Wednesday, September 29, 2010 where it gets crazy.

Well Hello. I don't why I'm blogging ( I really should be studying for my Algebra 2 test that's due tomorrow.) I needed a break from the freakishly busy schedule and stress. School and work are pushing on me all the time. And then I dont even want to concentrate on studying HARDER for school so I can do better, which I really should do. But if I'm lost in the crazyness all the time...i might die.
School is hard. There's a lot expected of me. So far, Junior Year is being pretty tough. The subjects are hard, and it's a lot harder for me to concentrate and do well. Its all HARD.
And the play stuff is complicated. Like the rest of my life.
And Karate is physically exhausting. :P I love it, but man. I have to start eating better or I won't have any energy. At all. I'm currently living off of: cereal for breakfast (with the exception of days I get coffee and a bagel) then a late lunch, normally soup or ramen noodles- and pretty much a snack for dinner (excepting days I go to California tortilla after work). Yeah. I've been eating junk. When I actually eat. No wonder I'm hardly alive.
Oh yeah. And pumpkin season starts this week. Which means: I'm also working at Butlers! So that's going to be crazy too. (and I cant find my sweatshirt...which worries me...)

I love both my jobs. But I'm kind of like....freaking out as it is. :P So I'm gonna be super busy, and I'm hardly going to see anyone. I feel like I'm neglecting people... :(

PLEASE pray for me. I'm so stressed. :P


ps. this photo is from vaca, courtesy of Allie. I miss the fun days relaxing at the beach...........

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Megan and Kris's Wedding :)

So there is this girl named Megan who is my cousin. We lived next door to eachother until I was five, when we moved to another house still close by. Growing up Megan was always a very close cousin. Now...she is married to brilliant man named Kris. :)
Look at her... she's beaming. :) The ceremony was beautiful. It was in the Governor Calvert House in Annapolis, which is this beautiful historical building. And one of the coolest parts of the wedding was as a surprise: I got to sing to them. :)
I sang "At Last" which is a classic love song, it's super cute. It was so fun, because they didn't know I could really sing. Everyone was cheering and people were was one of the most adorable things I've ever been a part of. :)
And they loved it. :D

My soul face. ;) "A thrill that I had never known OOOOOOOOOHHHHH yeah you smiled oh and then the spell was cast...and here we heaven..." ♪♫
"For you are last." AH I'm still so excited just writing about it. Megan was so impressed, and said it was the sweetest thing ever. Kris said it was so special to them. :)

Aww. :) I love her. After dinner, and lots of fun dancing and partying. A Smith Tradition took place, the singing of Al Jolson's "You made me love you" by all the men of the family, and the groomsmen and of course the groom Kris (who did not know the words..hahaha)
Dylan, Ramil, Robert (cousin), Uncle Bob, Danny (cousin), Uncle Sandy, Dad, Matt (cousin) Kris and the groomsmen were to the side. It was great. Especially since Megan was singing along. This has generally got to be one of my favorite parts of Smith weddings. So fun. At one point, Dylan was holding Megan's champagne was hysterical.
Look at them. After seven years together, they are married "At Last". :) They what a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple. I love weddings, and seeing how happy couples are together. It's just so amazing. :) Congratulations Megan and Kris. You are incredible and I love you both very much. :)

~Kylie Clare~

ps. the picture below is my cousin Oliver :D :D :D He has mad dance skills. The women were swooning over him.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Um so. Life is crazy. And strange and complicated.
School is hard.
My moms a tough Chem teacher.
SAT vocab takes forever.
Karate hurts.
I hate not getting enough sleep.
Little kid crushes are the funniest things ever.
Mitchell and Mark make me laugh.
I miss my best bud in Turkey.
I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday (excluding the hohos I had last night). But I'm not really hungry.
I had a ton of fun at our rain photoshoot yesterday. :) Then Music cafe and watching pushing daisies. :D
I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me right now. and I don't like it.
I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
I'm singing at a wedding tonight. and I'm not ready. :-/
I could not sleep last night. Seriously. I fell asleep for the first time at 3:30 am. It was awful. My eyes hurt I'm so tired.
I really should be doing TOG right now...but Kiera has it and I'm chatting Christian...
I still feel like I'm having an adrenaline rush. which is weird cuz I havent eaten or drank (drank?drunk?druken?) anything today yet.
and I should really go.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Heeeyyyyy Jooooeeey!!!!!

