Wednesday, January 26, 2011

If only it were easy.

Hello my blog readers, if any of you are still there.

I have been reminded of the brevity of life this past week and a half. Last week, my friend Amy past away (her story can be seen on the post previous). This was really difficult for me, and the week was possibly the longest of my life. If only this life were easy, and we could live it without any pain or suffering.

But it's not. We're here for a reason. And while we still hurt, life will go on. Our time here is so short, let's not waste it. This is what I have been learning this past week, why do I spend so much time concerned about myself and how cool I can be and how funny I am or whatever when in reality- NONE OF IT MATTERS.

We have to live in light of eternity. Life means so much. Psalm 90:12 says "Teach us to count the days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

This is what I want to do. Who's with me?

So as you see, there are some changes to the blog. I'm going for a more mature approach...less BAH! and more...ahh. Of course I'll still be sharing funny stories, and very crazy posts. That's the fun of having a blog right? But, I want to be highlighting more of what God's doing in my life and others. So while I blog about whatever hysterical thing happened that day, I'm still keeping it in perspective. :)

So I hope you readers are still there and with me. :P I'm going to try to be blogging more when I get the chance to.




