Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello snow. It's nice to see you again.

It's always nice to look out the window
and see those very first few flakes of snow
and later on we can go outside
And make the impression of an angel that just fell from the sky.
(In like a lion-Relient K)

Here we have experienced a good amount of snow. We have at least eight inches at my house and it had been a fantastic week. :) Been doing much better about reading my Bible and praying, and I'm SO grateful to God he's helping me do that. And I'm so thankful for my friends who have been texting me verses and encouragements. :)

Since Wednesday, it's been very snowy and cold here. School's been out, I've hardly gotten to work because the studio's been closed. But, I've caught up on a lot of schoolwork so I'm very happy about that. I've gotten to relax these past few days, doing reading and homework cuddled up on the couch. I trudged through the snow with my family to McDonalds to get some food and then I spent most of Thursday afternoon and evening at my dear friends the Perdues! :D I had so much fun sledding there. Not to mention Amy and I made this brilliant snowman who's body was like six times the size of his head. hahaha. :D we had hot cocoa and talked and some people played apples to apples, it was a good time. :)

Then yesterday after getting some school done, Elizabeth, Sean and Chris came over to watch Into the Woods. :D It was great, Chris came early (he and Meghan got me those AMAZING sock monkey slippers you see above. :D) then Elizabeth and then Sean. We had pizza and soda and Netflix wasn't working so we talked and played a board game for almost an hour and a half. :P hahaha, but it was still a lot of fun. We finally got the movie downloaded and watched it downstairs, I absolutely loved having them over. :) Thanks for coming guys!

Then Elizabeth spent the night. And we had a whole lot of fun laughing and talking late into the night (but not too late, you all know how much I love sleep :P ) And this morning we made pancakes (after a run to the store to get stick butter and bacon) and she left a couple hours ago. Now I'm looking forward to my weekend. Probably gonna watch Hercules with Ramil this afternoon. :)

I hope you all have been having a wonderful time in the snow. :) Comment to let me know what you've been up to! And/or how I can pray for you. :) I'd be happy to.

His grace has washed me white as snow. :)



  1. The monkey slippers are amazing. I want one. I mean two.

    Cali has been running around being hyper. I have been sledding around being hyper.

    Thanks for asking how you can pray for people. Please pray that I would not be judgmental (this is something I struggle with a lot).

  2. Wow, kylie! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I tried to make a snowman in my backyard for the longest time and it just didn't work. Humph. Please pray that I would have a bigger desire for God and a diminishing desire for the things of this world (that don't satisfy). thx!


