soon as mom gave me medicine (seriously) I fell asleep. I woke up and everyone had gone to church without me, so I just laid in bed, had a long quiet time and then watched Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Then at one, I was better so I went to work at Butlers all afternoon...SIGH...and I met a girl named Lindsey who is actually a neighbor of the Hills! :)

Then Monday I had Math Class, and found out I was doing worse than I thought...Great. Then Tuesday I found out I was actually FAILING Biology. Even more fantastic.

So my mom bought me a planner and started helping me with my study techniques. :D Let me just say that I adore my planner (and my mother :P)

Then Thursday, I went to work again, 3-5:30. tiring...

Then Friday, we had coop :) which is always fun. We're doing a Medieval Dance (which is so simple, we have no idea why we struggle with it so much...) but it's fun. :) David's my dance partner and he always makes faces while we're dancing. He's hoping to go to the feast as Robin Hood and I'm going to go as Maid Marian. lol. so creative right? :P

and then I saw Cats (the musical) at Elizabeth's house for the first time. MAN, that movie made me want to get up and stretch- those dancers are amazing. I really love dance :D

Then the 10:31 Meeting! :D I love our Youth Ministry so much :) There was this great message by Steve Whittacer about zombies (how we are alive by God's grace, and how we are dead but have been brought to life) and then he told us that we were free to come up to the front if we felt like we really needed God's help. I felt like God was calling me to come foward, but I didn't know what for. I went forward and prayed on my knees to God and soon found myself crying. I had felt so confused lately, like God wasn't there and when I kept calling him he wasn't answering. But he assured me of his existence, and convicted me that I was making excuses for not spending time with Him. And that I was making excuses for not sharing the gospel with others. It was really amazing :)

Then I said goodbye to Kirstin and Jayme, who are going to be in Washington for the next few weeks. :(

Ode to Kirstin and Jayme-
I miss you.
Already, I miss you.

heehee that was the extent of my poetic creativity :D But its the thought that counts, right?

And then I went to the Hoffmans, Elizabeth and I were having a sleepover with Sarah. It was a lot of fun! We stayed up late, we didn't plan to but we ended up staying up late. We got these teen magazines and we made fun of the was hysterical. We were like, do people actually read these things for advice? Its sad! "You will find true love at the pool." Fat chance...
We stayed up to 3 am. So we got really hyper, my favorite funny thing of the night was when Sarah threw her mascara across the room. That was so funny. Cause Elizabeth was like "oh can I see that?" and then Sarah was like "Yeah" and threw it the other way. "Oops." and then Sam made Bacon at 2 am. haha.

Then we woke up at 7 for the Mill for Women, which was great. I wasn't tired yet. Then I went out to Breakfast with Elizabeth, Sarah, Debbie and Amy. It was so fun! Then we went to the Calderones house for a while. We brought Stephen back some McDonalds for breakfast, you should've seen how suprised he was to see five girls at his house. LOL.

Then I had to go to work at 1. I worked from 1 to 6 up in the pumpkin patch. It was cold, but fun. I hate checking out things because I mess up. :P

Then I went to Church on Sunday, thats when the tiredness caught up to me. I almost fell asleep in the meeting. Then I was dead tired at work again in the afternoon. But I did work up the courage to ask a girl at work if she wanted to come to the FEE concert and she said yes! Im so excited. Oh, and there's this guy who looks like David twenty years older who works there. WEIRD.

Then I did homework all evening.

Then Monday I had math, did better on my test. :) Then Today, I went to Biology and got a 95 on my math quiz. :D

Not to mention I got a text from Jayme of a picture of 'real mountains' hahaha. I replied to his text (it was 9 am then) and I had forgotten about the time change between us and Washington. I woke him, Kirstin and Erik up....oops.... haha.

But yeah thats life. I could keep going, but this is long enough as it yeah.



Monday, October 5, 2009

Autumn Fun

So I had Allie, Kirstin, Jayme and David over for a photoshoot and campfire get together. Allie took all of these pictures, all the ones I took are fuzzy. :( So she's not in any of these photos so I'll start with her first. I became good friends with Allie in 4th grade, when I met her at school at Covenant Life. (ahaha now she tells me stories about elementary school that are so strange...a few embarassing :P ) I always loved being around her because she always made me smile :) And she still does. We've had plenty of fun times, texting and talking on the phone, having sleepover and laughing over inside jokes (sniff sniff) Now we've grown up, and she's a wonderful friend of mine. We talk about everything, goofy and serious. We have plenty of inside jokes :P lol and she's always there to cheer me up when I'm down, and to pray for me and remind me of God's word. Love you Allie!
haha. Kirstin, you're so naturally pretty. :) I met Kirstin a little over two years ago, right after they moved here from Colorado. So basically I met Kirstin and I thought she was the coolest girl I'd ever met in my entire life and I wanted to be her friend SO badly. I still remember what she wore when I met her, she was wearing pink bengals and this rockstar type shirt. Cool huh?But I was extremely immature and started being really snobby towards Kirstin and thinking that she was annoying (what a lie. now I have guilt...). Lucky for me, she decided to be my friend despite my lack of maturity- I'm so glad she did! Kirstin is one of my best friends and she's always there to make me laugh, snap some photos (amazing ones too! check out her blog and to give hugs when needed. She's so amazing, and we have so many fond memories and inside jokes. :D Love you Kirstin!
Okay so this is one of my favorite pictures of all time. The lighting is awesome. I met Jayme at the same time as I met Kirstin (seeing as they're siblings...) when they moved here from Colorado. I officially met him at the Discovery Land meeting and found out that he was going to be in the same THG as me. So I asked if he wanted to come sit with me and Dylan. When I started being better friends with Kirstin I started better friends with him too. Jayme's a really fun guy to be around. He's funny and he's a really godly guy. I remember coming downstairs one morning after I had some people over and Jayme was sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bible. We've also had a lot of fun playing in the pouring rain and talking about Skillet music, not to mention a few texts and surprises (more like scares) here and there (maybe that was an understatement :P). Jayme you're a great friend and I'm glad to have met you! :)
haha I put this one in cuz I like my expression :P hahaha. me and 6 (see David's story below)
Okay so isn't this the coolest picture? The lighting is so cool. It should be a band cover! :D 6, me, and 13...
(keep going...)
This is a pretty cool picture, David's jump makes it interesting and it almost looks like Jayme's falling over. Okay so I met David in 6th grade, he was in our history coop. And I was mean to him, and thought he was really obnoxious and strange. I was in coop with him for three years before we really became friends the summer before 9th grade. When school started, David and I started talking a lot and realized that we were a lot alike. After a while we started having long talks about what God was teaching us and what we were struggling with, which led us into a strong friendship. Not only is he a wise godly friend, he's so fun to be around! He's constantly making things hilarious, and he can make me laugh at myself and at how stupid I'm being. He can always make me laugh, and he's there for me to talk to when I need it. Thanks for being an awesome friend David. :)