So on Saturday, I got to go see the Terps play football against Morgan State. This was because I just so happen to know incredibly amazing people, in this case Chris Perdue. :D I went with him, Josh Hill, and Arden Anderson. And it was SOOOO much fun! Just hanging out with them all was fun (Arden was awesome, I had just met her but she is so fun and I must admit we are quite similar from what I could gather ;D ) and Chris took Josh and I on a tour of the Clarice Smith's Performing Arts building before the game...which was sooo cool (if I go there and do vocal performance, that's where I'd be like all the time :P )

oh yeah.. football. yeah so we sat in the student section, we were in section 13 right behind the end zone and right next to the band. It was pretty awesome :D Seriously, it was a blast! So much fun cheering and yelling, and many inside jokes were created ;) ;) ;)

and oh yeah, thanks to arden's awesomeness, we got food for free except for tips ( even though...I only had I kind of relied on others tips. I fail. :P ) but just the same that was great. :) and like I said, sweet seats, my friends, and a good game the terps creamed 62-3

after the game ended, we headed out, ...walking to the car was kind of terrifying. right on the highway, wedged next to cars parked on the shoulder for the game and passing cars. but I was in between josh and chris so that made me feel a little better. we went and got ice cream at cold stone :D then Chris took Josh and I home.

That was just a brief overview of all the little fun things that happened that added up to an incredible time! I had so much fun. :D Thanks Chris!

comments please! many more posts to come...if I get time...


Thursday, September 9, 2010

It has begun.

School is here. But we all know that now and there's no need to go on in boring detail about how my first week of school has gone so far :P MCI yesterday was great. I had two fun classes, dance and acting. :D and of course Chem with Mom in the morning.

But what was really exciting is what happened last night... :)
It was Wednesday, another day at the studio. But I knew that I was going to be testing for my brown with a stripe, the next belt.
It was a normal class. I got beat up a whole lot, and my legs were stretched beyond what I thought I could do. But at the end I was tested.

I had been practicing the whole hour before, all my combinations, one steps, and forms up to seven, which is what I needed. I knew them all, but when she asked for them out of order, I really had to concentrate. Then she asked me to do Pinan 5, which I know, but I didn't need for my test. I did it, trying to concentrate. I didn't do it as perfectly as I would have liked but it was good. Then after doing my combinations, she had me do 8+9, then sparring 8+9. By the time I had done everything she asked me, I was completely exhausted. I broke my board (horsekick...really fun :D ) and lined up with the rest of the class.

Then Susie announced, that instead of going from brown to brown with a stripe, they were moving me straight up to RED.

WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I was so surprised! I skipped a whole belt? I mean, what? :D :D :D I'm still super excited about it.

Well yes, that is the exciting news. And yes I must get back to school. So toodleloo. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The last week, the wedding, and today

So this past week was my last week of summer. And sad to say I did nothing extremely worthwhile. :P I cleaned, got ready for school, went to work, watched TV with my family, wrote some songs and sang...a lot. But that was pretty much it. And I watched Camp Rock 2 :P hahaha...

Then yesterday I got to help at and attend Martin and Janice's wedding. For those of you who don't know this couple, they are some of the coolest people I know and I adore them. Janice is Mrs. Mays daughter, and she's helped to direct Pilgrim and Esther and has done so much for us in the Acting ministry. I've done workshops and camps with Janice and I always learn so much, and she is so fun to be around. Then Martin Landry, who I first knew as Janice's boyfriend, then fiancee and NOW..her husband. :D Martin is a comedy genius. He's SO funny. And he's also extremely musically gifted. He and Janice did pretty much ALL the music for Esther. And they love each other so much. :) Now, they are married. Helping at their wedding was such a joy and attending the ceremony was beautiful. So congrats to Martin and Janice Landry!!! :D

And today...I went on a walk with Mom to Starbucks (her back's been hurting so she wanted to stretch it out a bit, please pray for her!) and I like starbucks. :) and this WEATHER...ahhh it's sooo pretty and it's cooling down. I love fall. It's my favorite season. :)

And I'll be going to our church service for the first time in two weeks :P First the youth retreat than vacation. Then I'm going to my cousin's baby shower!!! :D

then. a single day of summer left.

