Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kylie and Cassie: Weekdays on NBC

Cassie (my dog) and I could have our own sitcom. Our relationship is a strange one. See...I feel like God gave Cassie to me to learn some things about life. He sure has a sense of humor.

Cassie, is too much like me sometimes in all the wrong senses. She's loud...whiny...doesn't know what she wants most of the time, and my good friend Stephen would put it "abuses the power of being cute". She's obnoxious and she gets away with it. I mean...look at her little fluffy face! She lays down smack in the middle of my bed after I've made it, refuses to move, gets up at an ungodly hour of the morning and starts whining at me for attention cause she's bored, she sits by the couch when I'm reading and trips me when I get up, she won't go outside when it's raining but oh boy can she be a pain! I've been so close to getting rid of her...

I guess now I know how my parents feel about raising me. :P Ha. I mean I don't trip them when they stand up or lots of other dog things that Cass does...but I can sure be whiny and obnoxious sometimes! And really difficult...and loud...but they have the same philosophy about me that I have about Cass.

I love I guess she's gotta stay. :P

just a random look in to my incredibly ordinary life.

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