Monday, December 27, 2010

2010: What a Year.

So much has happened in the last year. And once again I can't believe that the year has gone by so fast. I have been so incredibly blessed. So much has happened this year that Im grateful for. :)


-Geometry class. HA. I hated Geometry. But I had a blast goofing off with my classmates :P
-March for Life! That was so incredible.
-I started to understand football. And enjoyed it. And watched it with my Dad.
-Harry Potter Marathons!
-Zombieland. Dude. :D
- Those three snow blizzards that got us like a month off school (well...not quite...)
-Keith! Oh that was a great short film DP.
-That sledding party at the church
- Esther!
- Playing soccer for OBGC. And losing pretty much every game but it was still fun.
- Serving at the Banquet
-Doing 4H Kids n' Dogs.
- Going to NIH, often. The people at the gate recognize me now
-Women's Meeting at the Church with Elise Fitzpatrick.
- Iced Coffee and Muffin Mornings. :)
- Philly!!! :D That was so fun.
- Having my first Philly Cheese Steak, from Philly. And having a "Ladies Choice" from an old fashioned soda shop. It was brilliant.
- School ended.
- Graduation for Dylan and lots of my friends!
- I started Karate back up again. :)
- Summer Celebration. And raspberry iced tea.
- Gettysburg.
-Hershey park!
- Birthday week!
- Sweet Sixteen party with Dan!
- Youth Missions!
-Working at Butlers.
-Karate weekend. Testing day and competition.
- Pirate music camp. Ha.
- Drivers Ed. Highlight? Not sure... :P
-I got to know so many people and become good friends with them. Including Christian Zehr!
- The Youth Retreat
-The Beach! :D
-Sean and Steph's wedding.
-HEY JOEY! The Football game with Chris, Josh, and Arden. Arden is my long lost twin, just for the record ;) :D But yeah that was a blast.
- Martin and Janice's Wedding. :)
-Went to Chipotle for the first time. And two times after that. I love me some chipotle.
-Getting my wisdome teeth out. No, the pain was not fun. But, I did enjoy just staying home, relaxing, watching movies with friends and napping all the time.
- Pushing Daisies. Oh yes.
- Halloween, the harvest party dressing as cinderella, and having people over too.
- We be tubbin. DC with the Kelleys and the Allens was SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun.
- Midnight Premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
-Thanksgiving at my house.
- Esther came out on Dvd. Been working on Godspell.
-Christmas. :)

Monumental moments
-I got my learner's permit
-Sweet Sixteen
-Christian Zehr moved to Turkey and Caleb Hill moved to wales
-I joined the Glass Class. :P WW2
-My phone finally broke.

Amy Calderone was hospitalized and still struggling for life and consciousness.

Regrets? Plenty. More than I would like to have. I complained too much. I cried. I was lazy. I said things I didnt mean, and I often got carried away. I hurt SO many people emotionally. I treated stuff like a game, and caused myself to suffer. I didnt give as much as I should. I didnt spend as much time with the Lord that I would have liked.

Resolutions for 2011?

Strengthen my relationship with the Lord, and follow him wholeheartedly.
Be a better daughter, sister, and friend.
Not to be so stressed.
Not eat junk all the time.
Work hard so I can play hard.
To see that others are happy, and to care for them.

and I dont want to make any totally ridiculous ones right now.

I hope you all had a good 2010. And I hope you look forward to what this New Year brings. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas, let us start with Christmas Eve shall we? I went to the Christmas Eve service at church with my family, where I heard the gospel preached once again, gave and received gifts and hugged many people. :) I love Christmas. So much love all around. Then I went to my Aunt Mo's house, and we stayed there until like 11 because we were watching "Its a wonderful life". So I chilled with my family and my Aunts, and cousins, ate food and laughed a lot. Then completely crashed in bed.

Then who wakes us up at 7:30 to open stockings? Oh that would be my father. :P Yup so we got up, opened the little things in our stockings. We each got sleds and little things...kiera and I got these little things called "singamagigs" that open their mouths and sing in harmony. heehee. Then mom started to get breakfast together and we waited like an hour for my grandparents showed up. Then we opened presents, and it was great. I was totally surprised by stuff that I got. And I'm really happy with it. Its funny how well my parents know me. One of my presents was a Cinderella doll. I was so excited. Plus Mom and Dad loved the present I got them so YAY! :D

Then some of my extended family came over for brunch, and hung out until like one. Then we chilled, I started watching A Christmas Story then about fifteen minutes later I left with my family to go to my grandparents. We had Christmas dinner around 3:30, with my grandparents, and my Aunt Lois and Uncle Mikey. It was delicious and so stuffing, after a like twenty minute nap we opened a few gifts from Mimi and Popop and our Aunt and Uncle. Then dessert. We had a busy crazy fun blessed day. It was wonderful.

I hope your Christmas was full of fun and good memories. :)

Stay tuned for my post on highlights of 2010. :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve.

Today is Christmas Eve. How did this happen? It doesnt matter now, I am just so excited. I'm so happy for pretty much no apparent reason. But I'm still struggling to think of what to do with Mom and Dads present cause the more I wonder about it, the more I think they won't like it....

but so much is going to happen! Christmas Eve service, then going to Aunt Moe's house to hang out with my cousins. Then tomorrow morning, opening presents with the family, then brunch with all the relatives and then going to Mimi and Popops for Christmas dinner. :) It will be brilliant. :)

Merry Christmas Eve.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Immmm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exciteedddddddd

SOOO lots of things are happening that Im excited about
First off Christmas is coming!!!! like seriously....five days...WHAT??? IM SO FREAKING EXCITED
oh and I just saw ESTHER ON DVD TODAY! SO EXCITED! :D :D :D its amazing, and Im not just saying that cause I was in it...seriously. its amazing. buy it. watch it. love it.
and I just finished a practically two hour chat with one of my best buds who lives in Turkey (and now has purple hair)

yes. happiness abounds.

(ps still be praying for amy!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


if you haven't heard, Amy Calderone, a dear friend of mine, had a brain hemorage and had to have emergency surgery today. the part of the brain that was hemmoraged was the part that controls involuntary processes such as breathing- which is vital to survival. PLEASE pray that God would work a Miracle, and if this be his will, to SAVE AMY'S LIFE!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas time is here...happiness and cheer...

I'm not even going to bother going through all the crazy stuff that's been going on lately.

Why don't we start with CHRISTMAS IS COMING! We are less than TWO WEEKS AWAY. And I, am soooo excited. But I still have so much to get!

Do you know that feeling when you're getting someone something and you know they're going to love it? You just have to wait to see the look on their face? Oh yes. I love being in cahoots. It's my favorite place to be. heeheeheehee.

And let us not forget the reason for the season. Jesus, who came to earth as a baby.

"The first time that you opened your eyes did you realize that you would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left your lips did you that it would change this world forever?
And I. I celebrate the day that you were born to die,
So I might one day pray for you to save my life."
(I celebrate the day- relient k)

I'm so excited for things that I'm going to be doing these next couple of weeks. :) I just hope I get my homework done. :P

13 days. :D

