Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'll be seeing you Amy

This post is for my dear, dear friend Amy Calderone who went to be with the Lord at 10:59pm on January 17th.

I love you so much. You have had one of the biggest impacts on my life. Way back in the day at Gems you were always so fun to be around. I thought you were so grown up cause you really worshipped God, which was weird for me. I wasn't even a Christian then. Then I really started to get to know you at Shakespeare Camp, when we did Romeo and Juliet years later. You were so happy even when I had a bad attitude and I was like "Man. Why is this girl SO happy?" It had an affect on me. I became a Christian a few weeks later. Then at Chieftain after I had become a Christian, I was so scared cause I didn't know anyone. Then you asked me to have lunch with you. I never felt so accepted in my life. You challenged me and my faith, apart from those long talks at lunch with you, I don't know if my faith would have lasted.You were always encouraging me, and never stopped talking about the Lord. That amazed me. Your smiling never stopped, and it made me smile and I love how you laughed and that quirky look you get on your face when something strikes as odd to you. You were a big impact on my life and I miss you.
Your absurd love of salt and olives.
Haha, how you started packing me a lunch when I always forgot mine.
Your hugs.
Your CONSTANT prayers for me.
Rooming with you at Worthy... "dear Amy...I mean Lord!" "Lord thank you for letting me eat Amy... I mean, meet Amy..." That trip was so fun.
Late night talks about God's word and his grace.
Talking about Chocolate. We are such girls.
When I stayed at your house, and we goofed off and had snowball fights with Stephen. Drinking orange juice way too loud.
All that laughter we had.
Your teasing whenever I hugged someone. "Awww..."
Your music... The songs you wrote and your love of it. Your beautiful voice.
Your absurd love of salt on your cucumbers and olives! Which I always thought the olives thing was gross.
How you always packed pasta for lunch, and when we teased you, you'd be like "What? I'm Italian!"
How You'd give me back massages late at night and just talk to me about God.
Every single conversation we had was encouraging. Every one.
You gave me stationary to write encouragement notes to others, as you had done for me. I kept in my journal. Those words are so precious.
Working with you at Butler's too...that was so incredible. You always made me smile and I loved the shifts we'd work together. We'd end up laughing, or being each other's heroes for saving the other from stinkbugs. You were always so relieved going home from work "No more stinkbugs..."

Now, you're home. And praising him forever, and I can't wait to join the party with you up there. You beat us all. You are going to be SO happy. And I am sad for me, and for your family and all those that love you, because we miss you so much. You mean so much to us, and I really can't believe you're home now. But now, you're at the Celestial City- Heaven. Dancing and praising the Lord FOREVER. I can't wait for that day.
Goodbye Amy. I'll be seeing you.

I have read that a place exists we were made for this and I never knew
My friends told me I lost my mind I'm believing lies but I know its true
There's a place, where there's no fear of judgement or death
No more sorrow or pain or regret
Nothing but happiness forever

And when we reach the city
We'll understand the journey
To the land we were made for
The city of our King, and we'll be Home.

We'll have peace like we've never known in our glorious home, never leave again
We'll be ask to sit down and eat at a marvelous feast to our hearts content
And we'll see, for the very first time in our lives
What was hidden before from our eyes
And we will meet the one who made us.

(The Promise-Pilgrim)

"So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will come to take your joy away." John 16:22

"You heard me say to you, 'I am going away and I will come to you.' If you have loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." John 14:28

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