So yeah. It was a fun time. I think I'll post about some of the stories that took place at this get together another time. For now enjoy the pictures, and feel free to look at others on Allie's blog and Kirstin's blog :)

God had truly blessed me with so many incredible friends. Thank you all for your friendship, for the ways that you help me grow everyday. Thanks for being there to inspire me, make me smile and talk, pray and give hugs. You all are amazing friends and I cannot thank God enough for you!!!



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October!

:) I love Autumn.

So before I go on into how wonderful Autumn is, I must tell you about amazing Wednesday.

Art Class is first, yes! So I got to finish my drawing of my interpretation of 'The Singing Butler' by Jack Vettriano. I think it came out pretty good. Kind of messy but good. Now we're working on a scratchboard drawing of our favorite animal. Which is hard because I have a lot of favorite animals, I love birds, monkeys, dogs, I guess I'll just choose one. I got a scrap piece of scratchboard to work with so I would know better what I'm doing, and I did a drawing of an owl. :)

Anyway, then I went to composition class. I flipped out when Mrs. Blendermann said that I needed to chop my newpaper article in half. I tend to over write, but when she assigned a paper that only needed to be a half a page long...thats really hard for me. :-/ So now I've got to figure out how to do that...

And then lunch...yay lunch! I got to sit and talk with my friends and relax for a bit. What I dont get is ten minutes into lunch, people start cleaning up. And its like "helloooo we have twenty minutes left...why are you leaving??"

And then math...which got really funny at points. Like I turned and looked at Allie, and for no apparent reason at all we started blinking at each other. Then we laughed and started paying attention when I noticed Kevin staring at me. I mouthed "what?" and then he started batting his eyelashes and giving us flirty eyebrows. Allie and I had to bury our head in our arms to keep from laughing out loud, then when David turned around and told us to be quiet we pointed at Kevin. Then Stephen turned around, gave us a funny look and we pointed to Kevin, who gave STEPHEN the flirty eyebrows and then Stephen started laughing too.

And then Mrs Stevenson made a comment about the differences of the male and female brains and then she was like "Oh no, I've made girls notice there are boys in the room and boys notice there are girls in the room. Stop noticing and read your math!"


And then I had dance class that I got to 'teach' for like ten minutes. I didnt really teach we just kind of brainstormed. And then I was done classes for the day and proceeded to go outside and talk with friends while waiting for Dylan to pick me up. I talked to the Kelleys and Hoffmans and David and then the DeWebers came for choir and I got to talk to them too.

Well of course then Dylan picked me up and we went to my Dad's new youth center!!! My Dad's been telling me what this new youth center was going to be like since I was 11. So being able to go to it and check it out was SO COOL! There's a recording studio, like a real recording studio. I freaked out, all of that cool equiptment- it was so amazing!

And then Jayme, Kirstin and Eric came to jam with us in the studio!!! There was a misunderstanding and we thought we were recording, but we just jammed- but it was still a ton of fun. I gave them the tour of the youth center and told them about all of the earth-friendly features. haha. Including the bamboo cupboards that my Dad thinks are butt ugly. haha. :) and the furniture, and these couches that's backs are non existent.

But we got to sing and Jayme rocked out on guitar, Eric on drums and Dylan on bass. :) It was also a great time to just talk and chill with my good friends :) It was awesome.

or mime to my good friends...
once the door to the studio is closed, you can barely hear whats going on in there from the editing room. But you can see through this gigantic window. So Kirstin and I started miming. We did the thing from Harry Potter "Will you go to the ball with me?" Dylan started laughing, but Jayme (who hasnt seen Harry Potter) came out of the studio to see what on earth we were doing :P

there were several funny moments, but I think it was hysterical when Dad was talking to Jayme about college and stuff when Kirstin and I walked up. "You-don't be crazy and you- stay away from boys." hahahaha. :)

But yeah it was a ton of fun. Kirstin and Jayme, you rock. :)

And now today I just did all of my Coop homework and I've been chatting and chilling (seriously its cold!!!) and watching TV with the bro. Its SO amazing outside, cold, but amazing. Really pretty :) And tomorrow we're going to see Toy Story in 3D after coop. :D It'll be great. email me if you want to come. :)

yup so thats whats up.


